Dr. D. K. Olukoya
Wonderful God, we bless and thank You for it is
written that the name of the Lord is a strong tower and the
righteous runneth therein and is safe. Because we have escaped into
this Tower and Power, anything pursuing us is just wasting its
strength. Accept our thanks, in Jesus’ name. Open our understanding.
Paralyse every power and disgrace every spirit that is after us, in
Jesus’ name. Thank you Lord, in Jesus’ name.
Matthew 12:29: “Or else how can one enter a
strongman’s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the
strongman? and then he will spoil his house.”
Luke 11:21-22: “When a strongman armed keepeth
his palace, his goods are in peace. But when a stronger man than he
shall come upon him and overcome him, he taketh from him all his
armor wherein he trusted, and divideth his spoils.”
Matthew 16:18 –19: “And I say also unto thee,
That thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and
the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto
thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt
bind on earth shall be bind in heaven and whatsoever thou shall
loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.”
Colossians 2:15: “And having spoiled
principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing
over them in it.”
In these passages, three words stand out: ‘bind,’
‘loose’ and ‘spoil.’ If you are a careful reader and a student of
the word of God, you will notice that the phrase ‘to bind’ in the
Bible means many things:
a. To stagnate i.e. you can arrest the movement of a thing.
b. To paralyse i.e. you can make evil powers to develop spiritual
c. To strangulate.
d. To take captive.
e. To entangle.
f. To tie like a goat from hand to feet to keep it from struggling
too much.
g. To make movement hard.
h. To have a controlling effect.
i. To choke.
We bind the works of darkness. You can bind demon
activities and they won’t move. You can bind evil progress and it
will stop. You can bind evil forces, evil thoughts, evil trance,
evil imaginations, evil strategies, evil plans, evil authorities,
satanic prayers, satanic challenges, satanic desires, satanic
exploitations, evil decisions, evil agreements, evil counsels, evil
threats, evil attacks, evil programmes, evil debate, evil design,
evil intelligence, evil re-enforcement, evil opposition, and dream
Who are dream manipulators?
They are the powers that show you your enemies as
your friends and your friends as your enemies in the dream. So when
you wake up, you start quarreling with your friends and getting
friendly with your enemies. They manipulate people’s dreams in order
to confuse them. When such people have good dreams bad things will
happen to them and when they have bad dreams good things will come
their way. It is the work of dream manipulators.
Anytime you pray serious prayers and have attacks
in your dream, know that the prayers worked. So what you should do
is to continue with the same prayers. But if you get scared and
discontinue, your enemy will win against you.
You can bind evil parents; there are some people
who have fathers and mothers in the spiritual world. This is why
some earthly parents cannot control their children. Such children
are being manipulated by their mothers and fathers in the spirit. A
brother woke up at 4 a.m. one morning and sat on his bed to start
praying, suddenly, he saw his four year old daughter who was
sleeping on the mat turn into a big woman, fully dressed with hand
bag ready to move out. He was shocked. Instead of using the word of
God and prayer, he folded his sleeves and jumped on the girl, but
the girl dodged him and he hit the bed and wounded himself. Before
he could gather himself together, the girl was back on her mat. In
fact he could not touch her again. It dawned on the man that he had
a daughter who was older than him. There are many children like that
who don’t give a damn to orders of the earthly parents because they
know that their satanic parents will punish their earthly parents if
they maltreat them.
You can bind spirit husband and wife. We talk a
lot about spirit husband but many men have spirit wives. If a man
has a spirit wife, his wife at home would be in trouble. The spirit
wife will oppress her, cause financial problem in that home, and
fighting because the spirit wife considers the physical wife as a
You can bind satanic spies so that they would not
be able to report your progress to their headquarters. You can bind
evil equipment and gadgets. Counterfeit angels can also be bound.
There was a certain brother who never had sound sleep because every
night, something used to press him down on his bed. But one day, he
attended a prayer meeting and the topic of the message for that day
was “The men who refused to die.” The preacher in his message spoke
about the three Hebrew children, Daniel and Hezekiah who refused to
die. He also said that all those who refused to die were aggressive
men and rounded up with a local proverb which says, “A child who
says his mother would not sleep, will not be able to sleep as well.”
When the brother heard all these, he was ready to fight. So, he went
home that night and started praying. As he prayed deep into the
night, all the charms of the next door neighbour whom he did not
know was a herbalist started to fall down. The herbalist summoned
his demons to go and stop the brother. So, as the brother was
praying, somebody in a white garment looking like a an angel of God
entered his room and said, “Stop praying. Jesus has answered your
prayer. I the Lord will uphold you with my right hand of
righteousness.” The brother noticed that the person who said right
hand was lifting up his left hand so he took a closer look at him
and discovered that his white garment had dirty spots on it. So, it
dawned on him that it could not be the angel of the living God. The
Scripture says, “Don’t marvel because the devil will transform
himself into an angel of light to deceive people,” quickly came to
his mind and he called the fire of God on the thing and it
somersaulted and went back to the herbalist. So we can bind
counterfeit angels.
We can bind evil monitoring agents. Somebody may
go to an interview and could be bombarded with embarrassing
questions. And only one man in the panel may be asking him hard
questions. If you are faced with such a situation as a Christian,
you can bind the spirit behind the man. You don’t have to shout. You
only say ‘shut up, in Jesus’ name because monitoring agents that do
not want you to get the job have entered them.
You can bind eaters of flesh and drinkers of
blood. You can bind problem expanders, evil broadcasters, satanic
caterers and blood hunters. Sometime ago, as I was travelling to
Ife, there was a lorry in our front filled with passengers at the
back. Suddenly, it was if as something lifted the lorry up and
smashed it on the ground and before you could say Jesus is Lord,
blood was flowing on the ground and I was surprised. There was
nothing wrong with the tyre and other parts of the vehicle. Then the
voice of the Holy Spirit whispered into my ears: eaters of flesh and
drinkers of blood.
You can bind evil sexual partners. They have
multiplied in the streets now looking for women and men to destroy.
You can bind evil messengers carrying evil messages everywhere about
you. You can bind evil soldiers, evil advertisers, demon idols,
(these are very short evil beings that carry clubs sent to people at
night for destruction.) One of such demons was sent to a brother. It
came and woke the brother up and called him by the name he was given
on his eighth day: nobody has ever used that name to address him.
The demon told him that he had been sent to destroy him. But the
brother said, “You can’t destroy me for I am a child of God,” and
began to utter a battle cry against the demon-idol and things began
to happen. A light shone upon the demon-idol and it started growing
weak until it ran away. But it is not good for us to allow them to
run away for they will come back.
You can bind bondage distributors. There are many
of them in our streets today. You can bind the spirit that
impersonate the dead and evil pursuers. And most importantly Psalm
149:6 : “Let the high praises of God be in their mouth and a
two-edged sword in their hand.” What are they going to do with those
things? Verses 7- 8 says, “To execute vengeance upon the heathen,
and punishment upon the people: To bind their kings with chains, and
their nobles with fetters of iron. To execute upon them the judgment
written; this honour have his saints. Praise ye the Lord.”
Anything God says you should destroy, make sure
you destroy it utterly and not partially. If God says destroy and
you destroy some and leave the rest, He will be angry with you.
A certain woman went to a revival meeting and for
the first time in her life she learnt that the Lord our God is a
consuming fire. When she got to her shop, she locked herself up and
started praying. After sometime, something ministered to her to lay
her hands on the wall and pray. So, she laid her hands on the wall
and prayed that the walls should receive the fire of the Holy Ghost,
in the name of Jesus. Suddenly she heard a sound from the next room.
She concentrated her prayers and within a few minutes, her next-door
started shouting, “Mama Ibeji stop! Mama Ibeji stop!” But she
continued. The neighbour came and started pleading with her to open
her door, but she continued praying that the walls should receive
fire, in the name of Jesus. By the following week, that her
neighbour packed out quickly. So when God says destroy, do that.
When He told Saul to destroy, he did half destruction, therefore His
anger came upon Saul.
According to the word of God, it can mean
eight things:
a. To free somebody from a particular control.
b. To release from captivity.
c. To untie. It is very sad when somebody is under bondage and he
does not know.
d. To make free.
e. To cause to become ready for action.
Sometime ago, a sister in our Abuja branch went to the hospital to
give birth and the doctors said she would have to undergo a
caesarean operation to have the baby. All of a sudden her husband
remembered his anointing oil. So he ran home and brought it, put a
little bit of the anointing oil in her mouth and went back to the
doctor. While they were still discussing, the nurse screamed,
“Doctor, come, come, the baby is coming.” There was another woman
there whose baby had died in her and they were trying to carefully
remove the still baby. The woman said they should please drop of the
anointing oil in her mouth and as they did that, her baby began to
kick. Those babies were already bound in their mothers’ wombs. All
the Lord did was to loose the cord binding the babies.
f. To loose can mean to discharge from prison.
g. To loose can mean to be free from the bondage of disease.
h. It can mean to be loosed from the influence of demonic spirits.
You can loose yourself from demonic subjection. A
long time ago, a certain white man who was around forty five years
old came to Nigeria to preach. Somebody asked him if he was married
and he said, “No. I am still a bachelor.” One Nigeria said to him,
“You will just grow old and die like that. At forty something you
are still calling yourself a bachelor.” The white man looked at him
in the face and said, “Sir, with due respect, I bind your words."
They will not happen to me and I loose myself from whatever cage
your words has created,” So when people throw curses anyhow, it can
cage people. You can loose yourself from cages constructed by
curses. You can loose yourself from ungodly soul ties. Sometime ago,
a woman came to me complaining that right from the day she got
married, her husband had been busy thinking of his former girl
friends. He did not even want to touch her. She did not understand
that his mind was some where else - an ungodly soul tie.
A lot of sisters were destroyed by their
boyfriends when they were in the world. If you have a fiancé who is
only after sex, and cares less about prayer, studying the word of
God or planning about your future, then know that such a fiancé is
not born again, no matter what he calls himself.
If as a married person you are wishing you
married someone else apart from your spouse, it means there is a tie
between you and that person and the tie must be broken before you
can enjoy your marriage.
You can loose yourself from demonic grips and
holds. A lot of people are in the grips of demons. You can loose
yourself from bondage. Some people are under the bondage of sleep.
If you are a Christian and you sleep ten hours a day, you are in
bondage and should be released. You can loose yourself from evil
habits. There are some nice Christians who still have some bad
habits that they need to break.
You can loose yourself from curses and spells.
When they cast a spell on somebody, he will be behaving like a
drunken fellow until his eyes clears. I know of a boy who had seven
girl friends. I was not concerned until I saw the number eight girl
whom I know. I asked her what she was doing with the man and she
said he was her fiance. Then I said to her, “Do you know that you
are the eighth person? I know your parents, nice girls like you
don’t come to this place.” She said, “Well that is your own personal
opinion, sir. You see, he has promised to marry me.” Not long after
that, the girl’s mother started screaming that the boy had made her
pregnant and she was only in form four. Another week, two mothers
came to scream at the same boy for making their daughters pregnant.
These kinds of girls have been caged under a spell. You can release
yourself from bewitchment. You can loose yourself from evil monitor.
You can loose yourself from evil associations. You can loose
yourself from evil remote controlling forces. Do you now know what
to loose yourself from?
As far as the Bible is concerned, it can mean
six things:
1. To spoil can mean to strip an enemy off
his weapons.
2. It can mean to seize something.
3. It can mean to snatch away.
4. To spoil can mean to lead captive, i.e. you can go to the
camp of enemy, defeat them and carry their belongings home.
5. To spoil can mean to seize by force.
6. It can mean to strip one’s garment off to the point of
complete nakedness. The Scripture in Colossians 2:15 can be
translated like this: “Jesus completely striped principalities
and powers and left them completely naked with nothing remaining
in their possession with which they can fight back.” The word
‘open’ shows that it was not a hidden affair.
You spoil satanic agents and evil weapons. You
spoil satanic agents guiding evil banks. You spoil evil crown
wearers. There are some people amongst us who don’t belong to the
King of kings and the Lords of lords. Some have been crowned from
inside the ground, some from inside the trees, and some from the
water, and they are proud to call themselves queens and kings. We
are to spoil their crowns.
We spoil satanic warehouses, banks, and cages.
The devil has harvested so many things. He has come to steal, to
kill and to destroy. We spoil satanic fortifications, armour and
satanic strong men.
To prevent us from being defeated by the devil.
And we either fight or we perish. It is amazing to note that even
after Jesus has defeated principalities and power for us, we still
have Christians who can be seduced by the spirit of lust. A lot of
Christians are being afflicted by a lot of things. Many Christians
are being attacked successfully. A lot are still getting depressed
and discouraged. I know a sister who was force-fed in her dream and
yet she could speak in tongues. This should not be.
Many Christians are being influenced and
controlled by the enemy. That is why we say that a true Christian is
not known in the church but at home. What a person does when his or
her pastor is not there is what matters. It is so easy to pretend to
be a Christian with your face shining like that of a holy person.
Many people can stand now as Christians but they fall easily under
any small pressure crying that they did not know what made them to
fall. Will you tell God on the last day that, “O Lord, I am sorry.
You know there is limit to human endurance?”
They only answer to that is because they are in
bondage to self or flesh. Many Christians are prisoners to
themselves. What is bondage? It is the inability to begin what you
should begin or stop what you should stop. When a person is in a
bondage of self, binding and loosing would be hard or completely
impossible. For example if you have anger, in your spirit, then
binding, loosing and spoiling would be difficult. If you find it
difficult to forgive others, you are playing with your life.
Jealousy and envy are problems of self that render one powerless.
Blind argument, procrastination, rebellion and
laziness will keep a person away from loosing and binding.
Attractions to violence e.g. American wrestling, boxing, etc,
uncontrollable temper, constant worry, anxiety, sleeplessness,
adultery, compulsion to do evil, masturbation, depression, greed,
fear of any kind, (some people are afraid of growing old so they
paint every wrinkle on their faces), will keep you from binding,
loosing and spoiling.
If you had not given your life to Jesus. You
cannot bind, loose or spoil anything. If you want to give your life
to Christ now so that you can bind, loose and spoil, say the
following prayer: “Lord Jesus, I come before you now. I confess all
my sins and I ask you to forgive me. Wash me with your precious
blood and come into my life. I surrender all to you and I make you
my personal Lord and Savior. Thank you Lord Jesus, in Jesus’ name.
1. O Lord, do serious damage to my spiritual
ignorance today, in the name of Jesus.
2. Holy Spirit, energize me to pray to arrest God’s attention,
in Jesus’ name.
3. Holy Spirit, empower me to pray destiny-changing prayers, in
the name of Jesus.
4. O Lord, baptize me with fire that will dry the fire of the
enemy, in the name of Jesus.
5. I damage the power of prayer resistant demons, in the name of
6. You evil strong man remove your evil umbrella from my family,
in the name of Jesus.
7. Every satanic spy delegated against my progress, be blinded,
in the name of Jesus.