Dr. D. K. Olukoya
Psalm 30: 3 says, “O Lord, thou hast brought up
my soul from the grave: thou hast kept me alive that I should not go
down to the pit.” In Psalm 49: 14 - 15, the Bible says, “Like sheep
they are laid in the grave; death shall feed on them; and the
upright shall have dominion over them in the morning; and their
beauty shall consume in the grave from their dwelling. But God will
redeem my soul from the power of the grave: for he shall receive
At the MFM, we pray lots of prayer points. Some
of these prayer points may sound strange to some people. But for
those who understand the war going on in the spirit, they are
familiar items. For example at MFM, we pray a lot about buried
virtues. On three occasions, people have brought pots to me. The
first person was a small girl several years ago. She was about 13
years old. Her daddy was having problems and I think he prayed very
well. One day, she came with a pot wrapped inside a black nylon bag
and insisted that I was the only person she would show the contents
of the pot. She opened it and the first thing she said was, “Daddy
is a dead handsome man.” I said, “I don’t understand what you mean
by that. What is inside the pot?” I looked into it and saw three
items: some hair strands, a piece of clothing that seemed to have
been cut from a shirt and some fingernails. I asked her where the
items came from and she said they were all from her daddy. She said,
“Let me tell you what these things stand for. The hair is his glory,
which we have buried. The piece of cloth, which was cut from his
shirt, was used to introduce shame into his life because
spiritually, when somebody removes your cloth, he is putting you to
shame. The fingernails represent whatever he does with his hands.
So, daddy is a dead handsome man. But if he will repent of the sin
of anger and pray well, then he can be delivered.” I said, “What if
we burn the pot now?” She said, “Yes, you can burn the pot now, but
we can always find another pot.” At this juncture, I think you
should pray like this: “Every satanic pot prepared against me,
crumble in the name of Jesus.”
Beloved, these are practical things. A time will
come when believers will only go to fellow believers to make their
hair. People will get wise. Believers will no longer enter salons
with names such as ‘Mermaid.’ They will look at the fingernails of
hairdressers before they patronize them. Now, you see believers
putting down their anointed head for demonic hairdressers because
they must dress their hair even if it means their destruction.
The second pot was brought by three girls from
one of the universities. When I asked them what was inside the pot,
they laughed and said, “Man of God, it will be very awkward if we
tell you the name, but you will understand.” I looked inside and
found a white substance. I asked them what it was and they said,
“Male seed,” i.e. sperm. I asked them how they got it and they said,
“We collected it from some boys in our school and we have dealt with
all of them.” I said, “But what have they done?” They said, “They
jilted us. They were our boyfriends but they did not know that the
three of us are powerful. They took us for granted so, we dealt with
them.” I asked them what had become of those boys and they said two
of them were dead and one was mad. I asked them what they wanted to
do and they said, “We want to give our lives to Jesus. We are
repenting.” This is the mystery of the gospel. Jesus will accept
them and the one that was mad might still remain mad even after they
have repented. This is why you and I must know that the best system
of defense is to attack. If you are put in the boxing ring and told
to fight, and you begin to say to your opponent, “Before we start,
don’t touch my head, don’t touch my nose,” he would not listen to
you because the fight has been declared. Our fight with the enemy
has already been declared in the book of Genesis: “I would put
enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed”
(Genesis 3: 15). Those girls gave their lives to Jesus, but
meanwhile, two foolish boys were dead and one was mad.
The third time somebody brought a pot to me, it
contained blood. “Where did this come from?” I asked him. He said,
“I took it from some people.” I said, “But why?” He said, “Because I
want to finish them.”
When things have been collected and buried, there
is trouble unless you understand how to withdraw what has been
buried. That is why the Psalmist talked about deliverance from the
grave. He also talked about the power of the grave. The grave has
some powers which are behind certain things people call difficult
What Are Difficult Cases?
Difficult cases are situations where the evil pipe through which a
problem is being fed has not been demolished. Then you say it is
A difficult problem is a problem where all the
secrets behind it are not known. And because of that ignorance, the
enemy keeps rejoicing.
A problem is difficult when it is linked to
multiple curses or multiple bondages. For example, somebody locked
someone up and you asked him or her to unlock the fellow and he or
she did. You then ask if the person is now free and he or she said,
“No, because we used 14 padlocks on the person." It means that if
such a person who was locked up came to a prayer meeting and prayed
for one hour and broke only two, it would remain twelve. And at the
same time, he or she could pray and all fourteen would break at one
operation. That is possible. So, once a situation has a lot of
covenants formed against it, it looks difficult because there are so
many chains tying it down. Some people live with angry parents who
curse people easily. For example, on Monday, they would call you an
idiot, the devil records it. On Tuesday, they call you a zombie, the
devil writes it down, the third day, they say, “Your head is not
correct,” the devil writes it down, fourth day: “God will punish
you,” the devil notes it down. In a month, some children accumulate
a minimum of 30 curses. In a year, they would accumulate 360 or 365
on their heads. Such people may come to a revival meeting, pray and
remove 200. There would still be 160 left. Their situation will look
difficult because there are many curses issued against them. Some of
the poorest people I have ever found in my life are the gate men of
primary schools. As these children go in or come out, they issue
curses on them everyday. And some of these children are not normal.
So these gatemen accumulate about 100 curses per day and by the time
they spend a month, they have accumulated 3000, poor men. Generally
these gatemen live in places where even the shortest of men have to
bow down before they can enter. And whenever there is rain, there
would be problem. Their cases are normally difficult because of the
enormity of the curses they accumulated over the years. That is
separate from what their wives and other people issue on them at
A difficult case is one that has been circulated
in four worlds. What are the four worlds?
1. The second heaven, that is the
headquarters of evil.
2. The earth.
3. Underneath the earth.
4. The sea.
When somebody’s case has been taken to these four
places, the person would have things to break in four places. Then
it looks very difficult.
Man was formed out of the dust of the ground. The
Bible tells us that in Genesis 2: 7. Also animals and plants were
formed from the ground (Genesis 2:19). But later, God cursed the
ground (Genesis 3). You discover too that all the elements in the
body of man can be found in the soil. That is why the Bible says in
Philippians 2:10 that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow,
of things in heaven, of things on earth and of things under the
earth. So, it follows that most of the things we see now around us
are underneath the ground. The only major thing that comes from
heaven is the spirit, which is inside a man. Wood, iron, clothes,
steel, etc. come from the ground. In John 3: 31, Jesus says, “He
that cometh from above: is above all, he that is of the earth is
earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is
above all.” Therefore, there are certain things that come from the
earth and certain things that come from heaven. I Corinthians 15: 47
–48: “The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the
Lord from heaven. As is the earthy, such are they also that are
earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are
The Bible sometimes addresses the ground as a
person because there are spirits within it which it refers to as the
powers of the grave. In Numbers 16, Moses said, “O God, if you would
do a new thing and let the ground open and swallow.” What happened?
The ground heard what Moses said and opened up. So, there are powers
within the earth we call the powers of the grave. A knowledgeable
black man understands this very well, much more than a white man.
For example, blacks pour libation on the ground to demons of the
ground. This is why evil people remove sand from underneath people’s
feet and use it against them. It is also the same reason herbalists
pay homage to the ground. Some people swear by the earth and use the
soil as charm. Some people inquire their future from the earth by
pressing sands. It is these spirits from the grave that answer them.
They believe in the power of the earth. When I was a small boy, my
school was close to a burial ground. So we were warned that whenever
we saw unusually short creatures on our way to school, we should
take some sand and pour it on them and they would disappear. I never
saw one. But my friends used to say they saw them and poured sand on
them and they disappeared. Why do you have to pour sand on them? It
is because they are powers from the earth.
In a church I used to attend, we had a very
unusual pastor. Unusual in the sense that five minutes into a prayer
meeting, he would start sweating because he prayed aggressively
unlike the one before him who would call prayer points and sit down
to pray. One day, I sat at the back and suddenly, the pastor ran to
the back as a woman came in, dancing and clapping with a baby
strapped at her back. The pastor looked at her and in anger, said to
her, “Turn over. Why should you come to the house of God walking on
your head?” I did not see her walking on her head. I saw her
standing straight and carrying a baby and dancing. But the woman
knew that the pastor could see what she really was. She said, “Sorry
sir,” and entered the church. Why was she walking upside down? She
was communicating with these powers underneath the earth. During one
Power Must Change Hands programme, somebody was caught trying to
pack sand from the church premises. He was asked what he wanted to
do with it and he said, he wanted to go and use it so that people
would be coming to his own church in large numbers. We told him that
he would have made a mistake because it would have meant him pouring
liquid fire there and causing more problem for himself. Also, there
was a certain man who was told to come and bury charms in MFM and he
accepted. All he did was to accept. He had not even come when
trouble started until he was brought to the same MFM.
In a nutshell, every goodness of man has a
spiritual representative and once this spiritual representative is
caged, trapped, buried or imprisoned in the graveyard, that is the
In Matthew 10, Jesus gave His disciples matching
orders. Verse 8 says, “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the
dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.” So
when you go to a prophet and he asks you for money, you should know
immediately that he did not receive his power from Jesus because
Jesus says, “Freely ye receive, freely give.” Verse 11 says, “And
into whatsoever city ye shall enter, inquire who in it is worthy;
and there abide till you go thence. And when you come into an house,
salute it. And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it:
but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you.” It means
that peace is an entity that can be transferred, given out or
withdrawn. It is like that for everything, whether it is money,
husband, wife, children, etc. They can be captured and buried
spiritually. So, although they are around, they will not be
available. You must recognize as a reality the fact that once a
matter is settled spiritually, the physical has no option but to toe
the line of the spiritual. When something has been buried or in
other words, put in the grave, the thing is said to be committed to
mother earth. Whatever happens, anything that is buried is not
easily available again. That is why we talk about witchcraft burial.
When witchcraft powers bury a person’s clock, they deal with his
time. The person will become a vagabond moving about without
direction. If they bury the person’s purse, his finances will be in
trouble. If they bury the person’s wedding ring, problem would start
with the person’s marriage. They take significant things like that.
I have seen cases, when on a wedding morning, a bride ran to the man
of God and said that she could not find her right shoes. It had been
stolen. What were they going to do with it? They would bury it.
There are satanic agents who call people’s names
into materials and bury them. Sometime ago, a lady led some people
and I to a place where she dug out the picture of a wedding. She
said, “Will God forgive me now that I have given it to you?” I asked
her what she did to the couple and she said, “We separated them. The
wife is in South Africa while the husband is in Russia." People
construct artificial coffins for people and speak words against them
to the coffins or put materials from them into the coffins and bury
them. The people then become walking corpses. When this happens,
hospitals become useless to you.
Many years ago, in my former church, we got to
church one morning and found a big charm inside the church. Some
people saw it and ran away. But thank God there were some people
there who understood what they believed. They took the thing up and
said, “Holy Spirit, look at this useless material that was dropped
here. We would have destroyed it and kept quiet, but let us teach
those who dropped it some lessons. Therefore, let the angels of the
living God take the charm and conduct a reverse burial.” Shortly
after, those who buried it surfaced when they could no longer bear
the fire. If as you are reading this message, you know that you have
buried things on the instructions of a herbalist, witchdoctor or
fake prophet, you might have done it in ignorance but the devil knew
what he was doing. You might have been tricked into burying things
that belonged to you with your own hands. Perhaps, it was a cow or
some other materials. What they did was that the night before you
buried the cow or whatever, they came and smuggled your virtue
inside the animal and then you buried it with your hands. So they
were free because you buried it with your own hands. Some people
organize parties where they distribute demonic foods to many people
and things will start happening after they have eaten them. I saw
wickedness of the highest order when somebody who had almost N10
million in the bank was asked to borrow money from people and bury
it in order to bury their finances and add them to his own.
A certain brother was led to the grave in his
dream by an angel. The angel struck the grave and shouted the name
of someone the brother knew three times and the person came out. The
brother withdrew his blessing from the person and that was the end
of his problem. It means that even if the person that stole your
blessings from you or did evil to you is dead, you can still
withdraw your blessing from him or her.
Nothing will work for someone whose virtues are
detained by the grave as far as the person is walking on the earth.
Things will only work if the person flies in the sky. But as far as
his legs make contact with mother earth, nothing will work
There are many things that a lot of believers do
not understand that is why the Bible says that the children of this
world are wiser in their own ways. There are so many things that are
not clear to believers but people of the dark kingdom understand
them very well. That is why the Bible says, “My people are destroyed
for lack of knowledge.” Many people in Nigeria are just carrying
Bible and watching American videos. They say, “We don’t have to pray
as hard as this. We don’t believe in this kind of hard prayer.” The
problem with such people is that they have been caged. They are not
the ones talking. Something is operating demonic logic through them.
Without aggressive prayers, you cannot harass these powers. They
just stay there and expand.
1. Those who always dream of the dead. If you are
always seeing dead people, eating with them, talking to them, or
generally doing things with them in the dream, the Lord is trying to
tell you that part of your virtue is with the dead. All you should
do is to unseat them and withdraw your virtues. When somebody has
been captured by the power of the grave, it would seem as if the
whole world is against the person. Anywhere he goes, he will be
2. They are people who always have the feeling
that somebody or people are following them but it is only they who
will see them or feel them.
3. Those who have been captured by the power of
the grave sometimes suffer from very terrible spiritual blindness.
They see nothing, hear nothing, and expect nothing. They are totally
blank spiritually.
4. Spiritually, such people are clothed in
spiritual rags. The clothes of a buried corpse turn to rags easily.
Such people would live in poverty except they cry unto the Lord.
5. They have unashamed and determined effort to
destroy themselves.
6. Sometimes they dream of very slow animals like
tortoise, snails, etc. One day, I prayed for a man and as he stood
up to go, on his seat was a tortoise. I said, “Come back sir, what
is this?” He looked at it and said, “Aha, a long time ago, a
herbalist did something for me with a tortoise and asked me to drop
it into the sea and I did.” But there it was on a seat after many
years. That shows that the devil is very clever. The man thought he
had thrown it into the sea but he did not know that the evil powers
planted it back into his life. Now he could not make progress and
was wondering why.
It is because of this that Jesus had to go into
the lower parts of the earth. Ephesians 4: 8 –9 says, “Wherefore he
saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive and
gave gifts unto men. (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he
also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that
descended is the same that ascended up far above all heavens, that
he might fill all things.” Why did He have to go there? He had to go
there because a lot of good things had been buried there. Jesus had
to go and set the captives free. He preached to the spirits that
were in prison under the earth. That is why one of my favorite
passages in the Bible is Revelation 1: 8. It says, “I am he that
liveth and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and
have the keys of hell and of death.” He has given us that same
authority. Only the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ can
command the materials seized by the spirits in the grave to come
forth like Lazarus and they shall come walking out. Beloved, why
don’t you ask for this power to come upon your life? PRAYER
Lay your right hand on your head and pray
like this: All my blessings imprisoned by the grave, come forth,
in the name of Jesus.
I release my blessing from the hand of any
dead relative, in the name of Jesus.
I withdraw my blessing from the hand of any
dead relative, in the name of Jesus.
Put your hand on your stomach and pray like
this: I disgrace every witchcraft burial, in the name of Jesus.
Just as the grave could not detain Jesus, no
power will detain my miracle, in the name of Jesus.
That which is hindering me from greatness,
give way now, in the name of Jesus.
Whatever has been done against me using the
ground, be neutralized, in the name of Jesus.
Every unfriendly friend, be exposed in the
name of Jesus.
Anything representing my image in the spirit
world, I withdraw your representation, in the name of Jesus.
All the camps of my enemies, receive boiling
confusion, in the name of Jesus.