Dr. D. K. Olukoya
Judges7: 1-7says,“Then Jerubbaal, who is
Gideon, and all the people that were with him, rose up early, and
pitched beside the well of Harod: so that the host of the Midianites
were on the north side of them, by the hill of Moreh, in the valley.
And the Lord said unto Gideon, The people that are with thee are too
many for me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel
vaunt themselves against me, saying, Mine own hand hath saved me.
Now therefore go to, proclaim in the ears of the people, saying,
Whosoever is fearful and afraid, let him return and depart early
from mount Gilead. And there returned of the people twenty and two
thousand; and there remained ten thousand. And the Lord said unto
Gideon, The people are yet too many; bring them down unto the water,
and I will try them for thee there: and it shall be, that of whom I
say unto thee, This shall go with thee, the same shall go with thee;
and of whomsoever I say unto thee, This shall not go with thee, the
same shall not go. So he brought down the people unto the water: and
the Lord said unto Gideon, Every one that lappeth of the water with
his tongue, as a dog lappeth, him shalt thou set by himself;
likewise every one that boweth down upon his knees to drink. And the
number of them that lapped, putting their hand to their mouth, were
three hundred men: but all the rest of the people bowed down upon
their knees to drink water. And the Lord said unto Gideon, By the
three hundred men that lapped will I save you, and deliver the
Midianites into thine hand: and let all the other people go every
man unto his place.”
Israel had fallen into the sin of idolatry and
this time as judgment, God permitted a vast herd of the Midianites
to invade their land and rob them of their harvest. However, God
raised Gideon to deliver them. The book of Judges is a book of
problems, the kind of problems people encounter when they make God
the tail and make themselves the head. Anytime you put God behind,
there will always be problem. That was how the Israelites got into
The Lord commissioned Gideon to lead the
Israelites in battle against the Midianites. In response to the
Lord’s command, Gideon assembled an army by the well of Harod while
the Midianites encamped somewhere in the north. Gideon had 32,000
men while the Midianites had 135,000. You can check the figures in
Judges 8. That means that Gideon was facing 135,000 Midianites with
32,000 people, a ratio of about 4-1. Imagine Gideon’s feeling when
God told him that his men were too many. He asked those who were
afraid to go home and 22,000 of them departed leaving Him with
10,000 men to face the 135,000 Midianites. Yet to the greater
astonishment of Gideon God told him that the people were still too
many. Then those who went down on both knees to drink water were
eliminated and those who lapped as a dog were to go for the battle.
This takes us to the issue of lack of vigilance
which is one essential characteristic in people that the enemy holds
tight to enable him re-arrange problems in the lives of many. I
Peter 5:8 says, “Be sober, be vigilant: because your adversary the
devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may
devour.” Picture the soldiers who bowed on their knees to drink from
the well, they could be attacked easily because they would have laid
aside their weapons to be on their knees. They would not have seen
the enemy approaching because they would have their faces buried
inside the water, and the enemy would have overcome them. So, God
removed them and left those who lapped like dogs. When a dog drinks
inside water it does not bury its nose inside the water, it just
stretches out its tongue and laps. The men who lapped went down on
one knee while retaining their weapons with one hand. So, they were
vigilant. In their posture, they remained alert watching for any
surprise attack by the enemy.
Only 300 of the 32,000 men passed the test and
the ratio now became 450:1. They started with the ratio of 4-1 but
by the time the Lord had dealt with them, the ratio fell to 450-1.
We have some lessons to learn from this. The Lord
says “Be vigilant.” The devil does not go on sabbatical. He never
takes a holiday. When you think you need to relax and put your
weapon down, the devil will release an unanticipated arrow.
The passage we read is very clear. The Almighty
God looked at the 32,000 volunteers and said, “No, they are too
many. Reduce the men. 22,000 went home and among the remaining
10,000 He selected only 300 and told Gideon that those were the men
he should work with. What were the reasons for God’s action?
It is to prove that victory is from the Lord
and not from man. A man may boast and say all kinds of things.
He may say that he is the best man in the world. Yet victory is
from the Lord and not from man. For example, nobody can scatter
this country because of the prayer of the children of God.
Anybody who wants to scatter it shall fall down and die. The
Lord has a purpose for Nigeria, in Africa, and in the world as
far as the gospel is concerned. The Bible says that it is not by
power or by might but by the Spirit of the living God. So, our
personal foresight, planning ability, intelligence,
technological know-how, etc cannot save us in the day of
trouble. Victory is from the Lord.
It is to prove that God does not work with
photocopy. The fact that some men were not picked meant that
they were not supposed to be there at all. Likewise many people
just join the crowd of Christians without any conviction. God
does not work on photocopy. He works on the original. Those
rejected men were photocopies. They heard that there was going
to be a battle and they joined, but they did not do so with
conviction, so God had to discard them. Supposing you have to
face persecution now for Jesus, can you be numbered among those
who will stand firm?
It was to prove that those eliminated men
were not an asset to the cause. They were a liability. They were
not there wholeheartedly. They would have been a cog on the
wheel of progress, so God had to remove them. I pray that every
unprofitable friend, unprofitable crowd and unprofitable
parasite in your life shall scatter, in the name of Jesus.
It is to prove that God’s strength does not
depend on number. So, stop saying that you are failing because
nobody is supporting you. If God supports you, then every power
in the universe is behind you. It is a very bad confession to
say, “I have nobody to help me.” We count people’s heads but God
counts the hearts. God is interested in the heart and not the
A large percentage of these soldiers who
bowed to drink the water took off their helmets, slacked their
belts and removed their equipment, not minding the possibility
of an ambush by the enemy. They forgot that they were at the
warfront and that the enemy could come upon them anytime. They
were drinking water as if all was well. Only those who lapped
without relaxing had the real soldier spirit. They were
vigilant, never once taking their eyes off their leader. They
were ready to spring to action anytime. God said, “These are the
ones who can walk with me.” Are you like that? Are you vigilant?
Are you quick to detect sin in your life? Are you quick to
notice when the Holy Spirit is saying, “Son, daughter, this is
not the best for you?”
It is to prove that many are called but few
are chosen.
It is lack of vigilance that allows the enemy
to be re-arranging problems in the lives of many people. Many
Christians do not realize that they are fighting very terrible
and clever spirits. Jeremiah 6:14 says, “They have healed also
the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace,
peace; when there is no peace.” They were patching it up when
there was no peace. When you are not vigilant as a Christian,
the enemy would re-arrange problems in your life.
What do we mean by re-arranging problems?
In some parts of the world, suicide rate is now very high. People
commit suicide so frequently and their governments do not seem to
have an answer to the problem. What they have done is to spend money
training people to try to persuade those who want to kill themselves
not to do so. If somebody climbs a high building and is threatening
to jump down, the trained people would be invited to the scene to
persuade the person not to die. But most of the time, the people
being persuaded would just jump and die. Suicide attempts got so
rampant in a particular hotel in one city that anytime anybody came
into the hotel lobby the first question the receptionist would ask
him is: “Are you staying or do you want to jump?”
In some places also, divorce rate is very high
and sometimes a week after a wedding, the spouse files an action for
divorce. Some couples start fighting at the altar. When the pastor
says, “Read these after me,” the bride would say to the bridegroom,
“What kind of voice are you using to read? Why are you reading it
with an unserious voice?” Some countries have come up with a
regulation that a couple cannot divorce within three years of their
marriage. This only amounts to re-arranging the problem.
The time we are living in now is a time of
terrible spiritual conflicts. Although we have many Christian
churches now, there are also many satanic churches around. Although
we have an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, there are also intensive
demonic activities. Although we have abundant life, there is also
death around. We have a lot of prosperity, and a lot of poverty too.
We have a lot of love for God yet we have a lot of hatred for the
Lord. Therefore, it is a time for all Christians to be very vigilant
and to know that what most people sometimes describe as solution is
not solution but a re-arrangement of the problem.
When you go to a herbalist, he will only
re-arrange the problem. He would remove one problem and replace it
with another clever one. When you go to a white garment prophet, he
would trade your soul for temporary physical solution. When you go
to an occultist, he would use your soul to form a covenant and give
you temporary relief.
Sometime ago, a boy who had epilepsy was brought
for prayer. Before then he had been taken somewhere and somebody did
something after which he gave him a cross to hang over his neck. The
boy thought that the problem was over only for it to get worse a few
months later. When he was brought to the church, the minister of God
asked him to remove the cross from his neck and break it. He did so
and found in it a paper on which was scribbled the phrase, “donated
to satan.” That boy thought he had been healed not knowing that all
the so-called healer did for him was to re-arrange the problem.
Vigilance is very essential in these last days.
The Bible says, “Be sober.” That is, “be quiet,” “be calculative,”
“have a sound mind,” “be humble,” “be attentive,” “be careful.” The
Bible does not stop there. It goes further to say, “Be vigilant.”
Why? Because the devil, your adversary, walketh about seeking whom
he may devour.
Somebody shared the testimony of a sister with
me. The sister was preaching the gospel in a street and a certain
man invited her to share the gospel with him. She entered the man’s
house not knowing what the man had in mind. Suddenly, instead of the
man to sit on the chair and listen to her, he slapped her on the
chest and started chanting incantations. But everything he chanted
to happen to the sister happened to him. He fell down and began to
scream and beg the sister. The sister was surprised at what was
happening. She did not understand why the man had to slap her on the
chest when he was the one who invited her to preach to him.
Meanwhile she could notice that life was going out of the man as he
continued to beg her to rescue him. So, she prayed for him and he
recovered. He asked the sister, “What kind of power do you have?” He
told her that for the past 21 years, he had sacrificed a virgin
every year to his idol. He would simply call them into his house,
slap them and they would fall down and he would cut off any part of
their body that he needed for his rituals.
The man could recognize a virgin if he saw one,
but when he tried this sister, he met with failure. Why? It was
because the sister knew her God and was obedient to Him.
Unfortunately, many sisters are ashamed of preaching the gospel.
Some men too, are ashamed of sharing the gospel. They fail to
realise that the more you witness, the more power flows into your
Be vigilant for the devil, your adversary,
walketh about seeking whom he may devour. If you notice that the
time you spend in praying is reducing, or that your Bible reading no
longer makes sense, or you find that fasting is becoming problematic
and that going to church is not enjoyable to you anymore, you better
shake yourself loose and start praying because the devil, your
adversary, walketh about seeking whom he may devour.
The reason he is seeking whom he may devour is
because he cannot devour everybody. There are some people he cannot
touch. The Bible says, “Christians, seek not yet repose, hear your
guardian angel say, thou art in the midst of foes, watch and pray.”
A certain sister employed a nanny. Anytime the
nanny was bathing the child, the child would be screaming his head
out, and after the bath too, he would continue to cry for almost an
hour. One day, the sister prayed and the Lord opened her eyes and
she found that the nanny was pouring pepper spiritually into the
water that she was using in bathing the child. Then she understood.
If you want to employ a houseboy, be vigilant. If you want to drink
tea and you don’t know where it comes from, be vigilant. If you want
to put something in your mouth, be vigilant. If you want to go to
this party or that party, be vigilant. It is not compulsory for you
to honour every invitation. Some of them may be traps.
Beloved, you must be sober and vigilant.
1. I will not abort the programme of God for
my life, in Jesus’ name.
2. Oh Lord, set my inner clock for divine appointment, in the
name of Jesus.
3. Every power suppressing my elevation, fall down and die, in
Jesus’ name.
4. Every demonic panel set up against me, scatter unto
desolation, in Jesus’ name.
5. Every satanic padlock in my hometown working against me, I
command it to be roasted, in Jesus’ name.
6. Every fetish material directed against my progress, be
roasted, in Jesus’ name.
7. Every meeting summoned against me by witchcraft, receive
confusion, in the name of Jesus.
8. I shall laugh last, whether the enemy likes it or not, in
Jesus’ name.
9. Every power keeping me low, fall down and die, in the name of