Dr. D. K. Olukoya
Our message this week which is entitled,
“Disgracing local evil weapons” can also be called “Instructions for
warfare.” Psalm 74:20 says, “Have respect unto the covenant; for the
dark places of the earth are full of the habitations of cruelty.” It
talks about the dark places of the earth and the wickedness therein.
Psalm 91:13 also says, “Thou shalt tread upon the lion and the
adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.”
What does the Bible mean by the lion and the adder, the young lion
and the dragon? They are powers of darkness in all their
Psalm 91: 5 says, “Thou shalt not be afraid
for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day, nor
for the pestilence that walketh in darkness, nor for the destrution
that wasteth at noon day.” All these are the vices of the
enemy. 2 Corinthians 2: 11 also says, “Lest satan should get an
advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices. Here, the
Bible says that we should not be ignorant of satanic devices. If the
Bible says we should not be ignorant, it means that some people are
already ignorant. They do not know what to do. It can be a very
terrible thing when weapons are being fashioned against you and you
do not know their nature, let alone be able to draw a programme of
reaction. Job 5:12 says, “He disappointeth the devices of the
crafty; so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise.”
As I was told, one man went to his hometown and
was introduced to members of his extended family. To his amazement,
the man who introduced him made very bad remarks about him. He told
the people that he was jobless, useless, wayward, worthless and a
nonentity. He called the man and asked him why he introduced him
like that and the man told him that if he did not say so, he would
be finished. Then he understood and allowed him to continue with his
strange introduction. Like every other environment, ours has its own
wickedness. It is a place where you cannot afford to be neutral. If
you are going to be on the side of God, make sure that you have
every weapon that the Bible describes and all the benefits that God
says you can have. Do not stay in the camp of those who say that the
time of speaking in tongues and miracles is gone, and there is no
more supernatural power. If you see anybody saying that, know that
household enemies have finished his account. You just pray for God
to open his eyes.
I once came across a lady who had two sex organs.
She said that somebody told her the wrong one could be removed by
operation, but anytime she went to the hospital to complain the
doctors would not find the wrong one. It would disappear. Somebody
also told me that demonic people have something which when they
place on a seat and a woman sits on it, instead of the normal
menstruation, the woman would be menstruating maggots. I also know a
man who ran mad at intervals. And when that happened and he hit his
head with his hands, cockroaches would be coming out. Sometime ago
too, there was a man who was normal as long as there was no food in
his presence. But immediately you placed food before him, he would
begin to tear his hair off and would not eat the food even if he was
hungry. They kept moving him around until they brought him to one of
our meetings. After prayer, he was given food and he ate very well,
to the amazement of his wife.
What I am trying to say is that every
geographical area has its own evil forces and evil weapons; every
country has its own satanic technology. Some of the prayer points we
pray can help in some places while they would be completely useless
in other places because what you may be addressing is not there. You
do not find men in this environment taking injections to enable them
to develop breasts like women. In places where this obtains, you
would see two men in the street cuddling each other, and one of them
has breasts while the other does not. The demon behind such practice
is not found here in Nigeria. Daniel 10:13 says, “For the prince of
the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but, lo, for
Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained
there with the kings of Persia.” Here was an angel bringing back the
response to Daniel’s prayer and a principality controlling the area
withstanding him. But thank God for Daniel that he did not stop
praying. Verse 20 says, “Then said he, Knowest thou wherefore I come
unto thee? and now will I return to fight the prince of Persia...”
Mark 5: 9- 10 says, “And he asked him, What is thy name? And he
answered, saying, my name is Legion: for we are many. And he
besought him much that he would not send them away out of the
country.” The demons did not want to leave that country, they wanted
to continue to destroy the lives of the people living there. Every
area has its own demons and evil forces controlling it. So, satanic
weapons vary from one place to the other and whatever weapons that
would be available for the devil to use in an environment would
depend upon seven things.
1. How that nation or tribe began: Did it
begin with war or unity? Is it a single race or has it many
races? Were the people slaves before or free people? So, how
that nation began would determine the kind of weapons that satan
would use.
The influence of those who developed the land
originally would determine what kind of weapons that satan would
The local and imported religion predominant
in a place would determine the kind of satanic weapons. What do
I mean by local and imported religion? It is for example, when a
tribe or nation worshipping an idol that looks like a woman,
suddenly introduces another religion from abroad and replaces
the name of the female idol. For example, changing the name of a
female idol to the biblical name of Mary or Esther.
Whether the area has ever experienced
warfare: War makes people to do a lot of satanic research in
order to have more wicked weapons to fight with. These satanic
weapons will remain after the war. Did your tribe or nation come
to where they are now through wars? If that is the case, you can
be sure there would be wicked satanic weapons still on the
ground. In the 1930s a man of God held a crusade somewhere and
when he said people should bring out their idols, one man
brought something like a small doll, which had nails on it. He
told the man of God that each nail on the doll represented one
life and there were more than 45 nails on the doll. So, he had
killed many people in that small town with that kind of weapon.
He called a person’s name, put a nail on the idol and the person
cried out and that was all.
The level of poverty: The evil powers in poor
areas are generally more wicked than the ones in prosperous
areas. So, if you come from a village or a town where the
indigenes do not prosper or where those who prosper are those
who run away to other places, then you need to pray seriously.
The number of ethnic groups that make up a
country: When the groups are many, then the devil would have a
variety of weapons to work with. For example, in Nigeria, if he
tries a Yoruba satanic weapon on somebody and it does not work,
he can try Tiv or Edo demons. So, the more the tribes, the more
the variety of satanic weapons and satanic intelligence. He may
even decide to export the case file of a person to another
country if he finds that the person is very strong. I thank God
for a certain brother to whom a demon idol was sent on his way
to the bathroom. He saw the idol walking towards him physically,
not in the dream. He just cleared it from the ground with his
leg, in Jesus’ name. And it somersaulted and ran back to the
The culture of the people: Wicked spirits
dribble people according to their cultures. This is why all
cultures must be tested and judged by scripture and demonic ones
must be rejected.
The only power in the universe that can
successfully deal with demonic powers is the power of the Lord
Jesus Christ, for it is written “At the name of Jesus, every
knee should bow, of things in heaven, of things on earth, and of
things underneath the earth.” It is therefore very dangerous and
risky for demons to be fighting you and you are seeking the help
of demons to fight back. Darkness cannot fight darkness. The
enemies of our soul have no free gift for anybody. Anything you
have ever taken from the enemy, he will take it back from you
with interest. If you say, “Well, I will be pressing sand,” do
not worry; one day, you will come across somebody who can press
the sand in the moon and you will be in trouble. If you say it
is candle you want to light, do not worry; one day, you will
find somebody who can demonically introduce a candle into a
bottle and light it there, then you will be finished. If you
say, it is charms you want to make, one day, you will find
somebody who can make his own in the second heavens and you will
be finished. But it is not so with the power in the blood of
In science, there is a big difference between
practical and theory. We have science theory and we have science
practical and what can be called the applied practical. You can
understand the theory of a thing but it would be completely
useless when it comes to the practical. You can even understand
the theory and the practical but when it comes to its
application for your benefit, you cannot understand it. Many
believers are like that. When you ask them, “What is salvation,
sanctification, or redemption?” They would define and explain
them very well. When you say, “Okay, have you ever experienced
any of these things?” They say, “O yes, since I got born again,
things I used to do, I do them no more. Since I got baptized in
the Holy Spirit, I can pray better, I read the word of God very
well. I have had hunger for God in my soul.” But when you say,
“If somebody is still running after you in your dream what are
you doing about that?” They would keep quiet because they cannot
apply the theory. So, they are theory and practical students but
lack the application.
For example, you can carry out a research on
oranges without ever seeing one in your life. You could read all
the books available about oranges, that is theory. You may go
into practical and start to plant the orange but when it starts
to grow you may not be able to apply all that you have read
about it. You may not know that it can be eaten or that some
people burn the peel to drive away mosquitoes. Those are the
people who can apply. So, we have three groups of students in
the spiritual war class:
a. Those who know all the theory. Mention
Bible quotations they can tell you where you can find them.
b. Those who understand the theory and the practical but
cannot apply it.
c. Those who understand the theory, know the practical and
can apply it.
How can somebody apply the blood of Jesus?
You can do so by testifying personally what God says the blood of
Jesus can do.
Let us look at some of the local evil weapons.
1. Planted evil deposits: These are
demonic materials which the wicked ones put under somebody’s seat or
carpet or in the soil and the moment the person sits or steps on it,
problem starts. The person may be paralyzed or satanic worms will
start moving all over his body. A long time ago, one man came to me
and introduced himself as a senior apostle somewhere. He said that
there was a fight in his church and somebody put something under his
seat and since then he could not urinate. That was why he came to
see me. I asked him, “How come that you, an apostle, something was
put underneath your seat and it entered into your body?” He said,
“Ehm, ehm, God will save us.” Many cases of paralysis that doctors
cannot understand are caused by these things. Of course there is no
way you can detect a demon by testing somebody’s blood or urine. It
is due to planted evil deposit. At one of our Power Must Change
Hands meetings, a phylactery physically got out of a woman’s leg and
dropped on the floor. Also, at one of our crusades, somebody vomited
a white stone. The question is how did these things enter into their
bodies? They were satanic deposits from the enemy. They turn
people’s body into a dustbin.
What is the way out?
Surgical extraction of the evil deposits.
After the surgical operation is over, you
pray for the treatment by the blood of Jesus of the wounds
caused by the evil deposits.
Return the evil deposit to the sender.
Ask God’s angel to deflect any such deposit
coming back to you.
2. Forced initiation: Some people are
forced against their will to join evil groups. Sometimes the
initiation takes place in the dream. They are force-fed like a baby
who does not want to eat. Sometimes, they are force-fed with the
kind of food that they do not like eating physically. Victims of
forced initiation sometimes see themselves at uninvited meetings in
the dream and they would be wondering what is happening.
The Way Out
The solution is deliverance, either personal
deliverance or somebody does it for you.
You must pray violently every night.
3. Demonic prosecution: This is when a
person’s spirit is summoned out of his body to a demonic court,
which is usually a wicked affair. When a person is summoned by a
demonic court, the best SAN in this country cannot help him. No
relatives can accompany him there, and he would not be allowed to
get out of the spiritual Black Maria. He may be shocked to see
familiar faces there. A certain man found himself in such a
courtroom, the court was in session and he was there like a
criminal. When he looked at the person acting as judge, it was his
seven- year old daughter. The girl opened her mouth and said, “Why
do you always give me cow skin when you give my elder sisters the
liver?” The man said that it was what the family could afford and
she said, “Why did you not divide the cow skin and the liver into
two and give my elder sisters and I one piece of each?” The other
people there said, “You are always giving our queen cow skin.” The
man said it was an error and that they should forgive him. They
said, “No, you cannot be forgiven.” They dealt with him and he
cried. When he woke from sleep he became paralyzed.
Dreams of being surrounded by people with tough
and hard faces should be taken seriously. And so are dreams of
seeing yourself standing trial in a court, or being locked up in a
police cell, or somebody takes your hand and gives you some strokes
of the cane.
The Way Out
Go into aggressive prayer and fasting to
withdraw the call or summon.
Withdraw or cancel the call. The wonderful
thing about the things of the spirit is that you can do a
fast-forward or a rewind, which is not possible in the physical
world. For example, it is not possible to go back to when you
were six years old. But spiritually, you can go back to what
somebody did to you 27 years ago or to a dream you had 25 years
ago and cancel it today and it stays cancelled. You can see what
God has for you in the future or where He is taking you. That is
the beautiful world of the spirit. So if you have been called
before in your dream, or physically you heard a call and you
answered, you can withdraw the call today by saying, “The call
that I answered then I withdraw my answer, in the name of
Jesus.” You have the right to do that as a child of God.
Cancel the sentence passed on you.
Send confusion into the midst of the court
where you were summoned.
Barricade your life with the blood of Jesus.
4. Buried virtues: Readers of the Bible
understand that the earth, which we are standing upon, is a living
entity and can accept virtues deposited into it. When Cain killed
his brother, Abel, the Lord said unto him, “Cain, what has thou
done?” He replied, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” The Lord said, “The
voice of the blood of your brother is crying to me from underneath
the earth.” Every blessing that we are entitled to first of all
existed in the spirit world before it manifested physically. If
somebody grabs the spiritual representative and buries it, that is
what we call buried virtue. If you know that when bright
opportunities come, you fail; or that at the point of something
good, everything goes wrong, or you are always in and out of
hospital because of bad health, it could be that somebody may have
buried your health, wealth, etc.
The Way Out
Call for the assistance of God’s angels.
Devote at least one hour each day for the
next seven days praying that all your buried virtues should be
exhumed, in the name of Jesus. You will be surprised at what
will happen.
5. Spiritual cell: This is when a person
is like a little bird inside a cage. He cannot move far or fly
beyond a particular level. Friends and enemies surround the person
and throw things at him like people do to animals caged in the zoos.
If you notice that you depend on friends and relatives to feed, you
have been caged and you have to escape today. Friends would be
throwing you bananas while enemies would be throwing you stones,
which you would be busy trying to dodge like a monkey in a cage.
Somebody in a cage really cannot run far from the enemy. The person
will not be able to respond effectively to attacks because the cage
would be limiting him. The trouble with spiritual cage is that a lot
of people get so used to it that they do not even realize their
freedom. They become like the woman who was given a lift and she
still had her load on her head. When she was asked to put down the
load, she said, “No, it is me you are giving the lift not the load.
The Way Out
Pray the prayer of Jabez. What is the prayer
of Jabez? It is “O Lord, bless me and enlarge my coast, in
Jesus’ name.”
Take authority over the cage. The cage can
hear what you are saying.
Invite the Lord Jesus Christ to open the cage
with the key that He took when He triumphed over satan.
Ask the Lord to cast the cage into fire.
6. Body exchange: There are powers that
alter people’s bodies. People whose bodies have been altered look
older than their age. They feel uncomfortable and experience
heaviness. Ugliness, sluggishness, unexplainable hatred, marital
failure may also be their lot. The gospel was preached to a certain
man and he said, “Okay, I believe you. But that heaven that you just
described is Mama so so (i.e. his wife) going there? The preacher
said, “Yes, if she is born again, by the grace of God she will be
there.” The man said he would prefer to go somewhere else if the
woman would be there. “Do you hate your wife so much?” the preacher
asked him. He said, “Yes, I do not like seeing her.” Something may
be wrong with the woman. Her body may have been changed and each
time the man looked at her, he saw another person.
The Way Out
7. Spiritual bullet: When a person’s case
is taken to the dark world, a search would be carried out to locate
the people with dark powers in the person’s family. The more the
people with dark powers in the person’s family, the more complicated
the person’s case becomes. All the information the enemies need
would be supplied by members of the person’s family. Then the
person’s spirit would be called out and shot. Such people generally
do not wake up the following day. The person may see the bullets in
the dream entering his body. This is how diseases like cancer
starts, and slow death would set in. Alternatively, if the bullets
enter into the leg or stomach, that part of the body will be
rebelling against other parts of the body.
The Way Out
8. Spiritual arrows: A child who has
potentials to be great can be located from his mother’s womb and
fired at. This is a common practice in polygamous homes. This is one
of the reasons you can hardly find somebody from a polygamous home
that does not need deliverance. If you are the only male or the
first male in a polygamous home and your mother is not the first
wife, there is 100 per cent chance that arrows are in your body.
When arrows are fired, the brain is always the first target.
The Way Out
9. Consumption of polluted food: Being fed
in the dream or attending demonic parties where one is served the
wrong food to eat introduces all kinds of bad things into one’ s
life. Problem would start, then the person’s spiritual life will not
grow very well and the person will be having sickness all over the
The Way Out
10. Demonic marriage: If somebody is
consciously or unconsciously married in the spirit world, he or she
is in for a serious battle, for spiritual marriage is as binding as
the physical one. The spirit spouse will fight with the last drop of
his or her blood to keep his or her partner. This is one of the
reasons many people do not enjoy their marriage. The spiritual
partner would fight the physical one and engineer separation. There
would be marks of hatred, unexplainable quarrels, poverty and
business collapse so that tension would be high in the home. Family
interference will be so high. The spiritual spouse would harass the
physical one so much.
The Way Out
Everyone has something that God has planted in
him to make him great. God has not created any failure. You may not
see what God has planted in you, but your enemy, satan, sees it. So,
today, attack every local weapon that has been made against you.
The weapons treated here are restricted to those
used in this environment. If somebody collects an imported one, then
he has more work to do. I saw a man who was boasting that when he
was in Nigeria, all the girls were running after him and when he
went to Germany too, all the white girls were running after him. I
said to him, “Look, you have received combined honours of evil, so
your deliverance will be longer.”
Some people’s idea that they would just say the
blood of Jesus and pray for protection is not enough. You must
attack. The best system of protection is to attack. God cannot
release His miracle power until you begin to attack what you should
attack. 2 Thessalonians 1:16 says, “Seeing it is a righteous thing
with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you.” That
is what God will do when you strike back. Also, the arrows will go
back to the senders. Why? Because Psalm 109:17 says, “As he loved
cursing so let it come unto him as he delighted not in blessing so
let it be far from him.”
When people who are wicked and disobedient to God
are firing witchcraft arrows at God’s children, they must be
stopped. By returning the arrows, the spirits following them will go
back to the senders. One secret you must know is that satanic agents
are always afraid of their arrows coming back to them. Sometimes
when it does not happen that way they will not bow. That is why the
Bible says the wicked must bow before the good.
If you are yet to surrender you life to Jesus
Christ, the accompanying prayers would be of no use to you because
you have not taken the first step in obtaining the blessing of God.
If you want to give your life to Jesus, say the following prayer:
“Lord Jesus, I come to you today, I surrender my life unto you. I
accept you as my Lord and personal Saviour. Forgive me my sins and
cleanse me with your blood. Come into my life today, in the name of
Jesus. Amen.
(Put your hands on your head and pray like
this:) I cover myself with the blood of Jesus, in Jesus’ name.
Mention the underlisted conditions and say
seven hot times: “Back to the sender, in the name of Jesus.”
i. Satanic dream.
ii. Spirit of bedwetting.
iii. Spirit of fear.
iv. Mark of hatred.
v. Spirit of infirmity.
vi. Satanic arrows.
vii. Problems with the blood.
vii. Problems with the head.
viii. Problem from the river.
ix. Problem from the sea.
x. Problem from polygamy.
xi. Problem with circumcision.
xii. Problem with the reproductive organ.
xiii. Problem with demonic in-laws.
xiv. Problems with witchcraft spirits.
xv. Problems with unfriendly friends.
Local satanic weapons, release me and go back
to your sender, in the name of Jesus.
(Place one hand on your stomach and the other
one on your head:) Every arrow from local witches and wizards,
back to senders, in the name of Jesus.
Talk to the Lord about any strange experience
you might have had in the dream or in the physical and say,
“Back to the sender, in Jesus’ name.”
You the devices of the enemy upon my life,
receive disappointment, in Jesus’ name.