Dr. D. K. Olukoya
I want to encourage you to read this message
prayerfully especially if you are not satisfied with your present
spiritual life and would want improvement. Exodus 3: 1-6: “Now Moses
kept the flock of Jethro, his father in law, the priest of Midian:
and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the
mountain of God, even to Horeb. And the angel of the Lord appeared
unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he
looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not
consumed. And Moses said, I will now turn aside, and see this sight,
why the bush is not burnt. And when the Lord saw that he turned
aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush and
said, Moses, Moses (God’s double call. In the book of Samuel, when
God called Samuel it was, Samuel Samuel, a double call). And he
said, “Here am I. And he said, Draw not nigh hither; put off thy
shoes from off thy feet, for the place where on thou standest is
holy ground. Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God
of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid
his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.”
We find one of the most important events in
Scripture in the foregoing. The Bible has been divided into what
Bible students call dispensations, which means different periods of
time. This particular time signaled the beginning of what we call
the dispensation of the law. It tells us about one man called Moses.
People say a lot of things about the bush that refused to be
consumed, because in the desert you find a lot of dry leaves, dry
trees, cobwebs, bird nests and all kinds of things that are
inflammable. These things were in that bush while the fire was on,
yet it was not consumed. They were good materials for fire yet the
fire rejected the bush and its contents as its own fuel supply. The
fuel that supplied the energy of the fire was not from that bush,
the fire sustained itself. So, it was not an ordinary fire. The
focus of the fire was on Moses. Moses saw it, turned aside and there
he received his call. And the Bible tells us that of all the
prophets, there was none like Moses who spoke to God face to face.
He was a very important man of God. If you read his history you will
find out that even the devil tried to kill him at a young age just
as the devil tried to kill Jesus at a young age. Sometimes at MFM,
when we say, “Pray against the spirit of Herod,” many people don’t
understand what we mean. The spirit of Herod is the spirit that
kills good things in infancy. Herod was the man who killed all
babies below two years old because he wanted to kill Jesus. The
devil tried to kill Moses by the side of the water where they put
him but God prevented that. The devil tries to kill many people
because he knows what God would do with their lives.
Moses went to the best university in the world
because Egypt was the best centre of knowledge in the world at that
time. He was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. He lived in
the palace of the king.
The incident we are describing now happened at
Mount Horeb. Horeb means a waste or a wilderness. All men of God
must pass through the wilderness. Moses passed through his own
wilderness. Elijah did as well. John the Baptist and even Jesus our
Lord passed through their own wilderness. Jesus was there for 40
days and 40 nights. All holy men of God and anybody at all who wants
to be useful to God must get to that place in his life, the place
where fire is burning the bush and the bush is not consumed. Moses
died at the age of 120 years. He spent his first 40 years in Egypt.
It ended in disaster because he ended up as a murderer. Why? Because
he tried to use his own power, he tried to use the arm of flesh
which we know would always fail. He ended up as a murderer. He ran
away from Egypt at the age of 40 to a place called Midian and there
he did the kind of job that Egyptians hate so much; the dirty job of
a shepherd which a graduate should not do. He did not know that God
was teaching him the principle of shepherding for a time was coming
when he would lead three million people in the wilderness, just like
Peter was first taught how to catch fish and then he learnt how to
catch men.
He saw the burning bush at 80. That was the
moment he met God and his life was never the same again. His life
became meaningful and now had a purpose. He knew why he was called.
He discovered the purpose of God for his life. There are many people
who do not know God’s purpose for their lives and as such they are
doing the wrong things. So, in summary, Moses spent the first 40
years of life thinking that he was somebody. He spent the second 40
years learning that he was nobody. And then he spent the last 40
years seeing what God could do with Mr. Nobody. He did not know what
to do until he came across the fire.
Job 20:26: “All darkness shall be hid in his
secret places: a fire not blown shall console him…” Job discovered
the fire that nobody prepared with fuel. It is men who have moved
like this that can be useful to God in any form.
Luke 3:16-17: “John answered, saying unto them
all, I indeed baptize you with water but one mightier than I cometh,
the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose, he shall
baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire. Whose fan is in his
hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and will gather the
wheat into his garner, but the chaff he will burn with fire
unquenchable.” John the Baptist was a powerful messenger. The Bible
tells us that his clothes were leather belt and clothes woven from
camel’s hair, and his food was locust and honey. Jesus told us that
amongst those born of women, none was greater than John the Baptist.
He was the forerunner of our Lord Jesus Christ. A study of the life
of John the Baptist reveals that he had a lot of wonderful qualities
and one unforgettable one was that he was very precise in everything
he did. He said, “I baptize but my own baptism is with water,
somebody else is coming who shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost
and with fire.” A lot of people know about water baptism. We thank
God for it because when we are baptized in water it is the symbol
that we have died with Christ and resurrected again. It is good.
Also when you are baptized in the Holy Spirit you may speak in
tongues, you may prophesy and all kinds of things may happen, but
very few people know what we mean by baptism of fire. In fact, many
who claim to know what it means do not really know. But verse 17
makes it very clear. Chaff is the refuse of grain and the straw of
the corn. In those days in the land of Israel when people wanted to
remove the chaff from the corn, they would thread upon the corn
until the chaff is removed. Then they would separate the chaff from
the grain and burn it with fire because if they do not burn it with
fire, the wind would blow it into the grain, which they had cleaned.
The wheat represents the good in our lives; that
which is produced by the Holy Spirit. The chaff represents the evil
in us, produced by the flesh. The Lord knows how to separate the
wheat from the chaff. Sometimes when He does it to us we would feel
the heat in one particular area of our lives, which we love dearly
and are not ready to let go. We all have some items in the showroom
of our lives that are not valuable to God. Sometimes when God begins
to touch these things, we complain that the pain is too much whereas
it is the refining heat of God.
When God passes you through fire, you will come
out a better vessel to serve the water of life to people. God will
use both cold and hot vessels. If you are in the house of God now
and you are hot for the Lord, He will use you and if you are cold,
He will use you. You may wonder how He may use you if you are cold.
He will use you as an example for others not to follow. He did this
to the children of Israel many times. When they did the wrong thing,
He disciplined them so that nobody follows them. But if you are hot
He will use you to minister grace to others and He will use you as
an example for others to follow. The only kind of people God will
not use at all are the lukewarm people. He will just abandon them on
the shelf. They would be stock on the shelf like expired wares. So
you should allow the fire of God to do a deep work within you today.
A long time ago, this country was thrown in heavy
darkness. Human sacrifice was common and a lot of horrible things
happened. Anyone who wore good dresses did not wake up the next
morning. People were afraid to call witches by name, they called
them nicknames because they were afraid that they would die. In some
places in this country witches actually went about in daytime,
people grounded day old babies in mortar to use for medicine, some
people received up to 2,000 incisions and we had many evil trees
growing around. Sometimes when men of God cut these trees, blood
would start coming out from them, or sometimes the following
morning, they would start growing again as if you did not cut them.
People’s lives were regulated by superstition. You could not whistle
at night or call a snake by its name. Some hunters shot at animals
which turned into human beings. Many rocks and stones demanded
worship and if they were not worshipped, there was trouble.
We were told about a king who had a special
cutlass which used to spark fire, and people were afraid of him. But
then something happened. God raised up certain men in this country
who received more than the Holy Spirit and the gifts of speaking in
tongues and body vibrations. They received the baptism of fire.
These men entered forbidden forests, stopped the killing of twins,
silenced powerful demons and chased them out of their hiding places.
One of these men got to this king and commanded the cutlass to be
powerless and its sparkling ceased immediately.
The blunt truth is that there are many people
with the baptism of the Holy Spirit but there are very few people
who have received the baptism of fire. Those who have received the
baptism of fire would not mind whether somebody is annoying them or
not. There are characters that you will notice in them. Virtually
anywhere in the Old Testament that God appeared, fire was always
present. Fire symbolizes the presence of God, the unquenchable fire.
We remember the God of Elijah, the one that answered by fire. An
iron would not bend easily unless you push it into fire and it
becomes hot. The reason some people have not been bent is because
there is no fire in them. Therefore, God says, “Okay, I abandon you
to your situation.” God will not abandon me to my situation, in
Jesus' name."
When you go through the baptism of fire God will
reschedule your life. A lot of people are rescheduling their own
lives after their parents who made mistakes and are now in hell
fire. They would say, “Because my daddy was a member of the place I
must be there and die there.” May God have mercy on them. God is
crying, “Be rescheduled, be rescheduled,” but they refuse to be
rescheduled. People hate change so much but that is what brings
progress. It is because they have not passed through the baptism of
fire and so God finds it difficult to bend them. He just abandons
them. The lame would be beating the drum while the leper would be
singing and a child of God who has not been rescheduled would be
dancing. That is very unfortunate. There are many such people around
now. Until you listen to that rescheduling, many things won’t find
their ways out. This is the blunt truth of the word of God. Raw gold
just dug out of the earth never looks good. But when it is passed
through fire to remove the impurities, it comes out clean.
The reason unclean spirits and all kinds of
things are still hiding in some people’s lives is that there is no
fire in them. Beloved, we need the fire of God in our midst and when
it comes in, the promise of the word of God would come to pass. The
strangers would fade away and run out of their hiding places,
because when the fire comes in, it does not spare the ants, the
elephant or the snake, it burns everything. But many people are
afraid of what will happen if they dare get on fire. If you are like
that, you need to be rescheduled. This may be your final call.
Fire would produce heat and make people hot
The reason some people are so slow when it comes
to spiritual development and the things of God is that there is no
fire, no baptism of fire. All they do is speak in tongue: “Baba
bakakaka,” and immediately after that, they sleep and the night
caterers come and say, “Well, you have blown your tongue it is time
for night meal.” And the person who was speaking in tongues now
begins to consume food, which weakens his spiritual life.
How can unbelievers be running after you a
Christian girl? You are praying for a Christian husband and it is
only married men and unbelievers who find you beautiful. Something
is wrong somewhere. Something has to be burnt in your life to remove
that magnet inviting evil people to you.
The reason some people make a big start and have
poor finishing is because there is no fire. Fire symbolizes power
and lack of it means powerlessness. Fire produces light and without
it there would be darkness.
Have you received the baptism of fire? Lack of
this baptism is why many Christians are suffering. A Christian who
is not interested in progress has no fire. A Christian who is not
excited about the things of God has no fire. A Christian who gets
weighed down by long prayer, has no fire. If certain things are
still coming upon you to press you down on your bed, it is because
there is no fire. Witches and wizards roam around the house freely
when they know that the person is cold. Some people are in a hurry
to escape from God’s presence. When they are in the house of God,
they are always in a hurry to go. To some, prayer and fasting is
becoming very difficult because there is no fire. Some people come
to the MFM and say, “I thank God that my prayer life has changed.”
We are not asking for your prayer life to only improve but for it to
get on fire. Perhaps your Holy Ghost baptism is just speaking in
tongues, you forget that there is a difference between your
possessing the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit possessing you. The
Holy Sprit will not possess you until you have passed through the
baptism of fire, because when the chaff is still there it means that
fire has not burnt it. That way, the Holy Spirit cannot possess you
fully. It can only enter and operate in a little way. But for total
possession, fire has to fall.
You want to reign with Christ always, but never
once in your life have you seen a vision of heaven. What you see are
masquerades, night caterers and serpents. With which Jesus do you
want to reign when these are what you are seeing. When others say,
“I saw angels of the living God praising God in heaven and I joined
them; it was so wonderful,” you are saying, “I saw snakes.” You
should be ashamed of preaching the gospel.
Many are just conquerors but not more than
conquerors. Somebody who is more than conquerors will not only
conquer, he will also take captives. How many captives have you made
for the Lord? You are still busy sewing tight skirts so that
everybody can see your shape. How many captives have you won for the
Lord? Many people are praying that they want to grow but it is not
coming from their hearts. Something within them is saying, “No, you
cannot grow.”
It is lack of the baptism of fire that makes it
difficult for people to run away from strange things and situations.
All the virtues of many men have been buried under the sea by
strange powers that have collected their sperm and have stored it
there and they are busy going around. It is because there is no fire
in their lives.
When you receive the baptism of fire three
things will happen:
1. Jeremiah 20: 9 says, “Then I said I will
not make mention nor speak any more in his name. But his word was in
mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary
with forbearing, and I could not stay.” When you receive the
baptism of fire you cannot relax. It is not possible because the
fire will not let you. You cannot see sinners and feel unconcerned.
You would not be able to do without prayer and you would find it
difficult to be away from your Bible. You would want to sit down and
read it through. That is what we call baptism of fire.
2. 1 Corinthians 9: 16 says, “For though I
preach the gospel I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid
upon me, yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel.”
You cannot stop preaching. When the occult or witchcraft people see
you they would mark you out and avoid you.
3. Job 32: 19-20 says, “Behold, my belly is
as wine which hath no vent; it is ready to burst like new bottles. I
will speak, that I may be refreshed I will open my lips and answer.”
The power of God would be burning within you. You will wake up in
the night speaking in tongues. God will be talking to you and you
will see what God wants you to do. You will not live in darkness or
Have you received the baptism of fire? A pregnant
woman who had the baptism of fire went to the market. There, she
mistakenly stepped on what an idol worshipper displayed for sale.
The idol worshipper jumped up and started to rain curses on her
while she was saying that she was sorry. He cracked his sticks and
fire began to come out of his mouth. This pregnant woman said,
“I quench that fire in your mouth, in the name of Jesus,”
and the fire quenched. The man said, “What did you do now?” The
woman said, “I spoke to your fire, in Jesus’ name and secondly, I
returned all your curses back to you, in Jesus’ name.” When the man
heard that, he ran away. If the woman had no baptism of fire, it
would have been a terrible day for her. In fact, the power of
darkness could change her baby from there.
Unfortunately, a lot of people are becoming
friends with fire extinguishers. What quenches the fire of God?
Lust: Your imagination indulges uncleanness.
Idolatry: If you permit anything to come
between you and your God, it becomes an idol. For example, your
job, money, etc.
Laziness: Life of ease at home and lack of
zeal for the things of God and hatred for long prayer sessions.
These are fire extinguishers.
Over-sensitivity: Bitterness rises quickly in
the hearts of some people immediately somebody disagrees with
Judgmental spirit.
Gossip: All gossips are devil’s advertisers.
Worry: This is when you are anxious about the
Selfishness: This is when you ignore the
interest of others and you are only interested in yourself.
Distraction: This is when you are unable to
focus on Christ and you find it difficult to read the Bible and
gain something from it.
Discouragement: Some people are easily
discouraged. At the first sign of failure, they run away. They
quit when things are hard.
Abusive tongue: Some people cannot control
their temper.
Depression: This is when you allow despair to
overtake you. You think of your problems always and withdraw
from everybody when the Bible says, “I will not despair for I
have believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the
Fear: All kinds of fear are in the lives of
Procrastination: This is when you are always
planning to go higher and dig deeper but always postponing the
day you will start.
Lack of sexual control: People in this
category should forget about spiritual growth.
The enemies of our soul have the most powerful
scanning machine that you can think of. They can look and locate our
weaknesses quickly. They struggle so much that people will not
receive the baptism of fire. When the baptism of fire falls on a
person, the person can prophesy for five hours non-stop. Many things
will be drawn out of the person’s life. He or she would not have to
pray to be delivered. The fire will answer everything. All
infirmities would disappear. When fire falls on fibroid or whatever
it may be, it would melt away because God did not create it with
you. It is chaff and fire has to burn it.
Beloved, if you are ready today, I want you to
bow down your head and begin to ask the Lord to forgive you any sin
that would prevent the fire from falling upon you, because during
the prayer session the fire will fall and things will burn and you
will be catapulted to a higher realm. You will go from the position
of weakness to that of power. When some people came against Elijah
and extended the invitation of failure to him, he said, “Instead of
me to come down, let fire come down.” And that was how 102 people
were roasted on the ground. The third group of 51 people that came
to him adopted a different approach because they were afraid to die.
When you are in Elijah’s position, who is the enemy that can sit on
your brain or your business? There would be no need for you to go to
the hospital when you have the great Physician.
Please, if you are not ready for the fire that
would come down as you pray, don’t pray.
1. Holy Ghost fire, fall upon me, in the name
of Jesus.
2. All strangers, loose your hold, in the name of Jesus.
3. O Lord, crucify me on your altar now, in the name of Jesus.
4. O Lord, set me on fire by the Holy Ghost, in the name of
5. Everything that is cooperating with evil in my life, stop
your cooperation, in the name of Jesus.
6. My life, begin to cooperate with the Holy Ghost, in the name
of Jesus.
7. All the negative things that I have been eating, I refuse to
eat you anymore, in Jesus’ name.
8. Fire from God, fall upon my life now, in the name of Jesus.
9. (Stretch forth you hands as you say this:) Lord, put the head
of my Goliath in my hands, in the name of Jesus.
10. My enemy shall bow down before me, in the name of Jesus.
11. O God, make me a vessel of your power, in the name of Jesus.