Dr. D. K. Olukoya
Wonderful God, we thank you for this message. We
give you all the glory and all the honour, in Jesus’ name. Father
Lord, minister to us through this message. Open our eyes in a new
way. Thank you heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Our message this week concerns everyone. No
matter how long we stay here on earth, there is a place we are going
to stay longer. No matter the enjoyment we have here, there is a
place of eternal enjoyment, where all the parties in the world and
everything they have as pleasure cannot match. There is a better
country, whose foundation was not made with hands. No matter what
you accumulate here on earth, one day, it would end. Even if it were
a human being, one day, the person would die. Everything in this
world has an end. Every man has a compulsory appointment with the
Almighty. That is why all the children of God who are serious about
their spiritual lives should be interested in knowing the survival
strategies of the last days because already the word of David is
coming to pass. It says, “How are the mighty falling and the weapons
of war perish.” A lot of mighty men and women of God are falling.
Some have sold off the good things the Lord deposited into their
lives in the lap of male and female Delilahs. A lot of churches have
become cemeteries and the pastors are busy pouring water on dead
bones every Sunday. It is very sad. The Lord showed me a vision in
which I saw somebody preaching in the market place. But the
interesting thing about the man preaching was that he was standing
on the Bible, he was not reading it. He was standing on top of the
Bible chanting incantations and people gathered and were listening
to him. And the Lord said to me, “Son, this shall be more rampant in
the last days. “The Lord showed a friend of mine the vision of hell
fire and told him to go and warn His people not to come there
because it is not meant for them. Any believer who goes there is
Luke 22: 31 says, “And the Lord said, Simon,
behold, satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as
wheat; but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not; and when
thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.” That is an example of
evil desire, evil expectation, evil programme, evil prayer, evil
plan and evil imagination. It means that the devil sat down, did his
arithmetic and concluded that he must have Peter that he may sift
him as wheat but the Lord had prayed for him. As far as the faith of
Peter did not fail, there was no problem. The Lord went on to tell
him that when he was converted, and had fully learned his lessons,
he should strengthen his brethren. When you consider the process of
sifting wheat, you would understand what the enemy wanted to do with
Peter’s life. He wanted to trample upon Peter and make his life
useless and demote his destiny. That was an evil desire.
The ultimate desire of the devil is to display
Christians as trophies in hell fire. A certain woman said to her
pastor on her deathbed, “Man of God, you have often spoken to me
about Christ but you did not tell me enough about the implications
of disobeying His commandments." But it was too late. A lot of
people will blame their pastors for not telling them more about the
eternal danger and about the fact that there is hell fire. Although
the subject is not popular at all and is very unpleasant, it is more
necessary than any other subject in the Bible. We need to always
remind ourselves of the fact that hell fire is real. Some people
treat any message that tells them about the end as a joke. But the
Bible says that a day is coming when we shall all stand before God
and give account of how we lived our lives.
The gates of hell are different from other gates.
Most gates are used to keep people out of a place but the gates of
hell are used to keep people in. It is unfortunate that most people
think that all there is to life is to just come, work, marry, have
certificates, acquire property, die, and go. No. Matthew 7: 13 –
14:“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad
is the way, that leadeth to destruction. And many there be which go
in thereat. Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which
leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” This shows that
many people are far away from meeting the requirement of the
Almighty. No wonder He says few there be that find it. But many are
those who are travelling the wide way. When the Bible says that
something is few, the percentage can be amazing. It is like what you
see in the land of Egypt. 600,000 men walked out and only two were
saved. Millions of people died during the flood of Noah and only few
were saved. Even some animals got salvation where human beings
failed to get. So, as a matter of fact, many church goers have to do
a lot more than they are doing now if they would make heaven. Some
people lose their blessings immediately the service closes. They get
upset and begin to yell at people around them. Such people are not
going to heaven. Many Christians are into fraudulent businesses and
they look for pastors to give their tithes and to pray for them. The
Bible says, “Few there be that find it.”
About ten years ago, a sister came to me and
said, “God has done a miracle in my life.” I asked her what it was
all about and she said, “I have a visa and I am travelling abroad
tonight. “I thanked God for her life and asked her what she wanted
me to do. She said, “Pray for me and bless me before I go. I need
your prayer sir.” I closed my eyes and I heard the voice of the Holy
Spirit saying, “Ask her to show you her passport.” And I said,
“Sister, can I look at your passport?” It took her a long time to
bring it out. When she brought it out, she said, “I will tell you
the truth because you are a man of God. This passport does not
belong to me. It was posted to me from abroad because the owner
resembles me a little bit. So I want to use it to travel.” I said,
“Ah! You came to the wrong prophet. I am not going to pray for you.
This is unrighteousness and God cannot bless a lie.” I told her that
when a lie looks a blessing it is a design of the devil to destroy.
“So you won’t pray for me?” she asked. I said no ma. Send this
passport back to the owner.”She explained that she had already
booked her flight. I told her to return the ticket to the airline,
that she would only lose some money. When she found that she could
not persuade me, she started crying saying, “I have been praying for
this for a long time. I have been coming to this church and it is
through you that God answered the prayer, and now, you are saying
that you will not pray for me.” I refused to pray. Then she knelt
down, held my legs and was begging. I told her to leave my legs. She
took her bag, went out in anger and banged my door. She got to the
airport in that rebellion and immediately the immigration officers
saw the passport they knew it was not hers. They threatened to
arrest her and she pleaded with them to leave her. So she left the
place without the passport. It took me a year to know that she did
not go, and she was telling people around that I refused to pray for
her that was why she could not go. "Few there be that find it." If
you received a demonic breakthrough, the breakthrough that is
unrighteous, drop it because few there be that find it. Revelation
20: 11 says, “And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on
it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away, and there
was found no place for them.” Verse15: “And whosoever was not found
written in the Book of life was cast into the lake of fire."
Whosoever, means chorister, general overseer, general
superintendent, house fellowship leader, Sunday school teacher, etc.
It is a terrible thing to end up that way.
The only qualification for which some people are
put in places of position in their churches is because they are the
only ones wearing London made suits and hats, and not because they
can pray. Meanwhile those under them are witches, attacking them and
they would not know because they cannot discern. "Few there be that
find it." So many people would have made heaven easily if not for
one pastor who gave them church posts. Some pastors would have made
heaven if not for the fact that they went somewhere and were
ordained pastors. Sometime ago, a certain pastor was waiting to see
me and one of the people working with me made a mistake by calling
him a brother. He got very upset and spoke harshly to the person.
The way some people march around with their university degrees is
like they should frame them and hang them on their necks.
Luke 16: 19 says, “There was a certain rich man,
which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously
everyday.” Wonderful fellow, he lived well, fed well and dressed
well. Everything was okay with him. But verse 20 says, “And there
was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full
of sores.” Verse 22: “And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and
was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also
died, and was buried.” May be the corpse of Lazarus was dumped in a
bush but the Bible says that the rich man was buried. There was a
proper burial ceremony with outing service and everything for him.
Verses 23 – 24: “And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments,
and seeth Abraham a far off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried
and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that
he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue for I
am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that
thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise
Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art
tormented.” (In hell fire, people‘s memory will not fail them. They
would remember all that happened before they died.) And beside all
this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they
which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to
us, that would come from thence. Then he said, I pray thee
therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father’s house.
For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they
come into this place of torment.” That is the touching part of the
story. We can see that He was a good man. He had sympathy. He loved
his brothers and did not want them to suffer what he was already
suffering, but it was too late. These passages should be of serious
concern to any serious Christian.
Trophies are very rare things which people are
proud of receiving. Recipients talk about them and show them off to
people. But winning a trophy requires time, talent, energy and money
sometimes. One occult woman, in her confession said that she was
asked to bring down a man of God and for 23 years she was after him.
Eventually, she got him. The powers of darkness did not mind to
spend 23 years pursuing a person because they wanted to use him as a
trophy in hell fire, and they succeeded. Just like hunters and
fishermen, who study the habits of animals and fishes, satan studies
each child of God. He knows who will explode when there is fire. He
knows those who pray only when they have a bad dream or there is a
problem. He also knows those who observe useless quiet time. He
knows those who do not read the Bible and those who are living in
sin and are trying to bribe God with deliverance. So, the devil
tries to get the children of God to a place where he can work in
their lives.
He wanted Peter because he was a trophy. Peter
had become rare and special. Peter had a special calling. He had
been promoted from an ordinary fisherman to a fisher of men and
apostle of Jesus. The devil wanted to show off with Peter but he
never got Peter. Every serious child of God is a trophy that satan
is after. Cain became a trophy of hell when he killed Abel. There
are many trophies from Sodom and Gomorrah in hell fire today. They
parade them and say, “This was the one that married the daughter of
that man called Lot. This was the one that wanted to rape an angel,
etc - trophies in hell fire. Lot’s wife became a trophy of hell when
she looked back. Judas became a trophy of hell because of the desire
for money and power. Demas, the brother who loved the present world
more than Jesus became a trophy of hell. God is going to have a
trophy case to display in heaven. Will you become the trophy of
Jesus or the trophy of hell? God’s trophies would hear, “Well done,
good and faithful servant. Your name is in the Lamb’s Book of life,
enter into the joy of your master.”
So, we disregard our destiny when we behave as if
there is no hell. When you commit sin and something says, “Just one
more time, after this one, repent,” and you go ahead to do it, you
are behaving as if there is no hell fire and you are disregarding
your destiny. These days, you find pastors beating up their wives,
and we have reverend doctor Mrs. witches all over the place. We even
have people now who are committing scientific fornication. What is
scientific fornication? The white man has now manufactured
artificial male and female organs which people can buy and convert
to their husbands or wives. That is scientific fornication.
We disregard our soul’s destiny when we are
reckless with the way we use our time. We disregard our soul’s
destiny when we abandon fellowship, or refuse to do all that God
commands us to do. We disregard our soul’s destiny when we refuse to
obey the gospel of Jesus Christ. We disregard our soul’s destiny
when we go about with modern-day concept of hell fire. The
modern-day man says there is no hell. When he gets there he will
know. The modern -day man may say, “Well, it is only bad people who
go there.” The rich man in the passage we read was a good person but
he got there. The modern-day man says that hell is on earth here. If
you are enjoying yourself, you are in heaven, if you are not
enjoying yourself, it means that you are in hell. The modern- day
man would tell you to ignore everything about hell fire and just
live your life the way you see it now.
A certain scientist who specializes in internal
medicine and is well known for resuscitating dead organs did not
believe in the Bible at all. One day, he saw something in his clinic
that changed his mind. He had a patient who had a heart problem.
Anytime the patient regained his heart beat, he would scream, “I am
in hell. Doctor, please help me to get out.” He was always terrified
anytime the patient started to scream because when he looked at the
patient, he found genuine fear on his face as he begged him for
help. So for the first time the doctor started reading his Bible and
believed that indeed there is a place called hell.
Korah, Dathan and Abiram entered into hell fire
live. The earth opened her mouth and swallowed them up. So, inside
the earth, where the Bible says that hell fire is, there are
millions of lost souls under torment, burning, weeping and wailing
without any hope whatsoever. Jesus said in Mark 9:46, “Where their
worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.” Recently, some
scientists discovered that at the bottom of the ocean, there was
fire leaking out. And when they got to the area where the fire was
leaking out, they found some long fire worms. The Bible talks about
these worms which would be going in and out of the nose, mouth, and
ears of people in hell fire. God has not left us without a witness.
Recently also, there was an article in a newspaper abroad entitled,
“They dig into hell.” Some scientists who did not believe in heaven
and in hell were drilling a hole into the ground and when their
instrument got to a particular length, they noticed that the
temperature went up. They found that the instrument was moving up
and down, and they were hearing noises. They thought the instruments
were bad and adjusted them. After the adjustment, the screaming
continued. And according to them, it was not a sound from a single
human being but screams of millions of people. In fact, they
recorded the noise. Screams of millions of human beings wasting away
in hell fire.
Would you be a trophy in hell fire or would you
be a trophy of the Almighty God? Hell is a place of unquenchable
fire, a place of memory, a place of regret, a place of separation, a
place of undiluted divine anger, and a place that was originally
prepared for satan and his own hosts. You have no business going
there and really you should not plan to go there. But all sinners
without exception are planning to go there. As far as Bible is
concerned, every sinner will end up in hell fire. It would be a very
sad testimony if a Christian lands in hell fire with the witches he
was binding and casting out. It is terrible because every single
moment throughout eternity, every inch of the person’s body will be
in pain. It would be like pouring boiling oil on the skin of
somebody continuously. The person will not be able to bear the pain.
His throat will become dry with screaming and as he opens his mouth,
worms of fire would be going in and out. He would be crying for
water, but there would be none, and without any warning, the person
would see that he keeps dropping, coughing, and gasping and the
tongue would become like red hot iron and the roof of the mouth will
be patched with heat. It is then that everything the person heard in
church will torment him the more.
Beloved, examine your life. If there is any sin
there, no matter how little, it will take you the place of torment.
You must not go there. You are not supposed to be there.
1. Romans 12.1:“I beseech you therefore,
brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a
living sacrifice, holy acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable
service.” Your first medicine against hell fire is to become a
living sacrifice. Although you are alive, you are dead in Jesus. You
die daily like Paul. Once you are dead to the flesh, you don’t know
whether people are gossiping about you. You cannot be bothered
whether you are being insulted or not.
2. Romans 12:2 says, “And be not conformed to
this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that
ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of
God.” The second medicine is: Do not like the world and its evil
system. James 4:4 also says, “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know
ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God?
Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of
God.” Friendship with the world, the Bible says, is enmity with God.
If any man loves the world, he has only one sickness, the love of
the Father is not in him. If you love the world, when the world
perishes, you will go with it.
3. The third medicine is humility. Be humble.
Romans 12:3 says, “For I say, through the grace given unto me, to
every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly
than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as God hath
dealt to every man the measure of faith.”
4. Romans 12:4-8: “For as we have many members in
one body, and all members have not the same office. So, we, being
many, are one body in Christ and every one members one of another.
Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to
us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of
faith. Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering; or he that
teacheth, on teaching; or he that exhorteth, on exhortation; he that
giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with
diligence, he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness.” Medicine
number four is play your part in the house of God. Don’t be a bench
warmer in the church. Make sure there is something you are doing for
5. Romans 12:9 says, “Let love be without
dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is
good.” Medicine number five is love people without hypocrisy.
6. Medicine number six can also be found in verse
9 which says, “Abhor that which is evil.” Hate whatever is evil with
perfect hatred.
7. Romans 12:11 says, “Not slothful in business;
fervent in spirit; serving the Lord.” Be fervent in the spirit.
8. Be broken. Every area of unbrokenness in your
life will only give the enemies space to work.
If a person is a candidate for hell, useless and
vain things will take his time. So the item that takes most of your
time indicates where your heart is and shows where you are going.
The candidates for hell waste most of their time.
The ultimate desire of the devil is to display
Christians as trophies. If you are reading this message and you are
not yet born again, it means that you have not started at all. If
you don’t want to go to hell fire, you must become born again. If
you have decided to give your life to Christ, make the following
confession: “Lord Jesus, I come before you and I confess that I am a
sinner. I repent of all my sins and ask that you forgive me. Cleanse
me O Lord with your blood. I surrender my life unto you. Take
absolute control of my life. Thank you Lord, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
1. I refuse to be a trophy in hell fire, in
Jesus’ name.
2. Every rag-wearing spirit, lose your hold upon my life, in the
name of Jesus.
3. (Place your hand on your head which is the symbol of our
destiny and pray like this: Every enemy of my destiny, I command
the earth to rise up against you, in the name of Jesus.
4. All my pictures present in the demonic world, be roasted, in
the name of Jesus.
5. I claim instant miracle today, in the name of Jesus.
6. Every satanic desire upon my life, be frustrated, in the name
of Jesus.
7. O Lord, just as you prayed for Peter and Peter did not fall,
pray for me, in the name of Jesus.
8. Backsliding shall not be my lot, in the name of Jesus.
9. I don’t want to be a trophy in hell fire, I want to be a
trophy to Jesus, in Jesus’ name.