Dr. D. K. Olukoya
Father Lord, do a deep work in our spirits this
week, touch us at the points of our needs. Let our lives no longer
remain the same, in Jesus’ name. This week, we are looking at what I
call, “The Cry of the Spirit.” Hebrew 12: 25 – 27: “See that ye
refuse not him that speaketh. for if they escaped not who refused
him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn
away from him that speaketh from heaven: Whose voice then shook the
earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not
the earth only, but also heaven. And this word, Yet once more,
signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of
things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may
In that passage, the Spirit of God is promising
that He is going to shake the earth again. And when He starts, so
many things would not stand. Every shakeable would be shaken away.
It is a very sad thing for a person to build his or her life on
shakeable things. Such a person would have come to the world in
vain. The Spirit of the Lord is crying unto us this day, that is why
the Bible says, “He that has ears let him hear what the Spirit is
saying.” It means that the fact that we have something representing
ears does not mean that we hear. It is only those who have spiritual
ears that can hear the cry of the Spirit.
Ezekiel 21: 27: “I will overturn, overturn,
overturn, it: and it shall be no more until He come whose right it
is; and I will give it Him.” This overturning and shaking is
happening now. All you need do is to look closely and you will see
how the whole fabric of the human society is being shaken and many
things are being turned upside down. The Scripture has already
warned us about these things because God usually warns us before He
does anything. Disobedience to God’s warning is the father of all
disasters. Before the flood came in time of Noah, God warned the
people for 120 years. Many of them thought it was a joke. Just as
many people believe that God who is so good and has created all
things cannot clear them away. Right now, mankind as a whole is
sitting on what is called a time bomb, which can explode at anytime,
and the voice that once shook the earth, is going to shake it again.
Unfortunately, many people do not still understand. As you are
reading this message, there is a cry of the Spirit ringing in your
ears that this is the last hour and you have to be more serious than
you are now.
When God sends warning signals, it is to prevent
people from getting into trouble. The aftermath of some dangers are
repairable while some are not.
One could be in the church and not even hear what
the Spirit of God is saying through his pastor or house fellowship
leader. Consider the following questions: “Why did God bring you to
a particular church? Is it just to collect miracles or to learn a
few things? What is your duty in the church? Certainly God is not in
the business of messing about. He plans His things and does them. He
means what He says and says what He means. So the fact that He has
put you in a place means that He has a duty for you. The fact that
He has designed that you will pass through a certain place, means
that you must make a mark there. You cannot be a spiritual rolling
stone and expect to be blessed.
The Spirit is crying so that no one will have any
excuse when he stands before the judgment throne of God. All men, no
matter their position will stand up before God. So, this is the time
to convince God that you are serious. God will never accept excuses.
What would you say when you get before His throne? If you have been
coming to Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries for one year and
you have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, I submit it to
you that you are not serious. Every Christian as a matter of
compulsion must make sure he or she gets filled with the power of
the Holy Ghost. A lot of people have been going to church for
several years yet they remain bench warmers.
God has not called us to entertain people but to
prepare an army for the Lord going to heaven and in their
preparation as soldiers of the cross, they will be experiencing
their breakthroughs.
A time will come when the Spirit will cry no
more. Whatever you call yourself, that cry is ringing in your ears
now. Even if you have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, there
is another cry asking you to go higher. No matter what level you are
now, there is a cry telling you, “son, daughter, keep moving, don’t
stay where you are.”
The Spirit is also crying because of the
existence of hell fire. The issue of hell fire is a horrible fact to
which the Bible gives a prominent place. Our tender, lowly,
forgiving, merciful, healing, and comforting Jesus was the man who
referred most to hell fire in the Bible. He talked about it more
than any other person because He knows that it is real. But it is
most sad to note that many people by their actions are heading
there. It is also unfortunate that some of those who carry Bibles
will also find themselves in hell fire even with their big Bibles
because they refused to pay attention to the cry of the Spirit.
No matter how clever you are at committing sin,
if you encounter the fire of the Holy Spirit, it will expose you.
You may hide for a long time but the day the Holy Spirit fishes you
out, everybody will know the kind of person you are. And if your
life has been a stumbling block to others, it is even more terrible
because the Bible says, they ought to tie a millstone around your
neck and throw you into the sea.
The devil tries to hide the facts of hell from
people. He does not want people to know there is such a place
because he knows that once they know about it, they would not want
to be there. Even the boldest of men will melt if God shows them the
picture of hell fire. Hell fire is eternal suffering. So why should
somebody get into that kind of situation?
There used to be a popular armed robber who was
very effective in his difficult and terrible job. Normally, he had
two guns, one by his side and the other one around his waist and he
could shoot with both hands accurately, so he was feared by many
people even the police. So the police wanted him dead or alive and
placed a ransom on him. During one of his operations somewhere, a
boy who was distributing tracts threw one inside his waiting car.
The tract was entitled, “Where will you spend your eternity?” When
the robber saw it, he was taken aback by the title and he kept it
aside. But when he got home, something urged him to read it and he
did after sometime. Immediately he slept he had a dream. In that
dream, he saw two angels by his side but he didn’t know they were
angels. They held his hands and told him that he had an appointment,
which he must keep. He asked them where and they told him to shut up
until they got there. Eventually, they got to a beautiful and
wonderful place and as he looked around, he saw people for the first
time in his life, with real joy written all over their faces. Then
the angels said, “Ok, we must leave this place now.” He said,
“Please, let me stay here, this place is good.” The angels said,
“No, you still have another appointment,” and they took him down to
hell fire. He saw his fellow robbers who had been shot by policemen,
school girls, policemen, soldiers, married women who were committing
adultery, etc, screaming and rolling. He was scared and wanted to
leave, but the angels said he must watch the scene for about two
minutes more. He did and he woke up shivering. He then took a
decision that no matter what happens, he will not go to that place
of damnation. This is what the tract talked about: hell fire. So he
walked straight to the police station, introduced himself to the
policemen at the counter and they ran away because they thought he
had come to kill them like he used to do. He said, “Don’t run away.
I have come to hand myself over, you can lock me up. I am no longer
interested in killing people.” When they were convinced that he was
serious, they opened the counter and he walked in himself and sat
down. When God shows you the picture of hell fire, nobody will beg
you to repent.
Most biblical information about hell fire was
revealed by Jesus. It was He who said in Mark 9 : 43 that, “And if
thy hand offend thee, cut it off; it is better for thee to enter
into life maimed than having two hands to go into hell, into the
fire that never shall be quenched.”
So, no matter how profitable your hands are
doing, if it will lead you to hell fire, you better stop doing it.
He didn’t say you should cut off your hand with a knife because even
if you do so, and your spirit still commits the sin, your hand is
still committing it. Verses 44- 47: “Where their worm dieth not, and
the fire is not quenched. And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off;
it is better for thee to enter halt into life , than having two feet
to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:
And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to
enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to
be cast into hell fire.”
By the same token, if you have bleached your
body, you better repent and allow it to come back to it’s rightful
colour because it is better for you to enter into heaven with black
complexion than for you to bleach your body and enter into hell fire
where their worms die not and the fire is not quenched. Remember the
parable of the rich man which says, “My soul rejoice, be glad and
enjoy yourself with the harvest you have put up for many years.” And
the Bible says, “You fool, today, you are going to die and all those
things you have been sweating for that has taken your time from God,
to whom will they belong?” That was it.
All the certificates and awards a person may
gather become useless once the person is dead. These are the
shakeable that shall be shaken away.
No amount of suffering here can measure up to
hell fire. Sometime ago, somebody called me on the phone and was
crying, saying, “Dr. Olukoya, pray for me, I don’t want to die.”
“What happened?” I asked her. She said, “I used to sleep with men
who give me contracts but recently, I promised God that I will never
do it again and that if I do it, He should kill me. But you see, I
have done it again. So, please pray for me, I don’t want to die.” I
told her that she was already dead. Already she was dead in sin. I
told her that I didn’t know what God would do with her since she on
her own made a vow to God that He should kill her if she committed
that sin. So many people are like that. It would have been better
for that sister to die as a pauper and go to heaven than to be rich
and go to hell fire. Although believers are not supposed to die as
paupers but it is better for you to die as a pauper than to be rich
and enter into hell fire. So you better think about it and do a
better scriptural balancing of life’s account. It is terrible to
know some people will go to hell fire. This is why the Spirit of God
is crying, saying, “Let him that has ears hear what the Spirit is
saying now to the churches.”
The Spirit cries because of the disappointment
and unhappiness in this world. 1 Timothy 6:7: “For we brought
nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing
out.” The present world is a failure. This fact is not hard to
prove. Marriages have failed: divorce is now a common thing. Ten
years ago, one out of five marriages broke down; now it has moved to
three out of five. Some people even start fighting right from the
day of their wedding. Many couples live like strangers in the home.
When children are brought up in that kind of environment, they
rarely do well. Schools too, have failed, teachers mess up students
and you see gun-toting boys going about robbing men and raping
A sister who is well to do and highly educated
told me a pathetic story. She said on a certain day, some armed
robbers trailed her home and as soon as she entered her sitting
room, they entered with guns and said, “Madam, we are armed robbers
in case you don’t know, so bring out everything.” So they packed all
her properties and she did not resist them because she did not want
to be harmed. When they finished packing all the things and she
expected them to go away, one of them who was around twenty said,
“Madam, remove your clothes.” That was how she was raped. With these
types of cases around us, it shows that both the schools and the
homes have failed. The Bible is warning us, that the world is a
set-trap and we should not allow it to trap us. University lecturers
carry sacrifices and put them on the doorsteps of their colleagues.
Governments too, have failed. All over the world, there are cases of
crime. Three quarters of people are killing one another or are being
killed and the prison houses are filled up. In the hospitals, you
find patients in the corridors and doorsteps. Disease, suicide,
heartlessness cannot be controlled by government, all over the
world. People pour acid on others who have offended them. The whole
world, as far as God is concerned, is a failure. It is therefore a
sad and wicked world, which offers no peace to the human mind.
Rather, it puts labour on people and worst still, no one will take
nothing out of it.
God is becoming more and more difficult to find
now. Most Christians cannot be trusted again once it comes to
monetary matters. The church in many places have turned to political
set ups. People who should sit down and learn want to teach others
by force. Is it wise then to plan to perish with this kind of world?
This is why the Spirit is crying. It does not make sense if you come
to church and you do not have sufficient fire to even put your enemy
to flight, or you are still addicted to one bad habit or the other,
or there is pride in your heart, or you cannot hear when God is
talking to you, or your dreams are not clear or you have never seen
a vision in your life. You don’t know what God is saying to you
about your life. Do you want to remain like this? You have to cry to
the Lord.
The Spirit cries because of the sufferings of
Christ. Christ was punished because of you and me. A song writer
says, “He died of a broken heart. His heart was broken on the cross
for us. He was mocked, humiliated, and was crucified.” Dying by the
cross was a Roman kind of punishment and anybody that was put on the
cross died a “slow death” with intense suffering because the whole
of the weight of his body would be supported by two hands. You know
how painful it is to use an ordinary needle to prick your hand how
much more when a six- inch nail is smashed into it. That was how
Jesus was killed. When He was thirsty and asked for water, they gave
him vinegar instead. This kind of suffering that God allowed His Son
to be subjected to, should not go in vain. So, if a person does not
comply with it, the person suffers. That’s why the Spirit is
warning. He was despised. His face was marred. His beard was plucked
out and He was badly hurt. It was sad when the same people for which
He died sat there saying, “Prophesy who is it that slapped you.”
Even when He called on His Father saying, “Eli, Eli- lama Sa- bach
tha - ni (meaning My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?), they
laughed and mocked Him. If then you neglect the issue of salvation
for the sake of anything, the anger and terror of God would be great
upon your life.
Another reason the Spirit is crying to you day
and night is for you to depart from your valley and go to the
mountain. All the excuses such as, “They are the ones looking for my
trouble,” that you are giving will not exempt you from the wrath of
God. For how long will they be looking for your trouble? Where did
you hide the trouble they are looking for? Nobody is looking for
your trouble actually, the trouble is that you are a proud person.
If you are in the category of those who classify some sins as not
too bad, you must be careful because there is no small sin. The
Bible says that every unrighteousness is sin.
The Spirit cries because of the glory of heaven.
The Bible says in John 14: 2 - 3, “In my Father’s house, there are
many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to
prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto
myself; that where I am, ye may be also.” The Bible also says, “Eyes
have not seen, ears have not heard, neither has it entered into the
heart of man what God has prepared for His saints.” There is no
enjoyment in this world, compared to what is in heaven. The Spirit
is warning that we should not miss the place. So think about it.
If you are haunted by the same fear that used to
torment you years ago, it means you are not growing spiritually. If
your faith is still as rudimentary as when you first believed the
Lord, it means you are not growing spiritually. If your knowledge of
God is still second hand and you have not experienced personal
revival, it means you are not growing spiritually. If you have never
used the name of Jesus to defeat evil, it means that you are not
growing spiritually. If you still cannot differentiate between your
voice, the Holy Spirit’s and the devil’s, it means you are not
growing spiritually. If your joy depends only on material things,
there is a possibility that you would not be admitted into the
kingdom of God.
Beloved, this is the last hour. Today, seek help
from the Lord. Don’t rejoice that you are better than someone else.
We don’t have much time left. In the Bible, you find expressions
like “take heed”and “beware, “meaning that the Bible warns us about
several things. For example, it says, “Don’t give your alms before
men,” “Don’t give in order to be seen,” “Let not your left hand know
what your right is doing,” “Beware of covetousness,” “Let no man
deceive you,” “Do not allow the light in you to be turned to
darkness,” “Let every man take heed how he is building, “Let him
that thinketh he stands take heed lest he falls.” It says that we
should not devour one another. It warns that we should not allow the
ministry that God has committed to us to fail. And it also warns
that one day, all of us shall arrive at the judgment seat of Christ
and we shall give account of our lives. My prayer is that God should
open our ears to hear what the Spirit is saying, in Jesus’ name.
Sometime ago, in one of our meetings here, there
was a warning from the Lord that nobody should travel. One sister
insisted on travelling even after some brethren pleaded with her not
to. She travelled and never came back alive. It was her ashes that
was brought back because the vehicle she was travelling in collided
with a vehicle carrying fuel and that was it. So God says what He
means and means what He says.
If you don’t read your Bible and follow the
pattern of life God wants you to live, you will make the job of the
devil easier for him.
It is very clear that a lot of people come to the
house of God but not many people are planning for heaven. A lot of
people find their ways to services on Sundays and come out like a
sinner who gets baptized without being born again. The sinner goes
into water as a dry sinner and comes out as a wet sinner.
Beloved, I hope you are not one of those that the
devil is using as a stumbling block against others who want to get
saved. How would your husband follow you to church when you are busy
cursing and abusing him? Why should you be in a cat and mouse
relationship with a person and still be smiling at the person? Why
are you living a life of deception? The Bible says that no unclean
thing shall enter into heaven, no matter how good it looks on the
surface. No matter what you call yourself, if you are not clean, you
shall not enter therein.
Beloved, search your spirit today and repent of
all your wicked ways. Ask the Lord to lead you into the way of
eternal life so that at the end of the age, you shall live
triumphantly with Him, in Jesus’ name.
1. O Lord, deliver me from this wicked
generation, in the name of Jesus.
2. O Lord, do not let your death be in vain upon my life, in the
name of Jesus.
3. O Lord, remove the stumbling block in my walk with you, in
the name of Jesus.
4. O Lord, let me be swift to hear and slow to speak, in the
name of Jesus.
5. O Lord, give unto me power to mount up with wings like eagle,
in the name of Jesus.
6. O Lord, instruct me and teach me the way that I should go, in
the name of Jesus.
7. I refuse to be disgraced in eternity, in the name of Jesus.