Dr. D. K. Olukoya
Our message this week should be taken seriously
because we will be considering answers to some of the questions that
are bothering so many minds. It is entitled “The dark room of
Psalm 30: 5: “For his anger endureth but a
moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but
joy cometh in the morning.” The ‘night’ in this text is what we
refer to as the dark room. Where can the dark room of life be found?
It can be found in the night.
There are only four main important questions to
ask on any issue. These are: Why? Which? How? and When? However, the
one people ask most is ‘why?’ Many of our problems come upon us when
these questions are not asked. Take the issue of marriage as an
example. If you do not ask these questions before you go into
marriage, it may lead to failure. It is commonly said that ‘not all
that glitters is gold.’ Proverbs 16: 25: “There is a way that
seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are ways of death.”
That is, those things that look bright and fascinating in the eyes
of men are coated with deadly poison. To Eve, the fruit looked good
but it eventually spelt doom for her.
There was a sister who needed a husband badly and
her prayer point was “O Lord, give me a rich, tall and handsome
husband.” Eventually, she found one man who was attending a church
as if he was born-again. Thereafter they started to talk about
marriage. However, whenever there was a prayer meeting she noticed
that the man could not pray more than two minutes, and he did not
like calling the name of Jesus. That did not bother the sister. As
long as the man was rich and had a fast car, she was okay, or so she
thought. They did the marriage and on the second night after their
wedding, she woke up in the middle of the night to find her husband
at an altar in his bedroom naked and uttering some strange words
that made no meaning to her. She was terrified and asked him how the
altar got inside their bedroom. To her amazement, the man said,
“Don’t worry, wait on that bed for your husband. I am not your
husband. Your husband will soon come.” And truly, somebody walked in
from nowhere.
When the relevant questions are not asked, it
leads to problem. A brother came to a pastor and told him that he
wanted to marry a certain girl and the pastor advised him to go and
pray. After sometime, he came back and told the pastor that he had
prayed. The pastor urged him to go and pray again. When a pastor
tells you to go and pray again, he must have seen something, which
he wants you too to discover. The brother went ahead and married the
girl. When they got home after the wedding ceremony, the brother
said they should pray. He prayed and the sister refused to say Amen.
When he asked her why, she screamed at him and warmed him never to
call on the name of Jesus again. Why? Correct questions were not
I also know a fellow who went into business. He
started with cocoa export. One day, he came complaining that the
information given to him concerning his business was very strange.
He was told that the ship carrying his cocoa had disappeared. The
question was how could a whole ship disappear? Anyway, he lost
everything. Then he started again, this time on wood business and
invested a large sum of money. His major customer, a white man, came
to him and said that the wood he sold to him had been infested with
insects and that was how everything he had invested in that business
got wasted too. So, we need to ask questions.
One question, which people have been asking
through the ages, is: Why does God allow problems? A lot of people
even say that God is unfair to them. Before we consider this
question, I would like you to bow down your head and pray like this:
“I receive the sword of fire to disgrace stubborn mountains, in the
name of Jesus.”
A Christian can have a problem but the problem
must not have the Christian. That is the most important thing. The
Bible says that all things work together for good for us, children
of the Almighty.
1. God does allow Christians to have problems
because problems keep us from being attracted to the world. They
keep us from becoming too attracted or too attached to this sinking
world. They are to remind us that everything happening here is
transient and temporal. I Peter 2:11: “Dearly beloved, I beseech you
as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war
against the soul.” We are strangers and pilgrims. That is what the
Bible says. The problems we encounter are all to remind us that this
world is not our home. Woe unto that person whose life on earth
makes him forget heaven, because he is not going anywhere but hell
fire. The world is full of grief and wickedness. It is not designed
to be attractive for very long. As believers, we are pilgrims
passing by. We are travelling strangers here and so our activities
should be geared towards reaching the better world.
2. Adversity or problem brings out the best in
us. Many people would have remained spiritual babies forever if not
for problems that kept on harassing them. I was invited somewhere
for lunch and there I met a man with slightly grey hair. To me he
resembled a pastor. So, when the meal was presented I requested him
to pray on the food. The man stood up and read a psalm. He read the
second and yet the third, fourth, fifth and up to the seventh.
Meanwhile the food was getting cold. He read the psalms off-hand.
After the seventh psalm, he started praying. He prayed for about ten
minutes before we sat down to eat. Some of the people there were not
very happy. I became very interested to know more about him, so I
moved my chair over to his side and asked him how come he was able
to memorise and recite seven psalms non stop. I said, “Sir, if you
can read seven psalms like that because you want to eat, I am sure
that by the time you want to really pray, you will not stop until
you have read 14.". He said, “That is right. I know all of them
off-hand.” I later got to know that he was forced to memorise all
the book of psalms when he had serious problems and wanted to be
free from satanic oppression. Perhaps a man like that would never
have bothered to read the Bible, let alone memorizing some verses.
Therefore, problems and adversities have the capacity of bringing
out the best in us. Only a bad school will promote a student who did
not pass.
During my days in the primary school, pupils with
very bad results were paraded before all the other students in the
school at the end of every year. The shame that accompanied such
exercise really energized them to perform better in subsequent
I know that so many sisters would have loved to
be at the Barbeach or other resort centers enjoying with their
spouses. But because of one or two slaps from satan, they have been
turned into prayer addicts and consequently champions.
It is problems that drove many people into
receiving eternal life. Many would not have been born again if not
for the adversity that pushed them to Jesus and when their problems
were solved, they stuck to Him. A lot of people entered into heaven
because they were chased into it. Many too, have made heaven because
they were scared of hell fire. Perhaps they heard that hell fire is
bad and people should not dream of going there, so they determined
never to be candidates of that place.
3. They give us occasion to silence the enemies
of God. When the enemies of God have held their meetings and have
concluded their plans to utterly destroy a child of God with the
confidence that nothing can disturb them, then the Fourth Man in the
fire comes up and scatters all their forces. Problems give room for
God’s enemies to be silenced. If a person has never had a problem,
he would never know whether God could solve it. If a person had
never had a problem, he would never know what having faith in the
Lord could do. Pharaoh had a field day for over 430 years,
maltreating God’s children. Then, it looked as if God was sleeping.
But when Moses appeared at the scene and demanded that Pharaoh
should let God's people go and he refused, God showed him who He is.
Nebuchadnezzar raised up an idol and commanded
everybody to worship it. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego told him
that they could only worship the Almighty God. Nebuchadnezzar
threatened to put them in the fiery furnace and they told him that
the God whom they served could deliver them. Nebuchadnezzar asked a
question: “Who is that God that will deliver you from my hand?” What
happened? The Lord silenced him.
Sennacherib too was harassing the children of
God. He said: "The gods of other nations which I have conquered were
not able to defend them why do you think that your own God can
deliver you? Do not let Hezekiah deceive you. Bring all your wives
and everything here.” What happened to Sennacherib? He was disgraced
and silenced.
There was a case of some demonic people who
wanted to disgrace some children of God. The idea was to drop a
corpse near their church to make it looked as if the church of God
was into some sort of ritual activities. They brought the corpse
around 4.00 a.m. but as they were about to drop it, an angel of God
who was waiting for them ordered them to hold it and stand there.
Their hands were glued to the corpse and their feet glued to the
spot. They could neither drop it nor go away. That was the position
at which the church members met them when they arrived that morning.
Of course, God engineered that disgrace. And so shall all your
enemies be disgraced today, in the name of Jesus.
4. Problems or adversities make us to appreciate
the goodness of God. Many people take divine blessings for granted
while quite a lot do not even know how to thank God for His
goodness. A certain preacher went somewhere to preach and prayed a
long prayer for healing. After the prayer, he said, “If you know
that you have been healed, come out and testify.” Out of about 2,000
people, only one person came and said, “I was having a slight
headache when I came here but that headache has gone. Praise the
Lord.” The preacher was so sad because he expected more miracles to
have taken place. He was not appreciative. When he got home that
night, an angel of the Lord came to him and said, "You think that
healing of headache is a small thing? We are going to test it on you
so you can understand how it is.” The headache started and was on
for a week. It was as if his head would drop off. He cried a cry of
repentance to the Lord, before he was healed. When you have a
problem and the Lord moves in to solve it for you, you should
appreciate His goodness.
5. Problems or adversities make us to depend on
God and increase our confidence in Him who is our Maker and Husband.
When all other things have failed and you now depend on His mercy,
He rises to help. When all the consultants and doctors have done all
they could over an ailment, when money and knowledge have failed,
then God is the next option to totally fall back on.
6. Adversity or problem purifies us. When there
is a problem, you have to search your life and confess every failure
and shortcomings to God. As you are trying to see that sin does not
stand in the way of your prayers, you become a better person. You
become toughened and stronger. Many Bible characters that we read
about today passed through trials and came out victorious hence we
are reading about them. Just as exercise is necessary for the body,
problems serve as tonic for spiritual growth. When you solve a
problem, you climb another step on the ladder of maturity. In every
adversity there is a seed of goodness. Every hardship should make a
Christian better. That is why somebody said, “To recognise the
usefulness of an anchor, you must feel the storm.” If you have never
felt any storm, you will not know the importance of an anchor in the
7. Sometimes, a problem is a discipline from the
Lord. God chastises His children much as earthly fathers correct
their children to make them better. Deuteronomy 8:5 speaks on this.
It says, “Thou shall also consider in thine heart, that, as a man
chasteneth his son, so the Lord thy God chasteneth thee.” Psalm
118:18 also says, “The Lord hath chastened me sore: but he hath not
given me over unto death.”
If the Lord sees that you are speeding too much
with your vehicle, He could decide to puncture your tyres, so that
when you are busy fixing the tyres, you will escape from accident
that lies ahead. Hebrews 12: 5 – 6: “And ye have forgotten the
exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children. My son,
despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art
rebuked of him. For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and
scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.” So, if you are a child of
God and you get out of the track, He will knock you back into it,
even if He had to grind your nose against the wall to get you back.
The important thing is to get you saved.
8. God allows problems to make us sympathetic
with others. When somebody has not experienced a particular problem,
he will not know how it feels. But if he has gone through it he
would be able to sympathise with others.
9. Adversity humbles a person. It stops us from
over-valuing ourselves. Paul said he had a thorn in the flesh so
that he would not be puffed up beyond measure.
10. Problems teach us how to pray. Your prayers
become different when you are a warrior. Take the case of a brother
whose wife was pregnant and about to give birth. He took the woman
to one of the best hospitals and there, he was told to pick between
the wife and the baby because one of them must die. The man
requested to be given sometime. He ran to his best friend. This was
on a Thursday night. His friend advised him that since the doctors
could not help the situation there was a programme called Power Must
Change Hands where he knew that God would do it for him, but that he
would need to fast for one and a half days. The husband of the
pregnant woman lamented that he usually ate his breakfast by 10 am.
The brother encouraged him and the man resolved to fast to keep his
wife alive. He was given some prayer points which he prayed the
whole of Friday and resisted every temptation to break his fast. But
at 3 a.m. the following day which was the day of the programme, he
felt like dying. He could neither walk nor talk. His friend who
recommended the programme for him had told him to be at the church
at 6 a.m. but as at that time, he could not hold his car key not to
talk of driving the car. He phoned his neighbour and asked him to
drive him to the church, the venue of the programme. He dragged
himself to MFM that day. By the time we prayed for a little while,
there was a word from the Lord concerning his situation. His wife
and baby had been delivered. Here was a man who had never fasted
before but when he was forced to do it, his lot changed. Many people
learn fire prayers in the school of affliction.
Difficulties bring out the talents in people. God
is like a surgeon who will tell you, “I may hurt you, but I will not
injure you.” You have to be completely melted before you can be
molted up. Human beings are like a tea bag. Until you pour hot water
on it, it will not cooperate with you. Until God pours hot water
into some lives, they won’t be useful.
Therefore, today, even as you are about to finish
reading this message, I want you to know that there is a God in
heaven who knows all secrets. He said in Romans 8:28: “And we know
that all things work together for good to them that love God, to
them who are the called according to his purpose.”
Whatsoever may be the problems you are having
now, no matter what mountain may be confronting you, just know that
they are ordinary raw materials preparing you for a great testimony.
Remember, weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the
morning. Put all your trust in God and He will never fail you.
1. Every good thing my hands have started to
build, my hands shall finish them, in the name of Jesus.
2. Every dream of poverty, I dash you to the ground, in the name
of Jesus.
3. I will arise above all the unbelievers around me, in the name
of Jesus.
4. Every war waged against my staff of bread, receive double
disgrace, in Jesus’ name.
5. Every satanic hunter of my career, receive double
frustration, in the name of Jesus.
6. Any power hiding my key of promotion, loose your hold, in the
name of Jesus.