Dr. D. K. Olukoya
This week, we are considering a message entitled,
“I need a miracle.”
2 Chronicles 16:9: “For the eyes of the Lord run
to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the
behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him...”
Every day, God watches out for an opportunity to
do a great thing for you when your heart is perfect towards him.
Anyone who claims that he does not need a miracle must be somebody
without goals in life. We are all in need of miracles and thank God,
we have the God of miracles.
It is an event beyond the power of any human
being; an event beyond any physical law. it is a supernatural
occurrence or a wonderful thing brought about by the power of God.
Sometimes the Bible refers to it as mighty works or marvelous
things. When God does it, He does it to His own glory. Anywhere you
see human beings, miracles are needed. Paul the apostle had been
inside a ship for a long time and the people with him in the ship
refused to listen to the voice of God. Rather, they listened to the
devil and started to reap the result. Sailing became dangerous and
they spent a long time on the sea in anguish. Most of them stopped
eating. They threw their luggage into the sea and it was dark for
many days. They had given up hope on living. To worsen the
situation, the ship in which they were traveling, hit a rock and was
shattered to pieces. But one way or the other, they all got to the
shore on splinters of wood. When they got to the shore, Apostle
Paul, the man of God sat down to warm himself by the fire and a
viper jumped out of the woods and fastened to his hand, wanting to
disgrace him. All other prisoners and the sailors were there. It did
not go for them. I do not know which serpent has fastened itself to
your own hand but one thing I know is that God can shake it into the
fire. That was what happened to Paul. As the people there were
waiting for him to fall down and die, thinking he was evil, he shook
the snake into the fire and did not fall down neither did he die.
When they found that he did not die, they changed their mind and
gathered around him as he continued to demonstrate the power of God
in their midst. So the disgrace that the enemy planned for him was
converted into a revival. God is still in that businesses of having
His children throw serpents into the fire. Paul threw the snake away
and its poison had no effect on him. That was a miracle.
If miracles work contrary to human logic then you
expect the unusual or the unexpected to happen whenever you are
praying for a miracle. If you were going to be looking at what your
biology or sciences say, you would be far from miracles. When you
come to God, know that what you considered to be logical would be
illogical to Him. What you think is completely illogical may be the
right thing to God. The Bible makes us to understand that God still
works miracles. Unfortunately, these days, many people do not agree
that the human brain has its own limit. Anything such people cannot
understand with their brain, they just conclude it cannot happen.
What a shallow way of looking at things.
Once the brain perceives certain things as
impossible, the human mind accepts it quickly and sometimes, when we
accept it like that, our faith would not go beyond what we have
accepted. Then, we end up insulting God. It is an insult to limit
God. God often looks at us when we limit Him and He would be saying:
“This people cannot realise that I created these things and I can
readjust and rearranged them.” When God is in operation, He
specializes on things that people say is impossible. Those who are
close to God, obedient to Him, and have faith in Him will always
experience His miracle working power. This is why we need to cry
unto Him saying: “Lord, I need a miracle.” If you cry unto Him like
that and He sees your heart, He will respond.
God works His miracle for several reasons and He
does not have to consult anybody before doing it. He may do it just
to teach a lesson, to enable men to declare the gospel properly, to
silence false prophets, to reveal the devil as a destroyer, or to
reveal His goodness or to reveal Jesus, the resurrection and life.
Perhaps familiar faces are troubling you in your
dreams, you need a miracle. Perhaps you notice that your life has
been converted to a material for testing new satanic weapons, you
need a miracle. Perhaps you have been sitting for satanic
examinations in your dream, which has turned you to a student in the
school of tribulation, you need a miracle. Perhaps your spiritual
life is stagnant, you have been struggling on your own and trying
your best, but you find that you are not making progress, perhaps
there are hidden and clever devourers working against you, just
sucking your money and resources away, you need a miracle.
Perhaps you have what we call weak breakthroughs.
By the time you have a breakthrough, there would be sufficient debts
on ground to swallow it. Although there is a breakthrough but the
breakthrough is not sufficient to carry the load that you have. You
need a miracle. Perhaps you notice that your life is following an
evil family pattern; everybody in your family is heading towards one
wrong direction, for example, you notice that in your family, nobody
has a good job, nobody has good health, people die young or people
are not getting married, you need a miracle.
Perhaps you know that your names are placed on
evil altars somewhere and someone you don’t even know chants
incantations on them, you need a miracle to destroy the satanic
priest at the altar and to set the altar on fire. Perhaps you have
been suffering from prayer paralysis. You find that you can only
pray for a short time or else you develop migraine or become afraid,
it would seem as if some forces want to overshadow you, you need a
miracle. There are many people who have benefits abroad which
foreign demons have captured. Such people need a miracle to release
those things. There are many people who have been duped even by
white men, they need a miracle. There are many people as well who
have been cursed by satanic prophets for no just cause, some have
the mark of hatred on them, those who liked them suddenly began to
hate them passionately, some are suffering from leaking pockets,
money comes in and goes out, they cannot retain it, they need a
I was talking to one man about the gospel and he
was saying all kinds of blasphemy against the Lord Jesus Christ. I
said, “O Lord, give me a word for this man, that he would know that
you are the Lord.” And the Lord said, “Ask him whether or not he
sees himself roaming about in the market place anytime he gets his
salary and he would feel as something is passing down through his
pocket.” I threw the question directly at him as the Lord had said
it. He was surprised and asked: “Who told you that?” I said, “The
same Jesus that you called a bastard now.” Anyone whose pocket leaks
in the spirit cannot retain money physically. He would not be able
to give account of how he spends his money. Perhaps you have medical
problems that defy medicine, you need a miracle. Perhaps all roads
to progress seem blocked. Anywhere you go, it would seem as if
someone had already gotten there before you and put a stumbling
block on your way, you need a miracle. Perhaps you notice that any
time you have a particular dream, a particular problem would start,
you need a miracle. Perhaps you have no good job or business, you
need a miracle.
Perhaps your family is under attack and they are
being bombarded everyday by the arrows of the enemy or you have a
building you cannot finish because witches have urinated on it, you
need a miracle to remove your building from their grip. Perhaps you
have answered to demonic calls, you need a miracle to cancel the
evil call. Perhaps you are being tormented by very intelligent
wicked network and you don’t really know who your friends are or who
your enemies are, you need a miracle. Perhaps you never really enjoy
divine benefits. You just hear God blesses people but the only
blessing you receive is that you are alive and breathing, you need a
miracle. Perhaps you have open, unrepentant and stubborn household
wickedness, you need a miracle. Perhaps you are suffering from
intensive marital attacks, you need a miracle. A sister whose
husband had abandoned for a long time, was ministered to in Kaduna.
After the ministration, she took some prayer points home and prayed.
After the prayers, her husband came back. He could no longer
recognise his own children because they were very young when he ran
away. But the sister started to complain that she did not know if it
was even right for the man to come back again because the same
Ankara dress that he was wearing when he left was still the same one
he was wearing when he came back after many years. His lot had not
improved. Perhaps your case is like that, you need a miracle.
Perhaps you are one of the so many people who are born again but
cannot even locate the enemy. They just know that there are enemies
but cannot locate them and cannot fire their bullets properly, you
need a miracle. Perhaps you are a student but you always fail your
examinations, or the enemy has converted you into a foot mat; all
the inferior people are promoted above you but you taught them the
job, you need a miracle. Perhaps life has become like a prison and
you wish to die, you need a miracle. Perhaps you are suffering from
intensive financial embarrassment, you need a miracle. When some
people in this fellowship started coming here, people used to give
them transport money to come and to go but now such people give
tithes of N50,000. What happened to them? They received their
Perhaps you find that you are spiritually cold,
or all those who want to assist you suddenly become unwilling to
help, you need a miracle. Perhaps you have good ideas but there is
no capital for you to work with, you need the God that turned the
fish into a bank. Perhaps as one problem is going another one is
coming or you are the kind of person who always fights and struggles
before you can get anything done, you need a miracle.
Perhaps you have children that have traveled
abroad and are doing well, but they have completely forgotten you
here. And you are wallowing in poverty. Perhaps you are occupying
the wrong position in your dream, you see yourself in three-piece
suit, dressing well, inside a very fine car but in the physical you
cannot afford a bicycle. You need a miracle. Perhaps your promotion
is being denied or delayed. You need a miracle. Perhaps your
marriage is the type they can call the cat and mouse marriages. You
need a miracle.
Perhaps the enemy has converted your business to
a desert, you need a miracle. I cannot understand how a person would
take food down to the market place for sale and bring it back home
without selling one grain. Such a person needs a miracle. The devil
has turned the lives of so many Christians upside down so much that
what is supposed to be normal, they see it as unusual. Perhaps your
account is dead, you need a miracle. Don’t limit God. He does not
use your arithmetic to operate. He operates in a way that is beyond
your imagination. Perhaps you have accumulated debts and you don’t
know where to run, or your situation is so bad that you have closed
your door to visitors and have given your children strict
instruction that the only person they can open the door for is your
pastor, you need a miracle. Perhaps you notice that your virtue has
been transferred, you are supposed to be the first born but your
younger ones are doing better than you, you need a miracle. Perhaps
you know you are being bewitched. When you get money your hands and
body would be shaking and you put it in the wrong place, do the
wrong business, and buy the wrong things, you need a miracle.
Perhaps you have a dead organ in your body, you need a miracle.
Perhaps you are being pursued by the spirit of death or the arrow of
poverty, you need a miracle. Perhaps you are a spiritual spectator;
you are just observing everything. When they say, “Receive ye the
Holy Ghost,” your spirit is as cold as ice block. Your own child is
prophesying but you as daddy or mummy cannot see beyond your nose,
you need a miracle.
Perhaps you have been feeding your enemies to
fight you harder, you need a miracle. Perhaps you have long standing
infirmity or you have a vagabond anointing. You cannot settle down
on something, you are fishing in the ocean of life but catching
nothing, you need a miracle.
Perhaps you have what we call verbal trap. The
devil has recorded many messages from your mouth, and have used it
to cage you because you are the one saying them, you need a miracle.
Perhaps your business is suffering from what we call profit
starvation, you need a miracle.
Genesis 1: 1 – 3: “In the beginning, God created
the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void;
and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God
moves upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light:
and there was light.”
The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
waters. It was after that that God spoke and things began to happen.
In the Bible, we can see that God did a lot of miracles through
Moses. Moses was so close to God that the anointing upon him was so
tremendous. At a stage, God took part of the Spirit that was upon
him and divided it amongst seventy people. What was the secret of
the miracle working power upon Moses? It was the anointing of the
Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God’s miracle agent. Do you know the
secret of Joseph’s success in Egypt. Why was he so much in tune with
God.? It was because the Spirit of God was in him. Bezaleel the son
of Uri was the first spiritual artist in the Bible. He constructed
the furniture in the tabernacle. How did he do it? He did it by the
Holy Spirit.
David was a successful king and warrior because
he had the Holy Spirit. He said, “Take not thy Holy Spirit away from
me.” Elijah operated in the miraculous and worked wonders for the
Lord. The Bible talks about the spirit and the power of Elijah.
Elisha received the double portion of that spirit because he
recognized that no miracle would happen without the Spirit of God.
He waited for the anointing and it came upon him and that wonderful
passage in
Isaiah 10:27: “...And the yoke shall be destroyed
because of the anointing.” The miraculous birth of Jesus was done
through the power of the Holy Spirit. The angels told Mary that the
Spirit of the Most high God shall overshadow her.
Luke 5:17: “And it came to pass on a certain day,
as he was teaching, that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law
sitting by, which were come out of every town of Galilee; and Judea,
and Jerusalem, and the power of the Lord was present to heal them.”
The power of God has to be present for healing to
take place. A lot of people don’t like the Mountain of Fire and
Miracles Ministries because it is ‘a do it yourself’ ministry. This
place demystifies priesthood and removes the veil of pastors. We
make people to understand that they too can walk in the
supernatural. It is not for pastors alone.
A certain white man received a touch of fire and
one day, his wife woke up and found him praying on their cooker,
that the cooker should work, in Jesus’ name. She tapped him and
said, “John, what kind of madness is this? If the cooker is not
working any longer, buy another one.” He said, “No. I cannot waste
my money. It must work.” And behold, it started working. Meaning
that the miraculous can work with animate and inanimate things.
The power of the Holy Spirit is God’s miracle
working power. The Bible says that God anointed Jesus with the Holy
Spirit and power and He went about doing good, healing those that
were oppressed, for God was with Him. Jesus moved under the
anointing. The apostles too moved by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Any meeting where the Holy Spirit does not come down and flow
freely, there will be no miracle. The Holy Spirit will not come down
or move freely if He is grieved or quenched. Once you rebel against
Him, He will move away quietly and nothing happens. The Holy Spirit
can be resisted. What does it mean to resist the Holy Spirit? It
means to rebel against His conviction.
When people refuse to surrender all to Jesus,
they experience only small miracles. Those who do not believe that
nothing much can happen would only expect minor miracles. Once you
come to God with the expectation that He has all the powers and can
do all things, you will receive miracles. But when you come to the
house of God, and before the prayers start, your spirit is already
low and down, the Holy Spirit will pass you by. The same thing
applies to those who come to service and do not concentrate.
Miracles will not happen in such lives. Some people come to the
church meditating on their problems. During prayers, such people
just shake their heads and say nothing and so nothing happens. God
wants us to come to Him with high expectation. You do not come to a
meeting and say, “Well I am going again, I hope God will hear me
today.” You don’t come to God like that. You should come to God with
high expectation.
We must know that the greatest miracle we can
have is our salvation. When that is taken care of, other things
would follow. So if you are not saved better get saved now. We thank
God for His mercies. Salvation is offered free of charge. Some
people say, “I just want a miracle, I don’t want to be born again.”
We must know that a person may get a miracle and still go to hell
fire. All those who say, “I don’t want to be saved. I don’t want
those restrictions. They don’t allow you to have a mind of your
own.” If that is your own opinion about it, I counsel you to change
your mind. And if you say you won’t change your mind or surrender
completely to Jesus, a time will come when you will leave this earth
and you will knock at His gate and He too will look at you and say,
“Who is that rebel, clear out of that place.” Even if you stand and
begin to say, “But I was born in Italian Catholic church. My father
was the chief usher of the Kerosene and paraffin church and my
Mother was the most senior mother in Israel in our church or I was
born in Elijah Apostolic church and was brought up in supernatural
Anglican and now you say I should not enter,” He will not open for
A lot of people fail examinations because they
did not prepare very well. You only get what you are ready and
prepared to receive. The sower went out to sow. Nothing was wrong
with the sower and nothing was wrong with the seed. It was the soil
that had some problems. You have to make yourself available to God.
Drop worry and anxiety and make yourself available to Him. Doctors
do not go about the streets asking people if they are sick. Clothes
sellers do not go about the street saying to people, “You are
wearing rags, buy new clothes.” Likewise barbers do not drag people
from the street into their shops, saying, “Your hair is bushy, come
and cut it.” Soap sellers do not force people to buy soap even if
they are smelling. Be prepared. Before Jacob’s name could be
changed, he got alone with God. He became spiritually aggressive in
prayer. There was a preparation. Before the wall of Jericho fell
down, the Israelites marched round it for seven days. There was a
preparation. Before the widow of Zarephath could receive abundance,
she gave up everything she had to the prophet. In spite of the fact
that she knew there was nothing else to fall back on. Before Naaman
could be healed, he dropped his pride, obeyed the prophet and took a
bathe in the dirty water. There was a preparation.
Before that woman could receive abundance of oil,
the man of God told her to go and get more vessels. God began to
fill the vessels and the miracle continued for as long as there were
vessels to be filled.
Identify what you need now. There is no point for
a person to come before the living God, the limitless God with
unbelief in his heart or without the faith that a lot of things
could happen. You ought to offer a holy cry to the Lord that: “Lord,
I need a miracle!”
Before we go into the prayer session, I counsel
you to give your life to Christ in case you are not yet born again
because I want you to experience the miracle power of God and the
deliverance power of the Almighty. I want you to see the impossible
happen. If you are ready to do so, make the following confession:
“Lord Jesus, I am a sinner. I want to get born again. Come into my
life. Forgive me my sins and cleanse me with your blood. I say bye
to the devil. I enter into the kingdom of heaven. Thank you Jesus,
in Jesus’ name. Amen.”
We have to take steps to arrest every evil
progress. No evil progress must continue. It is important we take
this step. Perhaps you have been suffering for a long time, it is
time to deliver yourself from the bondage of the enemy. The first
thing to do is to break the stumbling blocks and clear the blockages
away before we begin to cry to the Lord for a miracle. Remember
blind Bartimeaus threw away his garment that was disturbing him so
that he might reach the Savior. We must also fling away every evil
garment now so that we can touch the Savior. Raise your voice like
thunder as you take the following prayer points:
1. I receive spiritual violence to confuse my
enemies, in the name of Jesus.
2. Every satanic angels blocking my breakthroughs, be bound, in
the name of Jesus.
3. O God that answereth by fire, answer my prayer now by fire,
in the name of Jesus.
4. Every power making my miracle to slip out of my hands, fall
down and die, in the name of Jesus.
5. (Focus on one thing at a time. If you have any sickness on
your body, lay your hands on the place and pray like this): O
Lord, on this issue I need a miracle, in the name of Jesus.
6. (Focus your attention on another thing and pray aggressively
like this): O Lord, on this issue I need a miracle, in the name
of Jesus.
7. Let my poverty disappear; let my prosperity appear, in the
name of Jesus.