Dr. D. K. Olukoya
Matthew7:21-22 "Not everyone that saith
unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he
that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say
to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name?
And in thy name have cast out devil? And in thy name done many
wonderful works." Some people have not even done any work
but the people in the passage said they have done many. Verse 23
says, "And then will I profess unto them (God forbid), I never
knew you (although you worked miracles in my name and prophesied)
depart from me, ye that work iniquity." These are heavy
An ancient proverb says that there was a foolish
ruler. When it was hot, he wanted it cold and when it was cold, he
wanted it hot. He was always looking for what was not. It is amazing
that many people do not know what they want and many come to the
house of God blind.
There is a class of animals called amphibians.
They are defined as animals that can live both on land and in water.
There are many Christians like that, they are facing both ways.
Elijah told the people at Mount Carmel, "If
God be God serve Him, if He is not go away, don’t patch up. Don’t
put one leg in His kingdom and another one in the kingdom of the
devil." You would not be dinning with the children of the
devil and be receiving divine vision at the same time. Those facing
both ways have not identified thoroughly with what they believe. All
such people, according to Jesus, would miss heaven. He says, "Not
everyone that says unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom
of heaven. Even if you worked miracles, prophesied, sang, taught or
did anything else. As far as you did not do the will of the Father,
I will say to you, sorry, I don’t know you. You are a worker of
iniquity because you did all that with a double mind." Such people
will eventually miss heaven unless they repent. This is very
Those facing both ways are not committed to God.
They do not realize that God has a purpose for bringing them to
church. He has no useless exercise. Such people come to church, pray
fire prayers, listen to the word of God and yet, it is not certain
where they belong. They are Christian amphibians or sub-marine
Christians. They want miracle but do not want the miracle worker.
When the mouth and the heart are playing different games, the person
is not heading to heaven. The mouth is saying, "Lord, Lord,"
but the heart is saying something else. It is strange to know that
the most diligent preacher around now is the devil. He is never out
of the church. You cannot find him idle. It is the Christians that
become idle, not the enemy. He is present in every service. His
agents are anywhere God’s name is magnified, to report back to their
master. He is also available. You do not need a long invitation to
get him to work. It does not take you a minute to slap somebody now.
It does not take you a minute to get angry. So, he is always
available and does not sleep. Unfortunately, many are serving him
without knowing. His best job is done by those who claim to love
God. They are his best agents. Masquerades dance very hard in market
places. You can see sincerity, commitment and hard work in them as
they work for the devil. They do not come late to their meetings.
But in the church, you have many children of God that are not
committed. They are one leg in, one leg out. In their houses, you
will hear worldly music which they memorize.
It is possible for somebody to be coming to the
house of God and remain what you call a sweet sinner. There is also
bitter sin, for example, armed robbery. Christians are the greatest
sweet sinners. But sweet sins will get more people into hell fire.
There could be a person who does not smoke, womanize, drink, attend
parties or gamble, but he cannot witness for Christ. Such a person
is still a sinner, a sweet sinner. There are people who know the
Bible from the first page to the last but they have terrible temper.
Any small thing provokes them. They are sinners although they know
the Bible. A person could teach at the Sunday school, do praise
worship, yet possesses an acidic tongue, is a sinner. Some sinners
are the kindest and most respectable people you can find. They would
say, "Yes sir, how are you sir?" and so on and so forth but they are
terrible sinners inside. This is why the kingdom of heaven is going
to be very interesting. Some people you expect to find there will
never get to the gate. Jesus said to the Jews, "You keep calling
yourself the children of Abraham. But I tell you on that day, you
will see prostitutes, adulterers, etc, sitting at the table with
Abraham and you would be locked out." They claimed that Abraham was
their father but the spirit of Abraham was not in them. That is why
James 2: 10-11 says, "For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and
yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. For he that said, do
not commit adultery, said also, do not kill. Now if thou commit no
adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the
There are thousands of people who say, "I
am trying my best. I have done this, I have done that." But
the Bible says, "If you offend in one point, you have committed all
the sins." So there is no difference between somebody who tells
small lies and a witch. Both of them will end up in the same place
when they die. There are many people who speak religious language
but unfortunately, they are perishing. There are many pastors who
shall perish. There are many people who, although they bear
Christian names, will perish, unless they repent. Those, who are
putting time and money into the things of God but have no love and
sincerity, will miss heaven. There are people who come to church but
have not totally forsaken their sins or are not truly broken. They
may be working for God, sweating, but they are sinners. The most
dangerous ones are those who have unforgiving spirit. My prayer is
that the Lord shall perform a surgical operation in their lives, in
Jesus’ name. Some labour to hide their sins from man but they
stubbornly refuse to let all the sins go. They refuse to uproot the
world from their hearts. The world is deeply entrenched in their
lives although they come to church. They look different in the
church from what they are outside.
Many people talk and sing about being free, while
they are still bound by lust, greed and covetousness. A certain
sister telephoned me and said, "Please, sir, help us." I said, "What
is the problem?" She said, "My husband is a deacon in our church.
But we have had accident three times on the road because when he was
driving, he could look forward only when there was no woman by the
side of the road. Whenever there was a woman, he would not look
forward until he ran into something." That was a deacon. What was
his problem? Sin. Jesus would say to such a man, "Although you are a
deacon I don’t know you. Your name is not in our book." A person’s
name can be in the book of exploits because the Bible says that they
that know their God shall be strong and do exploits. It could be on
record in the book of exploits that you converted so, so and so, yet
your name is not in the book of life. It could be recorded that you
sang and people got converted. But that is in the book of exploit.
What about the book of life?
Some people decide to miss heaven because of
worldly things. But I made up my mind a long time ago that come what
may, I will not miss it.
A certain armed robber saw a vision of heaven and
appreciated the beauty so much that he said to the angel that was
conducting him, "Excuse me sir, let me stay here." The angel said,
"No, you cannot. There is still one more place for you to see." He
dragged him to hell fire where he saw his fellow- armed robbers, who
were already shot, burning in hell. Worms of fire were entering in
and out of their nostrils and they were screaming. He told the angel
that he preferred the first place. The angel said, "If you don’t
repent, this is where you will end up like your friends. When he
woke up from his dream, he went and submitted himself to the police.
He said, "Please lock me up. It is better for me to die in prison
and go to heaven than to be a free man and go to hell fire." You may
go to hell fire laughing but when you get there, the laughter will
disappear. You may play games and be clever now, but over there,
there are no games because you would meet the master game player.
When God shows you the truth, your life should
not remain the same, unless you have decided to be what the Bible
calls a child of perdition. There are some people who have decided
to perish. There is nothing you can say to change them. Their
conscience has been seared with hot iron. When somebody commits sin
willfully, he grieves the heart of God, he crucifies the Lord Jesus
Christ a second time. Whenever a believer commits sin, he quenches
the power of the Holy Spirit. Every sinner is making attempt to
overthrow God. It does not matter if the sin is still in the mind,
the person is doing a lot of harm to the Creator.
Husbands, your sins could damage your wives,
unless you repent. Wives, too, your sins will damage your husbands
unless you repent. Murmuring, complaints, disrespect, jealousy,
disobedience, anger, pride or rebellion will hand over a family to
the devil for punishment. This is why at Mountain of Fire and
Miracles, we do not teach anybody to fight the husband or the
husband to beat the wife. We teach that the husband is the head of
the home and the wife should submit to him. That is the proper
order, provided what the husband wants you to submit to is not sin.
That songwriter says, "I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning
back, no turning back." He says, "The cross before me, the world
behind me." Is the world behind you or at your front? Have you left
the shackles of the world behind? For example, if the prince of the
world comes to you now, that is the devil, can he say, "I cannot
find anything in this man? I cannot find anything in this woman? Can
he say that about you? Not all that are called pastor, priest,
singer, Sunday school teacher or whatever shall enter. The Bible
says that iniquity shall abound and the love of many shall wax cold.
It does not say, "it may," but that "it shall" wax cold. Pray like
this: I remove my name from evil prophecy; it will not happen in my
life, in the name of Jesus.
The reason some people are having backache is
that they are sleeping on stolen beds. The reason some people are
having stomach ulcer is that they are eating with stolen spoons.
Somebody goes to a hotel and when he is checking out, he steals the
towels and the cups and goes home with them. Now he says he has skin
rashes. The reason is that he is using the stolen towels.
A sister stole a television set and watched it
for years. But she noticed that there was no single breakthrough in
her home. Each time she switched on that television the devil would
start to dance because they were watching his property. In the same
house, they held night vigil every last Friday and everybody prayed.
But the devil was laughing because of the stolen television in the
sitting room and a stolen carpet. So, nothing happened.
A certain brother who claims to be a Christian
tried the first time to get a visa, he was turned down. He tried the
second time and still did not succeed. Then he got another passport
and changed his name from Olowu to Owuto. He now said, "Pray for me
so that I will obtain a visa to travel abroad." And children of God
were praying aggressively. That is an amphibian.
Ask yourself: "Have I cheated somebody in any
way? Have I even been paid money that I ought not to get and I kept
quiet. Have I ever cheated my employers in any way?
Have you ever stolen money, equipment or
anything? Have you made a false claim to exaggerate things? Have you
claimed money for any work you did not do? If you are committing
secret sins like that, the voice will sound out, "I know you not."
Or are you the kind of person that close your eyes when people are
committing sins? Have you ever stolen anything from anywhere? Are
you the kind of person, they give change and the change is over what
you should get and you do not return it? There was a time that I had
something to do and I employed three carpenters. I said that I was
going to give them a test to see who I should continue with. I asked
them how much they needed to do the work. The first one said,
N2,500; the second one said, N2,500, and the third one said, N2,400.
Each of them was given N3,000. I wanted to know the honest one. Of
course, two just said, "Thank you sir" and went away, and never
returned any change. Only one of them came back and said, "Sorry
sir, there is a mistake, the money is supposed to be N2,500, but
there is extra N500, so I have brought it back." I decided that he
would be the permanent worker. The others kept quiet and later
started complaining, that that one, whom I was giving jobs, was not
good: he was bad, he was mad, he was this and that but they were
So, sometimes when you think you are being
clever, you cannot be smarter than the devil. Are you the kind of
person who borrows from people and decides not to pay back. Some
people keep their money in the bank. They have N40,000 in the bank
and are roaming around looking for somebody to lend them N5,000. It
is madness, because that money has become an idol. If you say, "I
want to keep it there to yield interest," whose interest, when the
Bible says, "owe no man."
Not all they that call me Lord, Lord shall enter
into the kingdom of heaven.
If you are reading this bulletin and you
falsified your age to get admission, or to obtain a job, you are a
sweet sinner, an amphibian. Anytime you have the opportunity of
getting into somebody’s house, where you can use free telephone and
you overuse it, you phone the whole world, you are a sinner. You
propose marriage to somebody and later find somebody better and you
break your first promise, you are an amphibian Christian. May be you
got somebody pregnant and because you have no money, you now say, "I
didn’t do it," you are an amphibian. You smile at people, but
internally, if they fall down and hit their heads on the ground, you
really do not mind. God sees your heart. If we all gather into the
house of God and the only thing we want is for His glory to be
manifested, nobody will fight. If all that God requires from you is
to be cleaning shoes for His glory to be manifested, then you do it.
If all He wants you to say is Amen, and it is for His glory to be
manifested, that is okay. But the moment people want their own
glory, there will be fight.
A man, a very top official in a church, came to
me and said he was in trouble. He wanted prayer. I said, "Why do you
want prayer now?" He said that when he wanted to take up the church
post, four other people wanted it. So he went to a herbalist
somewhere close to Ikorodu, who he learnt was every effective. He
gave him a charm so that he could win the post. Now he won the
church post by using wicked herbal means and there was a quarrel.
The herbalist threatened to come and report him to the church, that
he was the one that did this and that for him to become this and
that. Now he wants prayer from me so that he could defeat the
herbalist. I said, "Who did you want to serve with the post?" He
said, "God." I said, "If it is God you want to serve, and you want
only His glory, why should you go and use satanic means to get the
post?" I thought it was the end. I did not know that all the other
contestants had been rendered paralysed. The ignorant members of
that church would sit down and say, "It is my father’s church, I
will die there."
So, serving God with an unclean heart is like you
are saying, "Lord, Lord," but in reality, you do not belong. It is
possible for you be coming to a church and not contributing anything
to the holiness there. The world is just looking at some people to
change so that their lives alone would make thousands to rush into
the kingdom of heaven. God is waiting for that change, but they are
not moving fast. Instead, they are advertising the enemy. They use
their attachments to advertise him. They paint their fingernails to
advertise him. They wear their 666 chain over their necks to
advertise him.
Do you know where you are going? Pray like this:
I remove my name from the list of backsliders, in the name of Jesus.
Confess your sins to the Lord and refuse to be
used as a bad example. Talk to the Lord yourself. He uses His x-ray
machine to look into your innermost being, to the deepest part of
your life. He can see the areas where people have covered so
cleverly. Confess your sins to Him. Tell Him that you are sorry,
tell Him to help you. He is available to help.
1. O Lord, deliver me from every bondage of
sin, in Jesus’ name.
2. Every power quenching the power of the Holy Spirit in my
life, release it, in the name of Jesus.
3. I must rest in the Lord and not on any other thing, in the
name of Jesus.
4. O Lord, lift me up, in Jesus' name.
5. Every spirit of lukewarmness, depart from my life, in the
name of Jesus.
6. I refuse to be intimidated by any stranger, in Jesus' name.
7. O Lord, manifest your power in my life, in the name of Jesus.