Dr. D. K. Olukoya
Ezekiel 14:1-4:“There came certain of the elders
of Israel unto me, and sat before me. And the word of the Lord came
unto me, saying, Son of man, these men have set up their idols in
their heart, and put the stumbling block of their iniquity before
their tale: Should I be enquired of it all by them? Therefore speak
unto them, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God; Every man of
the house of Israel that set up his idols in his heart, and pulleth
the stumbling block of his iniquity before his face, and cometh to
the prophet; I the Lord will answer him that cometh according to the
multitude of his idols.” Ezekiel 14:9-10: “And if the prophet be
deceived when he hath spoken a thing. I the Lord have deceived that
prophet, and I will stretch out my hands upon him, and will destroy
him from the midst of my people Israel. And they shall bear the
punishment of their iniquity; the punishment of the prophet shall be
even as the punishment of him that seeketh unto him.”
The elders of Israel came to the man of God to enquire of the Lord.
You would have thought that somebody who needed to go and see a
prophet would mean well by doing so, but they went there with idols
in their hearts, and because they had idols in their hearts, the
Lord said the reply they would get would be according to the idols
that were already in their hearts. That is, if anyone has an idol
inside his heart, and he goes to a prophet for information, God
would ask that prophet to answer him according to the idol in his
heart and the person ends up getting the wrong information.
Many people have secret idols hidden in the
chambers of their hearts from the sight of men but not God. And
these idols decide sometimes what they get from God, Hebrews 4:13:
Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight but
all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we
have to do.” So, as far as God is concerned, all the things that
many people try to hide are open before Him. But the problem is that
the Christian idols are harder to recognize than the others.
When I was in junior school, I was taught a song
that says, “Break down every idol in your heart.” I could not
understand it because I thought it was not possible since I was a
Christian and we did not worship idols in our house. My idea of an
idol was the carved head of Ogun or any other graven image. But as I
got matured, I began to understand what the Lord means by breaking
down the idols in our hearts. The Bible says, “Out of the abundance
of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34). When the heart is
filled up, it would pour out through the mouth. Those talkative most
of the time speak from their hearts and not from their brains. That
which a person has in his heart will eventually come out. Sometime
ago, I was counseling a couple. The wife said something and the man
got angry and said that the God of iron should break the head of her
father. I said, “But you are a Christian, why are you talking like
that?” He said he was sorry. The truth is that that was how his
heart was working. You may try to hide but a time is coming when you
will be exposed. The Bible says that everything is naked before God.
All fornicators and adulterers are naked before God like a
television set.
There was a man who refused to give his life to
Christ even though he was the son of a catechist. One day, as he was
sitting down, somebody tapped him on the shoulder and said, “You
have an appointment?” He said, “Appointment?” Before he could
understand what was happening, the person pulled his spirit out of
his body as one would pull off clothes from another person. Behold,
it was an angel of the living God. “Where are we going?” he asked
the angel. The angel said, “Be patient, you will know very soon.”
Eventually, he landed before the throne of God and could not behold
the glory. God called him by his name and told him that he was 25
years behind schedule of what He wanted him to do for Him. God said
to him, “Before I start on you, let us look at a review of your
life.” And all of a sudden, there was something like a television
set and the brother was watching his life right from the moment his
mother gave birth to him. He saw all the funny love letters he had
written, all the fornication he had committed, all the abortions he
sponsored and encouraged, etc. Everything was so clear. After he had
watched to a point, he begged God to turn it off for he could not
stand it any longer. That experience changed the man’s life.
Any person or thing that can replace God in your
heart has become an idol. Anything you place before God or side by
side with Him has become an idol. The moment the affection you are
giving to God is given to any other thing or person, that substitute
becomes an idol. A lot of Christians have secret idols in their
hearts and these idols put them in trouble. At this juncture, I
would like you to close your eyes, lay your hand on your chest and
pray like this: “O Lord, show me the idols in my heart, in the name
of Jesus.”
When some people come to see a man of God. They
forget that it is not every time that God has a message for them.
They would want to force the man of God to see a vision for them.
Sometimes when you pray with such people and tell them that God says
everything is fine, they can go, they will not believe because they
have idols in their hearts.
Sometime ago, a man and a woman came to see me.
The woman requested me to help the man., that his enemies were
destroying him. As I started praying it was as if my prayers were
bouncing back to me. I stopped and asked the woman to go out. After
she left, I asked the man who she was, and he said she was just
somebody who was concerned about his situation I asked if that was
all and he said yes. I asked him to go too. Later, they came back
and the man said “Please, sir, forgive me I can see that it is not
good to tell lies to a man of God. That woman is supposed to be my
fourth wife. I am just planning to marry her.” This confirms what
the bible says, that the Lord will answer them according to the
idols in their hearts.
A lot of singles have already made up their minds
concerning the type of people they would like to marry before
praying to God to show them who to marry. As a result, they find it
difficult to accept God’s will for their lives. God eventually gives
them the idols they want. Pray this prayer point: “O Lord, deliver
me from secret idols, in the name of Jesus.”
If you are a good Bible reader, you will find
that there is a man whom the bible does not talk well about. His
name is Jeroboam the son of Nebat. The Bible describes anybody that
committed a serious offence in the Bible as Jeroboam the son of
Nebat. He was a yardstick. What was his offence? He set up an idol
in Dan and another one in Bethel and called the people of Israel
together and said, “You house of Israel, behold the god that
delivered thee from the land of Egypt.” Before Jeroboam started
putting the physical idols on ground, the idols started in his
heart. Along the line, something happened. Jeroboam’s son became
sick and because Jeroboam was far away from God he did not know that
the prophet of God in Israel was already blind. He told his wife to
take the child to the prophet and find out from him whether the son
would die or live. He also asked her to disguise herself so that the
prophet would not recognize her. As the wife of Jeroboam, who had
dressed like a man got to the door of the prophet who was blind and
knocked, behold a voice sounded from inside saying, “Come thou in
you wife of Jeroboam, why frameth thyself to be another?” (Why are
you pretending to be another person?) Before she could open the
door, the prophet went further to tell her why she had come.
Many people who come to church find it difficult
to function in any group because none of the groups is ready to
admit them because they still paint their faces. Such people keep
running around just because of an idol. If the Lord tells you to
serve Him in an area with a condition attached to it and you do not
want to abide by the condition, it means that you have another god.
Those who find it difficult to put away their
false finger nails, attachments and make-ups need deliverance
because those things have become idols in their lives. Beloved,
think about these things seriously.
When God gave Saul an instruction, he carried it
out in his own way and God told him, “Behold, obedience is better
than sacrifice and to hearken than the fat of ram.” God also told
him that stubbornness is an iniquity as idolatry and rebellion is as
witchcraft (Samuel 15:22-23). So, a witch and a rebellious person
are twin brothers in hell fire. A stubborn person and an idol
worshipper are the same thing before God.
Nowadays, we have a lot of modern-day idols
that people worship. They include the following:
1. Money: A lot of people now just keep
running after money all the time. They do not understand any other
language except money. When you tell them to get serious with the
Lord, they would say, “I will become very serious with the Lord when
I make my first million.” When you ask them to come to night vigils,
they will tell you that they must do over-time to make ends meet.
They do not know that the only person that can make ends meet is the
Lord Jesus. I know a man who had a simple boil on his neck that cost
him more than half of his salary to treat. So, at the end of the
day, it is only God that can make ends meet. “Seek ye first the
kingdom of God and all other things shall be added unto you,” The
Bible says. But when you start seeking all other things before the
kingdom, you have an idol in your heart. The Bible says, “I have
been young but now I am old, I have not seen the righteous being
forsaken or his children begging bread.” There is no man who sought
the kingdom of God and got it that ever remained poor. What is the
use of gathering money and at the end of the day, you go to hell
fire? What is the use of gathering money and at the end of the day,
some people are just waiting for you to die so that they can fight
and kill themselves over the money they did not make?
2. The world: There are so many
fellowships now where all they talk about is financial prosperity.
According to them, if you are a herbalist, a thief, or a fornicator,
God will prosper you. They say, “Come whoever you are and
donate money.”
3. Fame: A lot of people are looking for
popularity. They just want to be known. Without knowing that if the
whole world knows you and God does not know you, you are wasting
your time.
4. Pleasure: People just want to relax and
enjoy themselves.
5. Power.
6. Knowledge: Some people have turned
their certificates to their god. God hates idolatry with perfect
hatred. Once you give what is due to God to an object, special
demons move in and turn that thing into something powerful. The
internal idols will then invite wicked spirits from outside. Until
these internal idols are destroyed, you cannot make a headway as a
Let us look at the secret idols that many
Christians are going about with. You will do yourself a lot of good
to look deeply into your spirit because these may be the things that
the enemy is using to harass you and you think it is witches or
wizards that are harassing you.
1. Unforgiveness. This is common amongst
Christians. Many Christians harbour malice in their hearts
concerning others. If you are living in a house and you cannot get
on with the people there, not because of your faith but because they
are abusing you, or they ask you to sweep or keep your things
somewhere, then you have an idol. You may try to prove that you are
right but you have an idol, which you must pull down. Unforgivenness
in the heart is an idol. Some people cannot forgive their pastors,
group leaders, university lecturers, etc. Don’t forget that anytime
you come to God with an idol in your heart, the first thing that the
enemy would say is, “O God, hold on, look at this.” And the
unforgiving idol will say, “I am here, sir.”
Sometime ago, a woman came to me for prayers. She
complained that things were rough and her business was grounded. As
I was praying, the Lord said, “Son, there is somebody this woman
does not want to forgive.” I opened my eyes and said, “Madam there
is somebody you do not want to forgive. God says you should first of
all forgive that person before any other thing.” She looked at me
and said it was her husband. I asked her to forgive him. She said
no, that the man had hurt her badly. She said when they were poor
and struggling, the man did not abandon her. But when they became
rich, the man went and took a girl, the age of their last daughter,
as second wife and abandoned her. So she would not forgive him. I
told her that the Bible says she must forgive him no matter what he
had done. She went away in anger because I refused to pray for her.
But the next day, she came back and said she was ready to forgive
him. After she repented and forgave the man and we prayed, all the
miracles that she had been asking for, for five years came within a
week. And things have been going on well for her since then.
2. Bitterness.
3. Jealousy.
4. Envy.
5. Hatred. Unforgiveness, bitterness,
jealousy and envy give birth to hatred. There is no how these three
things will be in the life of a person and the person will not have
hatred inside. And any believer that has hatred against anybody and
does not repent will go to hell fire.
6. Discouragement. Many people get easily
discouraged. They lose hope when their prayers are not answered
quickly or when they are disappointed. In a vision, a sister saw the
shop of the devil. In that shop, she saw hypertension, diabetes, bad
luck and all sorts of things with their price tags. She asked the
devil, “Mr. Devil, what is the most expensive item in your store?”
The devil told her it was discouragement. He told her that once he
was able to get believers discouraged, he captured them. She asked
him, “When does discouragement come to a person?” He explained to
her that discouragements sets in after depression; and both of them
give birth to hopelessness. Sometimes when somebody is heading
towards a miracle and the devil wants to hinder the person, he uses
7. Worry. The reason some people are
looking older than their age is because of worry. They worried over
any little thing.
8. Confusion. Confusion gives birth to
fear. This is present in many lives and is an idol. It must be cast
out today.
9. Impatience. Impatience is the opposite
of patience. Patient is a virtue. The patient person always laughs
last. But the impatient person will spoil the blessing that God has
for him. The perfect wife or husband is the one who agrees that he
or she is not married to a perfect partner.
10. Selfishness.
11. Evil thoughts. These give birth to
evil imaginations. Many Christians commit sins in their hearts. No
serious Christian will bow down to physically carved idols but they
worship the idols inside their hearts. You see believers watching
films, which they are not supposed to watch. This is because of the
idol in their hearts.
12. Doubt. Many believers are clever
doubters like Thomas. Thomas said, “Well I am a honest doubter. I am
not asking for too much. All I am saying is, let Jesus come and show
me His hand because I saw Him when He died on the cross and I was
there when He was buried. Now you say He has resurrected. I will
also like to touch the holes in His hands and feet because the holes
cannot heal within three days.” So, when Jesus got there, He said,
“Thomas it is because you have seen me that is why you believe. But
blessed are those who have not seen me and yet they believe.” That
simple word he told Thomas changed the life of Thomas. He died
preaching the gospel. Doubt is an idol and the Bible says a doubting
man is like the wave of the sea. Such a person does not believe that
he can receive anything from the Lord. Some people have high level
of doubt. Such people even ask if there is God at all. Some people
doubt so much that they do not even believe that witches exist.
13. Indecision. This is another idol,
which has destroyed so many people.
14. Pride. Pride leads to self-exaltation
and unteachable spirit.
All these secret idols must be chased out by the
Lion of Judah. The problem of the idol is that it hinders the move
of God. God is saying, “Clear away the idols. Cast them into the
fire. Then you can see what I can do.” There was a medical doctor
who died. When he died, his wife prayed that he must come alive
again. She prayed for hours. Eventually the man came back to life
and narrated what he saw when he died. He saw himself arriving
somewhere. In that place, somebody held him by the right hand,
another person held him by the left hand and they were dragging him
away. He first of all thought that they were dragging him to heaven
but as they dragged him along, he felt heat on his face. He
remembered the Bible and thought: “If this place is heaven the
breeze will not be uncomfortable.” Then he began to appeal to them
to leave him alone. He said he was born again, and that they should
not drag him to hell fire. They did not listen. Then they dragged
him to the edge of hell fire. He said people were being dumped into
hell fire like tipper lorry tips sand down. He was amazed and
suddenly as they were about to throw him inside, a voice sounded
from above, “Release him.” And they left him. Immediately they
released him the devil came out and said, “O God, You have no right
to take this man to heaven, because he is free from all sins apart
from one, and that is idolatry of the heart.” Just one, but many of
us are committing serious sins daily. God said, “Okay, agreed” (The
devil does not tell lies against anybody. If the devil is reporting
you to God, he tells God the truth. But you cannot tell God a lie
anyway). God said. “Devil, you are right. I am not taking this man
to heaven, because he is not qualified as you have said, but at the
same time, I will not allow him to go to hell fire now because of
his wife.” The importunate prayers of his wife compelled God to send
him back to life. Although that man was a Sunday School Teacher and
he taught the Bible very well, there was an idol hidden in him.
On the last day, if an idol is still in a person
apart from the idol hindering his blessing, the person cannot go to
heaven. Our greatest prayer should be: “O Lord, break down every
idol in our hearts, in the name of Jesus.”
If you have not given your life to Jesus, and you
try to remove any idol from your heart, the idol will resist you
because you belong to the same camp. So, to be able to break the
idols in your heart, you must give your life to Christ.
1. O Lord, break down every idol in my heart,
in the name of Jesus.
2. I cast out every idol from my heart, in the name of Jesus.
3. I break down every hidden idol, in the name of Jesus.
4. Let the fire of God boil all rivers harboring my enemies, in
the name of Jesus.
5. Let the blood of Jesus wipe off all my evil dreams, in the
name of Jesus.
6. I destroy every satanic accident organized for my sake, in
the name of Jesus.