Dr. D. K. Olukoya
Immunity is a state whereby certain things cannot
harm you. It is having an internal defense. Sometimes, people wonder
why they are always attacked and the attacks prosper while some
other people do not even see any attack and it seems as if nothing
touches them. Perhaps the later group has learnt the principles of
spiritual immunity.
Ordinarily, believers are meant to be immune to
certain things but lack of knowledge kills people prematurely. When
you get born again, that is, you have given your life to the Lord;
there are some important things you should know:
You need to know what you have as a result of
your being born again.
You need to worship God. You need to spend
time with God everyday, in prayer and in studying the Bible.
You have to attend church services. Church
attendance is compulsory for those who are born again. The Bible
says in Hebrews 10:25 that we should not neglect the assembly of
one another.
You need to give to God your tithes and
offering, so that He will open the windows of heaven and pour
down blessings upon you.
You have to witness to others. Tell others
about God’s salvation.
You have to live a clean and separated life.
The Bible says, “Do not be unequally yoked together with
unbelievers, for what fellowship has light with darkness or what
concord has the temple of God with Belial.” Immediately
you get truly born again, your friends will change. If your best
friends are unbelievers, then your new birth is questionable. If
you say you are born again and your boyfriend or girlfriend is
an unbeliever, you are playing at the edge of hell fire and the
devil might push you in very soon.
You need to know who you are.
Talking about spiritual immunity, the first place
to start is your identity. Who are you? If you do not know who you
are you cannot know what to do about immunity. If we say there is an
outbreak of disease in the streets and a person does not know
whether he is a monkey or human being, he will not know what to do
because the disease may not affect monkeys at all.
John1: 22-23 says, ‘Then said they unto him, Who
art thou? That we may give an answer to them that sent us. What
sayest thou of thyself ? He said, I am the voice of one crying in
the wilderness, make straight the way of the Lord, as said the
prophet Esais.” So, that man knew who he was. The question is, who
are you? Ignorance about your identity can put you into trouble. The
lesson on identity is an important one.
Somebody called Jacob in the Bible learnt that
hard lesson. He saw that by his identity he was not in the place of
blessing. A lot of people by what they are called, are not in places
of blessing. In Genesis 27, Jacob got the blessings of his brother.
He thought he was being clever, but did not know that all he did was
a change in his identity. He got his brother’s identity card.
One of satan’s most effective device is to get
Christians to doubt their identity as God’s children. He used that
trick on Jesus. He said to Him, “If thou be the Son of God, command
these stones to become bread.” What was he trying to do? He was
trying to make Jesus to doubt His identity.
Elijah too, knew his identity. When some people
came to him and said, “Man of God, come down.” He said, “If I be a
man of God, let fire come down.”
Jesus answered the devil correctly and Elijah
also answered his enemies correctly. The devil also said to Jesus,
“If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down.” Again when Jesus was
on the cross, some people said to Him, “If you are the Son of God,
come down from that place.” They thought that Jesus would say,
“Nonsense, I will come down so that they can see,” but He did not
listen to them.
The same way the devil is speaking to many people
today. He would say, “If you are a child of God, why are you
suffering?” “Why do you have evil thoughts?" That is why I am asking
you the important question, “who are you?” Some people call
themselves names when they pray. They say, “O Father, I am a worm, I
am unfit, I am bad, I am cruel, and I am naked.” That is your old
identity card. Now that you are born again calling yourself such
names before God amounts to showing Him your old identity card and
it shows that you don’t know who you are. The devil will whisper
dirty things into the ears of believers and will blame them for it.
Then they begin to cry, “Why am I thinking like this? Why is my
heart like this? But I am born again.”
The prodigal son was unworthy and bad but the
Bible says that after some time, he came to himself. That is, he
knew who he was. He realized he was a son and not a slave. The devil
will push you forward and backward if you don’t know who you are.
You have to realize who you are before you can be immune against
spiritual poisons and arrows.
Looking at the life of Jesus, we could see that
He was always confessing who He is, what He is and His mission in
life. He said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” He says, “I
am the bread of life. I am the light of the world.” The question is,
who are you? I am not asking for your name but for what God says you
are? What is your identity? The Bible says, “Jesus is the vine and
we are the branches (John 15:5). 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore
if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature old things are passed
away; behold, all thing are become new.” It means that as a child of
God you are new creature. In Ephesians 2:10, the Bible says, “You
are His workmanship”. He works on you, and you are His product.
You are the righteousness of God in Christ. 2
Corinthians 5:21 says, “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who
knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.”
Romans 8:1 says, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them
which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after
the spirit.” This means that you are in Christ Jesus. Romans 8:37
says, “Nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through
him that loved us.” This means that you are more than conquerors.
Colossians 3:3 says, “For ye are dead and your life is hid with
Christ in God.” This means that before somebody can get at you, the
person will get at God, remove Jesus out of God, remove you out of
Jesus and then remove the Holy Spirit out of you before he can get
at you. But we know that that is impossible. If you don’t know all
these, you will be like Peter who was released from jail and did not
know that he was free. It was when he got outside the town gate that
he said, “I thought I was dreaming. I know that the angel of the
Lord has set me free.”
The day you know who you are, that day you win a
great battle for yourself. When you are asked to pray for a person
who is possessed and you say, “Ah, not me. I have not reached that
stage.” You are told to preach in the bus, you say, “Not people like
me.” It is because you do not know who you are. The feeling of
unworthiness has made many Christians a target for the devil. It is
often said that you never know what you can do until you try. Some
never believed they could be free from their problems until they
started praying. When you know who you are, you will keep confessing
it and saying it loud.
When you stand your ground like Elijah who said,
“If I be the servant of the Most High God, let fire fall. I am from
the third heavens. The Spirit of God is in me. The Lord is my
defense. You cannot overcome me”, then you begin to notice some
breakthroughs. Many do not know who they are and when the devil
comes to them, they do not know what to declare. Until you know
correctly who you are, certain things will not be clear to you.
They asked John the Baptist if he was Elijah or
that prophet or the Messiah and he answered, “No.” Then they asked,
“Who are you then?” And he said, “I am the voice of one crying in
the wilderness, follow the way of the Lord, make His path straight.”
When you know who you are, your confidence in God would be settled
in your spirit.
The will of God is for the totality of our being
to be in perfect health. God would rather give you perfect health
than have you coming to Him all the time to say, “Heal me, heal me.”
When you are immune from a disease, it means that you are protected
from being affected by that disease. Normally, when a person is open
to infection, three things can happen: The disease will either avoid
the body or lands on it and cannot penetrate or penetrates and the
body kills it. In that case, the body can be said to have immunity.
The Word of God makes us to understand that it is
better to have immunity than to evacuate the enemy after it has
gained entrance. Most of the time it is after the enemy has gained
entrance that we begin to shout, “go out, go out, depart,” instead
of preventing it from coming in.
You will do well to memorize these scriptures. It
will save you a lot of medical bills.
1. Exodus 15:26 says, “And said, If thou wilt
diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do
that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his
commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these
diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I
am the Lord that healeth thee.”
2. Deuteronomy 7:15 says, “And the Lord
will take away from thee all sickness, and will put none of the evil
diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, upon thee, but will lay them
upon all them that hate thee.”
3. 3 John 2 says, “Beloved, I wish above
all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy
soul prospereth.”
4. Malachi 4:2 says, “But unto you that
fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in
his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the
5. In Psalm 91, we identify the powers of
darkness in all its ramifications - terror by night, arrow that
flies by day, pestilence that walketh in the darkness, destruction
that walketh at noonday, forces of defeat, plagues, lion, adder, the
young lion and the dragon. But the Lord says He will deliver His
people from them all.
6. Psalm 105:14-15 says, “He suffered no
man to do them wrong; yea, he reproved kings for their sakes,
saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.” “Touch
not” means do not even get near.
7. Zechariah 2:5 says, “For I, saith the
Lord will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the
glory in the midst of her.” God will be a wall of fire
around His people.
8. Zechariah 2:8 says “For thus saith the
Lord of hosts. After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations
which spoil you. For he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his
eye.” Say to yourself “I am the apple of God’s eye."
9. Mark 16:18 says, “They shall take up
serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt
them, they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”
10. Psalm 103:1-3 says, “… who forgiveth
all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases.”
11. Isaiah 53:5 says, “But he was wounded
for our transpression, he was burised for our iniquities: the
chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are
12. Matthew 8:17 says, “That it might be
fulfilled which was spoken by Esais the prophet, saying, Himself
took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.”
A believer that confesses these scriptures daily
would not be harmed even if somebody poisons his food. A certain
evangelist went to preach somewhere and the people did not like him.
So, they employed a cook who was poisoning his food everyday. The
cook would put sufficient poison in his food and he would sit down
and pray over the food and even for the cook before eating it and
nothing happened to him. The cook was so amazed that he confessed to
the evangelist and surrendered his life to Christ.
1. Repaying evil with evil: Believers are not to
harbour resentment. Romans 12: 21 says, “Be not overcome of evil,
but overcome evil with good.” And verse 20 says, “Therefore if thine
enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink for in so doing
thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.” Do you want to heap
coals of fire on your enemy’s head? When he is hungry give him food
and when he is thirsty, give him drink.
Do not allow wrong attitudes and actions to stir
up the same attitudes and actions in you. If somebody hurts you,
don’t harbour resentment. If somebody lets you down, do not
broadcast it to the whole world. If you do, you are breaking down
your immunity. Believers never repay evil for evil. For example, if
you greeted somebody respectfully and the person replied in a
careless tone. You then decide that the next time you see him
coming, you will carry your face to the other side, you are repaying
evil for evil. Don’t take revenge, if you do, you break your
immunity. Even if you confess all the Bible passages in the whole
planet and you take revenge, you break open a space through which
the enemy can enter. We are overcome by evil any time we decide to
pay back those who offend us in their own coin.
About ten years ago, a woman came for prayers,
after she has tried many things and all roads were blocked. I prayed
for her everyday and after five days, the Lord said, “Tell her to
forgive one person she has promised never to forgive.” Then I called
her and said, “The Lord said you will have a breakthrough provided
you can forgive this person you have refused to forgive.” She looked
at me for one minute and said, “I know who you are talking about, it
is my husband and let me tell you I cannot forgive.” I asked her why
and she said, “Before we got married we did not have anything and I
was suffering with him. After some time, God began to bless us. We
bought three cars and moved into a big house. Do you know what my
husband did? He picked a girl, the age of our first daughter and
brought her into the house and said all of us should move to the
boy’s quarters. Can you forgive that?” She asked me. Then I said,
“Madam if you will not forgive, this is where our prayer programme
will end. Then she said, “Give me five minutes.” She went to the
back of the church, sat down and cried. She then came back and said
she was ready to forgive and we prayed. The following day, her ways
began to open and everything went through. The Bible says that when
you pray, forgive. It also says, “Forgive us our trespasses
just as we forgive those who trespass against us.” If you do
not forgive those who trespass against you, God too, will not
forgive you your trespasses.
Anytime you pay people back in their own coin you
take the position of God. You set yourself up as a lawyer, a judge
and the executioner. God says, “Vengeance is mine, I will
repay.” He also says, “You shall keep your peace and I
will fight for you.” But people would always say,
“They got me annoyed.”
Why do people get annoyed?
People get annoyed when other people don’t
measure up to their personal expectations. They would say, “My
advice was ignored.” “They don’t love me the way I want.” “My food
was not served the way I want it served.” “They were too slow for my
People get angry when they feel they have not
received a fair share. “They gave my job to another person.”
“Why does it always happen to me?” “Is she prettier or more
intelligent than myself?” “Why did they get the larger share?”
People get angry when they feel that their rights
have been violated.
People get angry when they are not prepared to
put up with a little bit of inconvenience. If you are still in the
category of those who say, “They are getting on my nerves,” then
your nerves need deliverance.
People get angry when they feel that others have
hurt them. The devil who is a clever fighter will always allow you
to see the fault in others but not the ones in yourself. And if you
are ignorant you will not know that he is trickishly trying to
remove your immunity. If you don’t stop at this stage, he will lead
you to the next stage. Then you begin to use the carnal method of
fighting. You face your spouse or wife to say, “You need your head
examined,” or “You are absolutely stupid.” The use of insultive
names like idiot, old monkey, or threatening people, criticizing and
gossiping must be avoided. Never repay evil with evil or you will
lose your immunity. But if you repay evil with good, you will put
coals of fire on the heads of the enemy and there is nobody who will
carry fire and be comfortable.
2. Your immunity will break down when you refuse
to accept responsibility for your faults. Don’t go about saying that
it was somebody that made you to do it.
3. Your immunity will break down when you fail to
forgive those who have hurt you. This we can find in Mark 11:25.
4. When you fail to make God the priority of your
life, your immunity will break down. You wake up without prayer, go
to work without prayer and start work without prayer, your immunity
will break down.
5. Your immunity will break down when you refuse
to keep your peace and let God fight for you.
6. Your immunity will break down when you are
selfish. You only serve yourself and not others.
7. Your immunity will break down when you
practise any known or willful sin.
1. Your blood must be immunized: The Bible says
in Leviticus 17:11 that life is in the blood. Any disease that
destroys blood kills very quickly. Many killer diseases actually eat
up people’s blood. Malaria is one of them. More than one million
Africans die every year because of malaria. It affects the blood and
the liver. Men have been looking for ways of getting rid of malaria
from time immemorial. As they do that, it looks for ways of dodging
them. You discover that sometimes, it is resistant to drugs. We are
told that mosquitoes carry malaria. There are mosquitoes around now
that even your insecticide will not harm. There is another disease
called sleeping sickness. These two sicknesses have boxed men and
scientists to a corner. They are serious because they affect the
We should ask some spiritual questions. Surely
sicknesses come as a result of the fall of Adam. Is it possible that
there is a spirit of malaria? If not, what teaches the malaria
disease what to do? All mosquitoes are not normal. Or haven’t
witches confessed in our revivals that they sometimes use mosquitoes
to drink blood. Could there be a curse of malaria on black men,
because it seems to be killing black men in millions?
Let us look at Jesus. Luke 4:38-39 says,
“And he arose out of the synagogue, and entered into Simon’s house.
And Simon’s wife’s mother was taken with a great fever, and they
besought him for her. And he stood over her, and rebuked the fever,
and it left her. And immediately she arose and ministered unto
them.” It means that you can talk to fever the way you can
talk to any other thing. You can rebuke the fever. You can talk to
your blood not to accept malaria.
I know a brother who before he got married, did
not use to buy insecticides. He prayed every night, bound the
mosquitoes and went to sleep. But when his wife came, the first
thing she asked was, “where is your insecticide?” The
brother said, “No, we don’t use insecticide here. I bind
them.” She said, “This is madness. Don’t allow mosquitoes to
bite me, I am going to buy one.” Although she did not buy it, that
night mosquitoes bombarded the two of them because there was no
agreement. The Bible says, “All things are possible to him
that believeth.”
If you pray regular prayer points like:
"Let the blood of Jesus be transfused into my blood," or "Malaria
parasite will not get inside my body," or "I render my blood
untouchable to any disease agent," or "Lord Jesus, lay your hands on
my blood" or "I apply the blood of Jesus to my blood, my brain, my
hairs, my eyes, etc." they would be immunized.
2. The bone: There are also spiritual attacks on
the bone. The Bible tells us in Psalms 34:19-20 that “Many are
the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivereth him out of
them all. He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken.”
God is a keeper of bones. You too can talk to your bone not to
accept any evil parcel. You can talk to your bones not to give a
forwarding address to your enemy.
3. The skin: The devil may want to attack your
skin. What a glorious thing it would be for our skin to shine like
that of Moses after he had seen God’s glory. No evil agent can
attack such skin. You can pray prayer points like: “O Lord,
let your glory overshadow my skin. Or, “Nothing evil can attack my
skin,” or “I apply the blood of Jesus to my skin” or you can
pray against the worms that destroy the skin and you will find that
your skin too will be protected. If you form the habit of praying
over your water before bathing, it will give you a lot of
4. Mouth gate: More than one million black people
die annually from problems introduced into their lives through the
mouth gate. Therefore, we must always pray on our food and our
water. We must be careful about the kinds of food we eat and follow
the Bible’s recommendation.
5. The head: A Christian involved in spiritual
warfare must form the habit of laying hands on his head and praying.
It keeps your brain healthy. You must also form the habit of
anointing your head.
6. The home: Deuteronomy 7:26 says,
“Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou
be a cursed thing like it; but thou shalt utterly detest it, and
thou shalt utterly abhor it, for it is a cursed thing.” For
example, bewitched decoration materials, jewelry, carved images, etc
can put you in bondage. Occult materials will compromise your
immunity. Your house could become a traffic of demons because you
have their property.
1. O Lord, immunize me against satanic
poison, serpentine spirits and demonic arrows, in Jesus’ Name.
2. Any area where I have compromised my immunity, O Lord,
forgive me, in Jesus’ name.
3. Tell your blood, brain and bone to receive the fire of God,
in Jesus’ name.
4. I refuse to be a candidate of any sickness, in Jesus’ name.