Dr. D. K. Olukoya
The message for this week is a prophetic one. Let
us look at a few scriptures. In Exodus 15:9-12, we read about
Pharaoh’s vow and the reaction of God Almighty. Psalm 18:37 also
says, “I have pursued mine enemies, and overtaken them:
neither did I turn again till they were consumed.”
Many years ago, as a woman in a labour room was
about to give birth, a red bird flew into the labour ward. The bird
spent a little time, looked at everyone there and flew out. The
woman did not see the bird again until the day that baby who had now
grown up was wedding. At the reception hall, the red bird came
again, landed on the reception table, looked at everyone and flew
out. The girl getting married did not know anything about the red
bird but the mother remembered that she had seen the bird somewhere.
It occurred to her that it was during the time she was about to give
birth to the girl. Nobody saw that bird again until the girl who got
married was about to give birth in a hospital. This bird flew in as
usual and was looking at this woman who had just been delivered of a
baby. The nurses saw the bird and wondered what it was doing in the
labour ward. So they closed all the windows and used sticks to beat
it to death. In their attempt to do this, they completely forgot the
woman who had just been delivered of a baby. By the time they turned
again to her, she had died. Something began to pursue her right from
the day she was born unto the grave. That is one of the
characteristics of Pharaoh.
What then is the meaning of Pharaoh?
Pharaoh means the son of the sun. The Egyptian
kings were regarded as gods and the name Pharaoh has to do with
destruction of good things in their infancy.
1. The spirit of Pharaoh is a destiny terminator.
Pharaoh was the one that gave instruction that all male children of
the Israelites must die and baby Moses was going to be eliminated
but for God’s intervention.
2. It is the spirit behind hardened enemies.
Pharaoh’s heart was so hard that the Lord had to bombard him with
ten plagues, and even after the ten plagues, he still pursued the
3. It is the strongman leading an evil army
against the people of God. If you have dreamt of a crowd coming to
fight against you, the leader of that crowd is the spirit of
4. It represents enemies who want to re-capture
us and bring us back to Egypt. By the grace of God, we have left
Egypt. Whatsoever wants to grab a Christian and take him back to
Egypt is the spirit of Pharaoh, and should be resisted with all the
energy at his disposal.
5. It represents enemies that are insulting our
God. You know when Moses went to Pharaoh and said, “Let my
people go,” Pharaoh said, “Who is the Lord? I know not
the Lord.” He knew the Lord when he got to the Red Sea. This
is what will happen to your Pharaoh today, in the name of Jesus.
6. It represents enemies that employ sorcerers
and magicians against us. They say, “Catch this person,”
“spoil this marriage,” make this child dull,” “wreck this business”
and so on and so forth.
7. It represents arrogant enemies that say,
"I can do anything I want to do against you and there is nothing
you can do about it."
8. It represents spiritual exploiters which use
other people’s labour for their own advantage and advancement.
Pharaoh held the Israelites for over 400 years and put them under
hard labour.
9. It represents hard slave masters who convert
people to captives.
A sister had a dream where somebody brought
to her a big bowl of eba and okro soup-two things she hates so
much, and commanded her to start eating them. She refused and
said, “I don’t eat this. Even, if I want to, this is too much
for me.” But the person folded her arms around her back and
forced her to eat the food. By the time she woke up, her tummy
was swollen. She did not know what to do. She went to the
hospital and the doctor screamed at her saying, “You’ve had this
kind of problem and you sat at home all this while.” She said,
“This has just started this morning.” The doctor said it was
cancer of the liver.
10. It represents powers that can draw power from
the sun and from the water. You may wonder what this mean. Ezekiel
29:2-4 says, “Son of man, set thy face against Pharaoh king of
Egypt, and prophesy against him, and against all Egypt: Speak, and
say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, Pharaoh
king of Egypt, the great dragon that lieth in the midst of his
rivers, which hath said, My river is mine own, and I have made it
for myself. But I will put hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause the
fish of thy rivers to stick unto thy scales, and I will bring thee
up out of the midst of thy rivers, and all the fish of thy rivers
shall stick unto thy scales.” As we read in Exodus, Pharaoh used to
visit the River Nile everyday.
11. It represents stubborn pursuers. This is the
totality of it, which is the area we want to work upon.
One of the lessons a minister of God who is
interested in helping people should learn is that a lot of people
are being pursued without them knowing it and as a result of that
many things happen in their lives. They cannot grow spiritually
because they cannot settle down to learn from the Lord. Such people
will vow to follow the Lord only to fall flat soon after. They are
not able to pray at home. Such people quarrel with their heavenly
helpers and go to places where they will not grow spiritually. They
prefer people who will get them excited, and they clap their hands
and shout. The pursuer is quite comfortable with them and many of
them are hypocrites.
One of the most interesting things is the
communion service. People come forward to take the Holy Communion
with very solemn faces, wearing a holy look, with their hands
clasped together prayerfully. Some put their hands behind so that
they do not swing anyhow. The man who just boxed his wife the
previous day and the wife too who has a swollen eye would come
quietly to the front to receive the communion. People with red lips
use handkerchiefs to clean up the lipstick so as not to stain the
sacrament cup with their Jezebelian lips, and those who have just
slept with sugar daddies and boyfriends queue too to take the
communion. Some have their environment electrified with emotion and
divine possession only for one hour or two. Once the ritual is over,
it is fun again outside. The boxing husband returns to his one-eyed
wife to continue from where he left her, the gossips go back to
their gossiping, the sugar daddies and uncles who go to church
continue with their girls. These kinds of people are being pursued
but they don’t know. They put up all kinds of activities but get
little results. Nothing good lasts in their hands. Even those who do
not know them oppose them. People always repay them with evil.
Theirs are lives under pursuit. Death pursues them every time and
they experience a lot of spiritual fatigue. Endless fatigue and
inability to pray are marks of a life under pursuit.
Sometime ago, some policemen were chasing a
thief. You know that when somebody is being pursued, he cannot
co-ordinate very well. The thief ran to somewhere that looked like a
solid ground not knowing that it was a raft and he sank. Those
pursuing him turned back. That is always the character of pursuers.
Once they are finished with a person or have pushed the person to a
place of no return, they turn back. If you are being pursued or
monitored, you will be seeing masquerades running after you in the
dream. You will be seeing snakes, animals, dead relations, naked
males and females, rivers, armed robbers or birds in the dream. A
certain sister came for deliverance in one of our branches and as
the prayer was going on, suddenly two birds landed at her front and
started fighting. They fought until they became weak and the pastor
then moved in and finished them up. What happened? The woman was
being pursued from both her father’s side and her mother’s side.
When she said the pursuers should start to fight themselves, they
appeared and the fighting started and they fought until they died.
Before she got home, news were already making rounds about somebody
from her father’s side with another person from her mother’s side
who died about two hours earlier. When she looked at her watch, she
noticed that it was during the fight show between the two birds at
the church.
Please, pray like this: “My Pharaoh shall
die, in Jesus’ name.”
Under what situation does a pursuer become
It is one thing to be pursued and it is another thing for the
pursuer to become stubborn.
1. A pursuer becomes stubborn when it is an
avenger. If you have done something, you must pay for it. I know of
a girl who got pregnant and had a baby but she could not tell which
of the seven men that slept with her was actually the child’s
father. At a stage, she found a white man who wanted to marry her
but with a condition that she should do away with the child. He did
not want to see the child. So, the girl thought of what to do. One
morning, she soaked a towel in water and pressed it upon the baby
while it was sleeping and suffocated it. The blood of that child
pursued her. When somebody is being pursued, the pursuer wants to
avenge something. It is only the blood of Jesus that can deliver one
from the avenger.
2. A pursuer becomes stubborn when it is under an
evil covenant to destroy. When the enemies take a vow to deal with a
person, they would become stubborn. They will not rest until the
person is finished.
3. The pursuer becomes stubborn when you have its
property in your possession.
A sister lived in a house somewhere in the
Eastern region of this country. Immediately she moved in,
everything in her life turned upside down but she was praying.
She noticed that her landlady used to lock up one door at the
back. She never opened that door. One day, her landlady forgot
to lock the door. Out of curiosity she decided to take a look
into the place, and to her utter amazement and shock, she found
a whole human being carrying a calabash and some money scattered
on the ground. Then she understood why nothing was working for
her in that house. They enemy would always come for his
4. The pursuer becomes stubborn when you are
living in secret sins. You think no one sees you and so continue in
secret sins, the pursuer will become stubborn. It knows men who will
spend time praying and reading their Bibles and also knows those who
frequent the nightclubs. It can see your heart.
5. Pursuers become stubborn when they operate in
multiples. They station one pursuer for marriage, one for finance,
one for career, etc, pursuing a person at all fronts.
6. The pursuer becomes stubborn when it has an
agent inside. The outside one can therefore enter easily through the
internal one. Many people have pursuers that are already inside but
pretend as if they are outside. So, all the arrows they are firing
outside cannot work on them because they are already inside.
7. The pursuer becomes stubborn when there is
idolatry in your foundation. That is why we must review the names we
bear and make sure they mean well and do not glorify any idol. If
your name or surname has anything to do with an idol, you will have
a stubborn pursuer on ground. If you say, “Leave me alone now,” the
stubborn pursuer will say, “Are you crazy? You’ve forgotten your
name, that you’re dedicated to us.” Many families worship snakes.
Members of such families should not be surprised when they are
harassed by serpents.
8. The pursuer becomes stubborn when one is
unconsciously possessed. Many people are possessed with familiar
spirits or are blind witches but do not know.
9. The pursuers become stubborn if you are one of
them and you are trying to get out. They will ask you where you are
going and tell you that you cannot go. They will pursue you.
10. The pursuer becomes stubborn when it is
attached to a curse. When a curse is issued on a person the pursuer
will be running to fulfil that curse.
11. Pursuers can become stubborn when the parents
of a person have dedicated him or her to them.
12. Pursuers become stubborn if you have
previously consulted them and asked for their assistance.
13. The pursuer becomes stubborn if he was
formerly your sex partner. Such a partner must have taken materials
from your body.
14. Pursuers become stubborn if you are living on
their altar. If you put your house or shop on their altar, they will
continue to harass and pursue you.
15. The pursuer becomes stubborn when you are his
or her spouse, in the case of spirit wives or spirit husbands.
1. You have to review your past life with the
help of the Holy Spirit. Review it so that your Pharaoh won’t have
anything to stand upon. Have you consciously or otherwise entered
into any evil covenant? Did you have sexual relationship with
boyfriends or girlfriends who were possessed? Do you have a history
of childhood sicknesses, and that anytime you fell ill you were
taken to herbalists? Is yours like the story of a baby whom they
said used to cry endlessly and so they threw her into the midst of
termites for 24 hours and when they brought her out, she stopped
crying, but from that time her life has been perpetually damaged?
How were your parents looking after you when you were young? Have
you been cursed by your parents? Have you ever gone to a diviner, a
charmer, a white garment church or a herbalist, or eaten anything
sacrificed unto idols? Ask yourself these questions.
2 Carry out restitution of whatever does not
belong to you but is in your possession. Anything that is not yours
and you are sitting tight on it you had better release it so that
Pharaoh will not continue to pursue you.
3. Deal with the spirit of Pharaoh both in the
heavenlies and in the water. Many people are working below their
destiny, serving their enemies and drinking the waters of
afflictions. Some have been converted to hewers of wood and drawers
water. The pursuer ensures that such people do not move far with
God. The foundational spirits are holding tight to so many lives.
They want to work for God but the idol says, “Where are you
going?” All kinds of things are asking them where they are
going. They are being harassed and cheated. This is why you must
pray with anger and aggression, with violence and holy madness, so
that any Pharaoh in any area of your life will die. Your Pharaoh
must die.
1. My Pharaoh must die, in Jesus’ name.
2. O God, arise and let internal pursuers scatter, in the name
of Jesus.
3. Every foundational Pharaoh, die by fire, in the name of
4. Let all my pursuers fight themselves, in the name of Jesus.
5. Every Pharaoh working against my breakthrough, fall down and
die, in Jesus' name.
6. O God of wonders, arise and manifest Your wonders in my life.
7. Enemies that have refused to let me go, O God, arise and
scatter them, in the name of Jesus.
8. This week, I must experience breakthrough in all fronts, in
Jesus’ name.
9. O God, arise and let all stubborn pursuers scatter, in Jesus’