Dr. D. K. Olukoya
Our message this week is very important,
especially to those who were born and brought up in this
environment. Life is something many people fail to understand
because there are so many questions those men cannot answer. For
example, Cain and Abel were two men born of the same parents. They
had similar backgrounds, similar abilities and were headed in the
same direction but Abel was successful while Cain was overshadowed
by failure and frustration. The world is exactly like that.
A lot of black people are wrestling with shadows.
What does this mean? Some people have done all there is to do for
them to be successful, yet they remain failures. Some even have
higher degrees and have done everything that qualifies one for
resounding success yet success remain elusive; their children are
disobedient, their marriages are unstable and sicknesses are
becoming a routine affair. A person just discovers that in one
particular area or in many areas of his life, he is struggling with
something he cannot understand or identify. He just goes from one
problem to another. He is always at the edge of good health but
never really achieving good health. Sometimes the way may look clear
once in a while but as some people try to go to the clear way, they
stumble and fall. This is what we call wrestling with shadows. Many
people cannot get a grip of what is happening. They are struggling
with something they cannot understand or identify.
We are in a world of powerful forces that harass
men. These powerful forces do not operate according to natural laws.
There is a lamentation on this in the book of Ecclesiastes.
Ecclesiastes 9: 11 says, “I returned, and I saw under the sun, that
the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither
yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor
yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them
all.” This lamentation proves that there are forces operating on the
lives of men that men cannot understand. The forces that determine
the course of our lives are both visible and invisible. The powers
that confuse the lives of men most can do so through what we call
the mouth gate. A lot of people are in such bondage. 1 Corinthians
10:16 talks about the kind of communion we have in the church now.
It says, “The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the
communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it
not the communion of the body of Christ?” During communion service,
when the cup and the bread have been blessed, the cup then has the
power to transmit the blessings of the New Covenant to those who
drink it. Therefore, by simple spiritual interpretation, it shows
that a physical object like a cup used during the Last Supper can
transmit spiritual power. Likewise in Numbers chapter 5, we read
about what happens when a woman is suspected of being unfaithful to
her marriage vows in those days. Numbers 5: 18 says, “And the priest
shall set the woman before the Lord, and uncover the woman’s head,
and put the offering of memorial in her hands, which is the jealousy
offering. And the priest shall have in his hand the bitter water
that caused the curse.” (They would have water inside a cup and
issue a curse on the water). Verses 19 - 22 say, “And the priest
shall charge her by an oath, and say unto the woman, If no man have
lain with thee, and if thou hast not gone aside to uncleanness with
another instead of thy husband, be thou free from this bitter water
that causeth the curse. But if thou hast gone aside unto another
instead of thy husband, and if thou be defiled, and some man have
lain with thee beside thine husband. Then the priest shall charge
the woman with an oath of cursing, and the priest shall say unto the
woman, The Lord make thee a curse and an oath among thy people, when
the Lord doth make thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to swell. And
this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, to make
thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot. And the woman shall say,
Amen, amen.” In this case, the cup of water is the vehicle through
which the destroying power is transmitted. So, if the woman had been
truly unfaithful, that water would transmit the curse and the belly
would swell and explode. So, destroying powers can be transferred by
physical objects. Therefore, if you have been served meals from the
devil’s table, you may live your life wrestling with shadows unless
you are purged. Once you get something from the table of the devil
you would be wrestling with shadows and won’t know what you are
fighting against unless you are purged. The reason is that what you
are fighting against is inside your body and you are thinking that
it is one old woman or one relative somewhere. The thing has already
been deposited inside, and you are going around with it.
In our environment, wicked people succeed in
making some people to be wrestling with shadows through the mouth
gate. Sometime ago, I went to somebody’s office and the person said,
“You are welcome. We have some meat that we just used for a
festival.” I said, “What do I do with it?” He said, “It is for
consumption.” I said, “I don’t eat food from the table of the
devil.” He said, “What? Table of the devil?” I said, “Jesus has been
made a once and for all sacrifice. Anybody that is killing anything
after Jesus died is sacrificing to the devil and those who eat it
are eating from the table of the devil.” The scripture is very clear
on this. It can be very frustrating when somebody is fighting an
external force when the problem is internal. It can also be very
frustrating when somebody has a physical object in his possession,
which is the vehicle of his problem and he does not know. Sometime
ago, we prayed for a sister and the demon spirit that spoke from her
said, “Well, ask her to bring the cloth we gave to her.” The sister
brought the cloth, which was destroyed before she could regain her
freedom. It means that as long as she had that cloth in her
possession, she could sing all the praise worship in this planet,
and read all the psalms, but there would be no freedom.
Sometime ago, we held a revival service in a
church and when an altar call was made to those who wanted to
receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I saw a dear old woman who
came crying and saying that she could not understand why it was
difficult for her to receive the baptism even after many revivalists
had visited her church. So, I said, “Madam, you will be filled with
the power today.” She said, “Thank you my son I will try.” I told
her to pray and she prayed until she was sweating. Her clothes were
soaked. I was impressed with her prayers yet nothing happened. I
could get impressed but I am not the giver of the Holy Spirit. At a
stage, I left her alone and sat somewhere else to pray. I asked the
Lord what was wrong with her and the Lord said I should look at her
hand. I looked at her hand and saw a particular ring on her fourth
finger. On the ring was the symbol of a half moon. The Lord said
that with that ring on her finger, His Spirit would not enter into
her life. Then I said, “Mama, open your eyes. Who gave you this
ring?” She told me that she inherited it from her great grandmother.
I took the ring from her and made her to understand that the half
moon was the sign of witchcraft. She gladly gave it to me and did
not have to pray for one minute before she received the power of the
Holy Ghost. She did not know that her enemy was on her fourth finger
for 25 years. She slept with it, woke up with it, bathed with it,
went everywhere and did everything with it. So, she was busy
wrestling with shadows instead of the real thing, which was on her
fourth finger.
When you are wrestling with shadows, you would be
kept away from receiving the blessings of God. God would be offering
the blessings but you would not be able to get them. Sometimes you
may not even realize that there is a blessing to receive. Somebody
who is under witchcraft attack in our environment would be
manipulated, intimidated and dominated. What do I mean by
manipulation? The following illustration gives us the answer.
Sometime ago, a man married a very beautiful wife, who was light in
complexion. But he noticed that in the afternoons, the woman would
take a knife and begin to scratch her body and salt would be coming
out of her body. He got worried and decided to visit a white garment
prophet. Before he got to the white garment prophet, the woman had
visited the white garment prophet to inform him that her husband was
coming and that he should charge him very high fees. They were
members of the same evil society but the man did not know. That is
manipulation. How can you have a bed in your house and somebody
would tell you to be sleeping on the mat, or they remove your all
the protein food from your diet, that is domination and
intimidation. The wife of a man asked him for soup money and he had
only N20. He gave her the N20 and she took it, tore it up and said,
“What do you want me to do with N20?” And the man slapped her. The
woman said, “Okay, you have just slapped yourself.” Right from that
day, the man started feeling as if somebody was whipping him. Even
when he was in the office, it was the same thing. He would be
dancing in the streets and people thought he was mad. He was in that
condition until he got to a prayer meeting where the Lord sent fire
on the invisible evil whip. The man was wrestling with what we call
shadows. In normal wrestling matches, what we have is a physical
challenge. But when your challenger is a shadow, you have an
impossible task in your hands.
Idol worship: Worship and acknowledgement of
false gods would lead somebody to wrestle with shadows.
Involvement with dark societies and occult powers would cause a
person to wrestle with shadows. If somebody’s father was a
secret cult member, he would be wrestling with shadows.
Disobedience: Disobedience to God’s clear
command would lead to wrestling with shadows. The Bible says
that at the time of ignorance, God winked at it. But if you
understand it and you are disobedient to it, you are inviting
Disrespect for parents and the elderly: This
makes people to wrestle with shadows.
Sexual perversion: All forms of sexual
perversion, as far as the Bible is concerned, make people to
wrestle with shadows.
Stealing: All kinds of stealing and also
being stingy with God make people to wrestle with shadows.
Curses: Anyone operating under a curse would
be wrestling with shadows.
Remote control forces: There are some forces
called remote control forces. Somebody who lives in London could
be remote controlling the life of another person in Nigeria like
somebody operating a television set. Our environment is so
filled with wickedness that many people are already programmed
to spend the better part of their lives wrestling with shadows.
This message gives you have an opportunity to strike back and
recover your blessings.
1. Attack by demon idols: The first area
by which they make people in this environment to wrestle with
shadows is what I call attack by demon idols. They send a demon idol
to a person to attack him or her. They cut off part of people’s
clothes, steal their shoes or underwear’s or collect things from
people’s body such as their hair, nail, etc and give them to the
demon idol to enable it to identify who to fight. If you lose things
like that, and wave it off as one of those things, you will be
surprised to find that it is not one of those things, but an attack.
These demon idols which are usually short, come with big clubs in
their hands. They are generally used to kill or render people
useless. I know a person who was attacked with a demon idol. The
thing came into his bedroom and hit him on the right hand with its
club. The hand got paralyzed immediately. If not for the fact that
he knew the name of Jesus, he would have been maimed in that hand
for life. A person who is spiritually blind would not be able to see
a demon idol. So, if it is sent to attack such a person, he or she
will not know what hit him or her. If you allow them to go free, you
are giving them opportunity to stage a comeback. So, you must deal
with them.
Withdraw your stolen materials or the parts
cut off from your body from them.
Issue an invitation to the demon idol to come
by the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ and command it to go
back to the sender.
Command the evil materials that have been
injected into your system to be neutralized by the blood of
Jesus. That is how to handle them.
If you are living in a flat where a demon idol
has walked through before, whether it succeeded or not in its
assignment in that place, something has already been deposited
there, so, you need to clean up the place.
2. Strange touch: A strange touch is when
you feel that somebody touched you but you did not see the person or
even if you saw the person, certain things began to go wrong as from
that moment. That is what is called a strange touch. When somebody
with a spiritual poison in his hand shakes your hand or touches any
part of your body, you would feel serious heat internally or a funny
sensation. That is a strange touch. Life would become meaningless as
from that moment.
Way out
1. Shake off the strange touch, in Jesus’
2. Ask for the fire of the Holy Spirit to saturate every organ
of your body.
3. Return the strange touch to the sender.
Beloved, if you notice that someone is just
looking for an opportunity to touch you, you better beware. Women
who do not mind men touching parts of their bodies carelessly are
playing with fire. They can receive a strange touch through that
way. A believer ought to angrily give such men a stern warning,
plead the blood of Jesus and shake off the evil touch. It may be the
touch of wastage, which can result into all kinds of female problems
like late marriage, bareness, etc.
3. Encounter with the spirit of death:
Wicked people can send the spirit of death to a person. This evil
spirit is generally a dark tall shadow. It walks into the room and
wants to touch the person. Or the person could be seeing another
personality inside him or he could be seeing coffins, or he could be
seeing himself being buried, or he could see people planning his
funeral. Another evidence of the spirit of death pursing somebody is
when you have masquerades running after you in the dream. A lot of
people have this encounter.
Way out
Bind the spirit of death and hell.
Return spiritual obituary to the senders.
Keep declaring Psalm 118: 17 which says, “I
shall not die, but live and declare the works of the Lord.” If
you have experienced this kind of thing before and you did not
cancel it, you maybe walking about the street three-quarter dead
by now.
4. Strange call: Some people have heard
their names called out in the middle of a sleep, these are strange
calls. Sometimes, a person could hear a familiar voice call out his
name three times. If the person answers, he or she becomes a shadow
fighter as from that day. A lot of people have answered such strange
calls. Many times they call us like that but God just does not allow
us to hear it. He sends them back before we even have time to hear
because He says, “Touch not my anointed and do my prophets no harm.”
Way out
Ask for forgiveness for not being a proper
sheep of Jesus, because He says, “My sheep know my voice and a
stranger they will not follow.” If then as a child of God, you
heard a strange voice and you answered, it means that something
is wrong with your spiritual life. So, the first thing is to ask
for forgiveness for answering the call that is not from Jesus.
Rewind the call.
Return the call back to the sender. If you
had answered, withdraw your answer by this simple prayer: I
withdraw the answer, in Jesus’ name.
5. Serpentine spirits attack: Serpentine
spirits are very dangerous demons. They represent the dragon we read
about in Revelation 12. A person under serpentine attack may be
pursued by a snake in the dream. A snake may spit on the person or
bite the person. The person may be playing and discussing with a
snake in the dream. What are the implications of all these? They
would prevent the person from achieving goodness in life. They would
scare the person away from good things. If the person has received
saliva from the snake, he would have an evil mark on him. But the
blood of Jesus can rub it off. If a snake has bitten the person then
spiritual poison has been released into his or her body. This would
cause sickness and death in the person’s life. The snake venom that
has been spiritually introduced into a person’s life can amputate
the person’s spiritual life. If somebody plays and discusses with a
snake in the dream, it means that he or she has a covenant with the
snake and water spirit as well. The person may be unconscious of
Way out
Rebuke the serpentine spirit, in Jesus’ name.
Withdraw your name from their register
because they just don’t send the snake to anybody. They have a
book from which they consult.
Plead the blood of Jesus and ask the Holy
Spirit to neutralize the serpentine saliva and every poison
injected into your body.
Release yourself from every conscious and
unconscious serpentine covenant. Now you can command any
obstruction to leave your way. If a snake is running after
somebody in the dream, the truth is that the snake is trying to
chase the person away from the blessing that is about to come to
him or her.
6. Demonic signature: A certain young
female undergraduate, who used to make a mockery of her lecturers
who preached the gospel to her changed her music when she woke up
one morning and found a signature on her palm. The signature was
written in a strange language she did not understand. She used all
kinds of soap to wash it away but it did not go. Eventually, she had
to go to the preachers she had mocked for help. These lecturers
preached to her and prayed that the evil signature should go off and
it disappeared. That was an evil signature. She was lucky to have
seen it physically. People who have evil signatures on their bodies
do not prosper. Whatever they lay their hands on will not work.
Marks of scratches that people see on their bodies when they wake up
from sleep are evil signatures. They must be rubbed off.
Way out
Clean off the marks and stamps by the blood
of Jesus.Invite the Holy Ghost power to burn away the demonic
pen used to write them.
Release yourself from any evil linkage. Psalm
97: 10 says, “Ye that love the Lord, hate evil: he preserveth
the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of
the wicked.” Psalm 149: 5-9 says, “Let the saints be joyful in
glory. Let them sing aloud upon their beds. Let the high praises
of God be in their mouth, and a two- edged sword in their hands.
To execute vengeance upon the heathen and punishment upon the
people. To bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with
fetters of iron. To execute upon them the judgment written: This
honour have all his saints. Praise ye the Lord.” These
scriptures give us the right to rewind or recall any evil that
has been done to anyone in the past and to execute judgment on
behalf of God. Colossians 2:14-15 says, “Blotting out the
handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was
contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his
cross. And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a
show of them openly, triumphing over them in it.” That is the
stand of scripture. 1 John 3:8 says, “…For this purpose the Son
of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the
devil.” You will be amazed at how many people the devil has
tormented and is still tormenting with shadows. You must pray
aggressively to defeat them because we know that they do not
have the final say on your life. It is only God that has the
final say but if you don’t bring God into the situation, He will
be watching you. If you bring Him in, you can take back what has
been taken away from you by violence.
1. I refuse death and curses, in the name of
2. I choose life and blessings, in Jesus’ name.
3. I cancel all satanic claims against me, in the name of Jesus.
4. I shake off every strange touch, in the name of Jesus.
5. I bind the spirit of death and hell, in the name of Jesus.
6. Every strange call upon my life, go back to the sender, in
the name of Jesus.
7. You snake spirit, I bruise your head, in the name of Jesus.
8. You demonic handwriting, I rub you off with the blood of
Jesus, in Jesus’ name.
9. (Place one hand on your head and the other one on your
stomach as you take this prayer point) Holy Ghost fire, begin to
burn in my body, in the name of Jesus.
10. I break every curse of blindness, in the name of Jesus.
11. Wonderful God, I thank you, in Jesus’ name.