Dr. D. K. Olukoya
We are looking at a very important topic this
week. It is what I call, “Madness of the mind.”
Ecclesiastes 9: 3: “This is an evil among all things that are
done under the sun, that there is one event unto all: yea, also the
heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their
heart while they live, and after that they go to the dead.”
When the mind is sick, a lot of things go wrong.
In fact, most things go wrong. This is why the writer of the book of
Proverbs screamed out in Proverbs 4: 23, “Keep thy heart with
all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.” That
means it involves taking action with all seriousness, and making
sure that you barricade your mind so that you can keep it well,
because out of it are the issues of life. Mark 12: 30: “And
thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all
thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is
the first commandment.”
1. Low- level madness: Examples of
low-level madness:
When a so-called male prophet washes an adult woman by the river at
night, it is madness but a low level one. So is somebody who loses
his temper and suddenly begins to vibrate and fume in anger. Also,
at times, you see some people roaming the street, ringing bells and
sometimes they reel out a stereo-type message of “repent ye for the
kingdom of God is at hand.” Among them are women who bleach their
skin and insane looking men. What do you think is wrong with them.
Madness, but low level. There are many mad people in our streets
wearing clothes and looking normal but they are not normal.
2. Middle level madness:
There is also the middle level madness. This is the stage before
complete madness takes place.
3. Complete madness:
This is full-blown madness.
As madness of the mind is in the physical, so it is in the spirit.
When somebody runs mad, it means the person has lost his inhibition.
He is like a drunken man who doesn’t bother about what is going on
around him.
What does it mean when the mind runs mad?
The mind is the battlefield of man. And once the mind is captured,
the battle of life becomes very tough. That is why the greatest
battlefield is the mind. A lot of people roaming around the
hospitals would do a lot better if they could pray for the healing
and deliverance of their minds. Many things could go wrong with the
mind. Let us look at some of the symptoms of a mad mind.
1. Worry: It is spiritual madness for a
person who sings joyfully in a church service to get home only to
become dejected and be saying, “God, are you sleeping about my
plight.” It is spiritual madness. This contrast indicates that
something is wrong with the person. Such a person has something
removing his faith from the Lord, which he needs to address,
otherwise the warfare will continue until he surrenders to the devil
by confessing eventually that nothing is working. When faith goes
out of the window of your heart it will invite doubt, and when doubt
comes in, it will invite his elder brother which is fear, and when
fear comes in it invites its younger brother worry. When worry comes
in, all kinds of things will begin to move in too. So, if you are a
worry bag who would confess that God is almighty, who is able to do
all things, but immediately you get home from the church, the devil
comes in and starts to remind you of some negative things in your
life and you give in to him and as a result you break down, it is
madness of the mind.
2. The feeling of uselessness: There are
some people who feel worthless and useless. They complain of trying
many things without success. They therefore contemplate suicide. So
the devil will quickly capitalize on their thoughts of suicide to
attack them. He may suggest that they jump from the top of the
bridge into the lagoon. He may persuade them to hang themselves or
use other means. This is nothing but madness of the mind. It is a
normal thing with unbelievers, but for Christians, there is no basis
for it. You either believe the Bible for what it is or you stick to
other things.
3. Depression: The Bible has another name
for depression. It is called the spirit of heaviness. A victim of
this spirit feels as if there is a big load in the spirit pressing
him down and making it difficult for him to move. The spirit of
depression can make a person to lock up himself and refrain from
talking to anybody. Whoever suffers from depression will also give
room for other demons to attack him. And when they move in, the
person’s case can result in serious mental problems. It originated
from the mind.
4. High-mindedness: The victims of high
mindedness don’t want to start from something low. They focus on
high things. The devil is happy with people with high mind because
he would make them to scatter the table of good things prepared for
them by themselves. A high-minded person may be saying “I want to
have my own wedding in the airplane so that when it is flying
around, I will break record.” This is high-mindedness. It is madness
of the mind. Some minds sometimes decide to run contrary to the
peace of a person.
5. Sadness: This feeling of hopelessness
comes when one’s situation is bad and the person does not know what
to do. When somebody had asked God for forgiveness for a sin he
committed and God had forgiven him, the person still nurses the
feeling that he has not been forgiven and attributes every
misfortune that befalls him to his past sins. God will look down
from heaven to discover that he is the one accusing himself.
6. Dwelling on the past: Yesterday is
gone. It is too late to worry about it since you cannot go back to
it. It is madness of the mind to dwell on the past.
7. Unnecessary agitation: Getting
perplexed and agitated and the inability to concentrate is a sign
that there is madness in a mind. Inability to read the Bible with
understanding and lack of prayer is part of madness of the mind.
8. Lack of confidence: This is also a sign
of madness of the mind.
Fear of death.
Loss of motivation.
Frequent desire to cry.
Feeling of isolation.
The human mind is the greatest vagabond in the
universe. For example, as you are reading this message now, your
mind may be somewhere else. If you don’t put this vagabond mind
under control, it will eventually cause problem for you. Many minds
have cobwebs forming in them. As God is willing to shine a new light
into them, they are withdrawing from it. They want to continue in
their former ways without knowing that it is only a change that can
bring progress. This is because most people hate change. They prefer
things to continue the same way. Many people who claim they have
open minds don’t really have open minds, what they have is a blank
space. Jesus did not have that kind of open mind. He pronounced woes
to the scribes and the Pharisees without mincing words.
Jesus was the only person who spoke most about
hell fire. He told the most truth we know about hell fire. He makes
us to know that the place is not prepared for us but the devil.
However, if we are prepared to go with the devil, we will get there.
Therefore Christians don’t have the kind of liberality that people
are claiming now.
When somebody’s mind is very little, little
things would wound him in the heart. Great minds are not easily
hurt. Somebody was addressed as a brother and he felt slighted and
got angry and said, “Do you know what God has deposited in me? Why
are you calling me a brother? Call me a pastor.” Things like this
will definitely bother little minds, but great minds would remain
unperturbed. Anyone who thinks constantly about himself alone will
be discouraged. Note this truth. Another truth to be noted is that
it takes a strong mind to control a wild tongue. If your mind is
weak then your tongue will be loose. When your mind is not renewed
with the word of God and there is no fire in it, it becomes a
dumping ground for all kinds of rubbish. The devil will give you
topics to be deliberating upon. It is a very dangerous thing to
invite enemies into your mind. This is why anger is bad.
A strongman is the head of the demons in charge
of a location. At the gate of his palace is the demon of anger,
standing, looking cool and normally well dressed like an executive
gateman. But when you get angry, he would open the gate and beckon
to his colleagues like hypertension, diabetes, and other diseases to
surround you. Thereafter, he locks his door and waits for your next
moment of madness.
It is even more dangerous when one’s mind has
been taken over without one knowing it. If your mind is not free
from evil influences, you will become the property of the devil no
matter how bright you look on the face and the Bible College you
attended. That is why the Bible says; you should renew your mind
with the word of God. When you get born again, it does not mean that
your mind is completely cleared of all the rubbish of the world. But
as you continue to renew your mind with the word of God, you pass it
through the clearing process. It is a daily affair. It is certain
that if you win a person’s mind, you will have him and when you
capture his thoughts, you will control him, that is the trick of the
devil. No wonder satan fights to gain control of the minds of men
because he knows that once he gets it, all other things are easy. 2
Corinthians 11: 3: “But I fear, lest by any means, as the
serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be
corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.”
When the devil came to Eve, he manipulated her,
and gave her the impression that God was telling them a lie. He fed
her with wrong information which introduced doubt into her mind, and
eventually he got her. I want you to lay your hands on your chest
and pray seriously with holy anger like this: “My mind, go
back to your resting place in the name of Jesus.”
No matter how hot the prayer tempo is, some
people’s minds still wander during prayers. You find that people who
sincerely want to serve God cannot remember the information passed
to them by the Lord in their dreams. They forget easily. The mind of
man is like a tester and the extent to which you allow it to
influence your thoughts is the extent to which it can control you.
You may claim to be speaking in tongues, but the devil may be
controlling you. In fact, the devil must work with the human minds
or else he has nothing to work with. Even all the bodily afflictions
originate from the human mind. The heart is the centre of serious
warfare. The Bible makes us to understand that the devil has
immediate and instant access to the human mind. He has a complete
picture of your thoughts, imaginations, motives, intentions and
secret ambitions and is familiar with your strengths and weaknesses.
And if you permit him either by carelessness or ignorance, he would
plant evil ideas into your mind. He knows us better than we know
ourselves. Many of us like to forget our mistakes or faults, but the
devil does not forget at all. He starts every wrong feeling and
passion. He gives appetizing suggestions, which correspond with a
person’s weakness. If he discovers that something is your weakness,
he would use it against you. For example, if you were prone to
crying, he would always bring things against you that would make you
to cry. But the day you say, “No, I refuse to be a student in the
school of crying,” he will not be able to use it against you again.
If you were a worry bag, he would always cause you to be thinking.
If you were the fighting type, there would be many people opposing
you. But the day you said that you are not going to fight anybody no
matter the provocation, he would loose the battle in that area and
look for another area. If you were the gluttonous type, he would
always put you in trouble through food. He makes wrong appearance as
right and darkness as light. He is an expert at introducing
deception into the hearts of careless people.
When the mind is not working according to God’s
wish, mental and physical ailment, failure, defeat, poverty, family
breakdown, oppression, suicide, profitless hardwork, chronic
sicknesses and strife will follow. What we are saying is that your
life is determined by the state of your mind and what you feed into
it. What you think about is what will decide what happens. I would
like you to close your eyes at this juncture and pray like this: “O
Lord, shine your divine light into my mind and let all strangers fly
away, in the name of Jesus.”
The mind of man has two parts:
1. The conscious mind. 2. The subconscious
The conscious mind is the tiny portion of the
whole person, while the sub-conscious mind is the larger part of it.
This means that if I speak to you and you respond by speaking back
to me, then your subconscious mind is at work. But inside that
sub-conscious mind, we find long forgotten memories, and experiences
of childhood stocked there. When the subconscious mind is filled
with dirt and you combine it with the physical environment that
lacks Christ, the mind will run mad. Our subconscious mind must be
renewed, changed, reprogrammed and be made to conform to Christ.
Failure to do this will make the mind to fall under evil control.
This is where Philippians 4: 8 becomes relevant. It says, “Finally
brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest,
whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever
things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be
any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”
These are the things the Bible says we should be thinking about. It
says our minds should not be dwelling on lies but on honest things.
Anytime dishonesty comes into you, throw it out. Your mind should
not welcome impure thoughts and the report of the enemy. Failure to
do this will result in the mind falling under evil control.
1. The forces of Egypt: This is a
situation when satan and his cohorts come against one’s spiritual
progress, advancement and understanding. This can result in
frustration and confusion. Have you been born again for some years
and you do not seem to be making headway in life? Do not listen to
the voice of the devil telling you to go back into the world. One of
the greatest tragedies that can happen is for a person who was once
born again to begin to use charms and patronize herbalists. It is
like saying that the devil is more powerful than God. This is a big
lie. Anyone who denies God for whatever reason would be in trouble.
Such a person will never prosper. The intention of the spirit of
Egypt is to cause a backward movement. It is good to prosper. In
fact, a child of God is designed to prosper exceedingly, but if your
prosperity is not balanced with holiness, you will go to hell fire.
2. The forces of suppression: These forces
cause one’s spiritual life to be dominated by fear.
3. The forces of depression and heaviness:
They discourage people and make them sad.
4. The forces of oppression: They weigh
people down and keep them from using their authority. They cause
physical and mental distress. Majority of churchgoers experience one
form of oppression or the other.
5. The forces of obsession: These forces
besiege the mind in an abnormal way. They can change the mind and
force the victim to take unreasonable actions.
6. The forces of possession: When the
forces of possession enter a person, they gain total control over
the person and make it difficult for the person to reach God. Such a
person will eventually run mad if care is not taken.
Recognize that there is a problem. When you
know that there is a problem, you have started addressing it.
Accept the Lord Jesus Christ fully. Don’t be
a part-time Christian.
Surrender totally to Christ. Every
unsurrendered area of your life will open the door to the enemy.
When you are not surrendered to Jesus and you lack commitment to
Him, you open the door of your life for the enemy to enter.
Demons know whether you have surrendered or not. You can accept
Jesus, but to surrender and to be committed is another thing.
Commit yourself completely to Jesus.
Study the word of God.
Pray all evil deposits out of your mind.
It is the devil that takes away people’s
attention from Jesus. He engineers bad thoughts, evil imagination
and evil desires. All these take place in the mind and if they are
purged from the mind, the person’s life will be affected. If the
tree of poverty is planted in a person’s mind, it does not matter
how much you give to him, he would still be poor because he would
carry out all the suggestions that tend to poverty. Therefore, you
need to pray the following prayer points aggressively:
1. Every power of familiar spirit and
witchcraft working against my mind, release me now, in the name
of Jesus.
2. I frustrate every demonic arrest over my mind, in the name of
3. Holy Ghost fire; destroy every satanic plantation in my mind,
in Jesus’ name.
4. I bind every spirit withstanding testimony in my life, in the
name of Jesus.
5. Every river of backwardness flowing into my mind, dry up, in
Jesus’ name.
6. Every evil association with un-friendly friends, break now,
in Jesus’ name.
7. I destroy anything representing me in any demonic meeting, in
Jesus’ name.