Dr. D. K. Olukoya
This week we are looking at what I
call,“Thespirit of the chicken.” Mathew 23:37-38 says, “O Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which
are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children
together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and
ye would not. (They refused to be gathered). Behold, your house is
left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me
henceforth, till ye shall say, blessed is he that cometh in the name
of the Lord.”
This was the Lord’s final prophecy on Jerusalem.
Those who read news stories and follow world events would discover
that there has never been peace in Jerusalem. Jesus said that peace
would not come until that day of His appearing and they would say,
“Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.”
Very often in Jerusalem people put bomb in their
own bodies, not minding to die. Sometime ago, a man walked into a
market place in Jerusalem where there was a large crowd, ignited the
bomb in that large crowd, and destroyed himself and many others.
Jesus had already said it, “I have gathered thy
children together, even as a hen gathered her chickens under her
wings and ye would not.”
The Lord’s care is compared to that of mother hen
for her young chickens when they are in danger. It is the wonder of
wonders that sometimes people choose to abandon the cover of the
wings of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1 says, “He that dwelleth in the
secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the
Almighty.” It can be a terrible thing when someone now moves out.
The Psalmist says, “Be thou my strong habitation where I may resort
continually. Thou hast given commandment to save me.”
The Lord cares for us but sometimes, as foolish
chickens, some will not hide under the mother’s wings. God’s people
are always safe. All His saints are in His mighty hands. The hand of
God is a place of safety and nothing can hurt a person who has made
God his refuge. Whether it is famine, flood, riot, fire or war,
nothing shall hurt the righteous. Psalm 71:3 says, “Be thou my
strong habitation, whereunto I may continually resort; thou has
given commandment to save me: for thou art my rock and my fortress.”
Though this earth may be rocking beneath the feet
of man and the heavens are rolling up and the firmament is passing
away, God’s people need not fear because they shall be saved. If
they cannot be saved under the heavens, they shall be saved in the
heavens. If there is no safety for them in time of trouble upon the
earth, they shall be caught up in the air. That is why it is said,
“When I see the blood, I will pass over you.”
God may tear His enemies like a lion but would
protect every one of His children. As long as you hide under the
cover of the blood of Jesus, you are saved. The enemies may fire
their arrows but God will always spare His people. The reason God
spares His people in time of calamity is that He sees the mark of
the blood of Jesus upon their foreheads; so nothing can hurt them
because the blood is upon them. Every evil thing must of necessity
pass them by. The Bible says, “A thousand shall fall at thy side,
and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
Only with thine eyes shall thou behold and see the reward of the
wicked. Because thou hast made the Lord which is thy refuge even the
most High, thy habitation.”
Please, pray like this: “Anything that will
remove me from under divine protection, get out of my life, in the
name of Jesus.”
Paul was in a ship, but before he set out for
that journey, the most powerful prophet around told him that he was
going to suffer on that journey, that he should not go, but Paul
said that he was going. When he then got into the ship, he told the
people there: “Sirs, I perceive that this voyage will be with hurt
and much damage not only of the lading and ship but also of our
lives.” But the captain of the ship did not listen to Paul. He must
have said in his heart. “An ordinary prisoner cannot tell us what we
shall do here.” They felt that they knew better than the Almighty
and went into the sea. The Bible says that the storm arose and for
weeks, they did not see the sun. They threw their luggage into the
water. They could not eat. Later, Brother Paul stood up. The
prisoner then became the controller because God had already said
that He had given commandment to save him. Paul said to them, “Sirs,
did I not tell you not to set sail, but however, since it has become
like this and you people are not eating, cheer up, eat food, none of
you shall die. The angel of God, whom I serve, stood by me this
night and said that none of you shall die, but you have to remain in
the ship even if the ship is scattered into pieces.” Everybody in
that ship was saved.
What is the spirit of chicken?
1. Chickens are of different kinds. There are
also different kinds of sinners. There are tall sinners, short
sinners, slim sinners, fat sinners, rich sinners, poor sinners,
white sinners and black sinners. There are different kinds of
sinners just like chickens. The Bible says that all have sinned
and come short of the glory of God.
2. Another character of chicken is that they
all taste the same. Before God too, all sinners are the same
children of perdition, going to the same way, preparing to be
roasted in hell fire.
3. The third thing, which you will notice
about chicken, is that they always follow motion. When they see
another chicken running to another place, they go after it, not
caring where it is going. They run around aimlessly. When
somebody runs aimlessly, he will soon leave the cover of the
Almighty. What we are saying is that the chicken follows the
crowd. For example, when you take some pieces of corn and go
near the chickens and jingle them, they will go running and will
become easy prey. Christians should not be following the evil
multitude or evil crowd to do anything. As a Christian, you
don’t do a thing because others are doing it.
One of my teachers in years past used to say
that what killed people most was their ability to do things the
way others were doing them. You don’t have to follow the crowd.
Others may be doing a particular thing, but you should not do
Please, pray again like this: “I bind
every spirit of aimlessness, in the name of Jesus.”
Don’t follow the crowd, but follow the Book
of life. Follow what the Bible says. If the whole crowd is doing
the wrong thing, don’t follow them. Take a stand on what you
should do.
Many years ago, a certain man prayed to God
for promotion. He prayed aggressively and God sent somebody to
him. The person said, “God is going to bless you, but when He
blesses you, will you take your stand as a Christian? Will you
serve God whole-heartedly?” The man shouted, “O yes. How can I
be coming here to pray and when He blesses me, I will not
appreciate it.” Eventually, God blessed this man abundantly.
After the blessing, he clocked 50 and the first thing he did was
to organise a big party to celebrate his 50th birthday. He
invited a musician and hired a whole container filled with
alcohol and all kinds of hot drinks, and another one filled with
soft drinks which he served people. God was watching. After he
finished that he had a stroke and was bed-ridden. He could not
move his hands and legs. God warned him.
As a believer, you don’t follow the crowd. As
Christians, we tell unbelievers what to do. They don’t tell us
what to do because we are the children of light. A child of
darkness cannot dictate to a child of light what to do or how to
live his or her life. We tell them the standard and requirements
of the Almighty. Many people come to church now and pray for
breakthrough. As soon as God blesses them, they stop attending
prayer meetings until may be somebody steals their money. Then
they will come back asking for prayers. Do not follow the crowd.
4. Chickens fight over things, and when they
are fighting, they always wound themselves and do all kinds of
evil things to themselves. That is why Ecclesiastes 6:7 says,
“All the labour of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is
not filled.” Just drop one dead insect in the midst of chickens
and see what will happen. They will fight and nearly kill
themselves. See how they will be jacking it from each other’s
mouth. They will jump and peck each other on the nose and
everywhere. If any starts bleeding, they may even peck the
blood. Chickens will fight over anything until they have tasted
it and found that it is not palatable, and they will all leave
5. The spirit of the chicken is an unbroken
spirit. Some people fight over food, money and spaces and even
over women or men. They can also fight over seats in the church.
They fight over people’s inheritance. Sometime ago, one man
died. As they were planning for his burial, suddenly, his family
members started fighting. They fought and destroyed everything.
They fought over the property of a man who had not even been
buried. His children were there but nobody wanted to care about
them. They were busy claiming their father’s property. The poor
widow was there looking at them. They told her that since she
had no male child, that she was not entitled to anything.
6. Chickens are easily frightened. That is
why cowardliness is often associated with the chicken. They
would say that a person has a chicken heart. The fear of others
is the spirit of chicken. This is why some of us cannot witness
to others. They are afraid of challenges. God has put you in a
place for you to minister to those you find there, no matter how
big or small they might seem to be; the important thing is for
you to preach Jesus Christ. God forbid that, one day, the person
will stand at the judgment seat of Christ and Jesus will say,
“You were supposed to share the gospel with this your managing
director and you did not talk to him about it because you were
Most chickens would never try to jump over a
fence. In the same way, the fear of taking challenges has made
some people to remain where they are spiritually. I held a
meeting several years ago at a School of Prophets. I asked those
who had received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and those who
would like to be prophesying to come. About 120 people attended.
We went into prayer and fasting. After the first prayer point,
about 40 people began to prophesy instantly. Others tried but
due to fear, they could not. In their minds, they could be
saying, “What if I say the wrong thing. Supposing, I speak out
and my voice begins to shake, what will they say?” Some of them,
who were looking at it scientifically, could not prophesy
because of fear.
The man with a single talent went and buried
it because he was afraid. That is why fear and torment go
together. Fear is a spiritual force that kills. Fear would
always anticipate the worst. Fear releases the power of the
devil into the life of people. The Bible says, “They were in
great fear, where there was no fear.” It also says, “Faith is
the substance of things hoped for.” So, fear is the substance of
things not hoped for”. When fear comes upon a person, he will
begin to meditate upon the lies of the devil. When the doctors
say something, the devil would magnify it and then you will
begin to meditate upon it and fear will come in. Fear would tear
down the hedge of protection. The spirit of fear is the spirit
of the chicken.
7. Unlike eagles, chickens find things in the
dirt. That is why they are always scratching around in dirty
places. There are many people who love dirty things. They
scratch around too, trying to find things in dirty places. They
find gossiping and spreading rumours convenient. They involve in
dirty things. That is the spirit of the chicken.
8. You will notice that chickens are helpless
against the enemy’s attacks. A single animal can kill all the
chickens in a cage. The devil finds it easy to harass people who
have the spirit of the chicken. The spirit of the chicken
accepts anything from the devil, all kinds of evil things will
be transferred to them. That is why Jesus said, “How often would
I have gathereth thy children together even as a hen gathereth
her chickens under her wings and ye would not.”
What Makes People Run Away From Under Divine
Personal sins: When you know that you are living the kind of
life God does not want you to live, you are a sinner. Sin brings in
fear and then makes you get out from divine protection. If a child
of God ventures to go outside the place marked by the blood, trouble
will come. But if he remains inside, he is covered. If he goes to
play with his friends, while the angel of the Lord is passing by,
and the angel does not find the blood, where he his playing, trouble
will happen. It is written: “Let no man trouble me for I bear in my
body the marks of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Galatians 6:17).
Prayer Points
I refuse to leave the protection shield of
the Almighty, in the name of Jesus.
Blood of Jesus, cover me perpetually, in the
name of Jesus.
Anything that is disobeying God in my life,
come out with all your roots, in the name of Jesus.
I bind and I cast out every spirit of
tragedy, in the name of Jesus.
All my departed glory, be restored now, in
the name of Jesus.
All my captured blessings, be released now,
in the name of Jesus.
Anything planted in my life to oppress me,
come out now, in the name of Jesus.
Anything planted in my life to demote me,
come out now, in the name of Jesus.
My blood, reject the spirit of infirmity, in
the name of Jesus.
You the owners of infirmity, carry your load,
in the name of Jesus.
Let all those who hate my prosperity be put
to shame, in the name of Jesus.
Every evil bird swallowing my virtue, fall
down and die, in the name of Jesus.
Every arrow of poverty, go back to where you
came from, in the name of Jesus.
Every oppressor of my comfort, loose your
hold, in the name of Jesus.
Let my divine helpers appear and let my
hindrances disappear, in the name of Jesus.
Every good thing that my hand has started, my
hand shall finish it, in the name of Jesus.
My prosperity shall not die on any witchcraft
altar, in the name of Jesus.
All my blessings confiscated by household
witchcraft, be released now, in the name of Jesus.
Every stubborn vow of the enemy against my
breakthrough, fall down and die now, in the name of Jesus.
Every ancestral decision affecting me
negatively now, loose your hold, in the name of Jesus.
I dash every dream of failure to the ground,
in the name of Jesus.
Spirit of success, baptize me, in Jesus’
I refuse to carry any evil load. You, the
owners of evil load, carry your load, in Jesus’ name.
O Lord, I want to be at the right place at
the right time, in Jesus’ name.
Raise up your two hands and prophesy unto
your hands that they shall be instruments of power, peace and
prosperity, in Jesus’ name.