Dr. D. K. Olukoya
This is the concluding part of this message,
which we started last week. We went into it because many people are
working behind their schedules and some have spent unprofitable time
in incubation instead of doing what God wants them to do. In the
last week’s edition, we said that the Lord wants us to become
disciples and also, we began to look at the characteristics of a
disciple, namely:
1. Hatred to self.
2. Hatred to worldliness.
3. Carrying your cross.
4. Forsaking all for Christ.
5. Continuity.
As I said last week, there are lots of
receivers but few givers. There are lots of people who sing
praise worship without the love of God in their hearts. A
lot of pastors pastor only their bellies. A lot of ushers
are ushering only themselves. There are lots of choristers
who sing only for themselves while a lot of Sunday school
teachers teach only themselves. The Lord does not want this
situation to continue. We must always remember to ask
ourselves the relevant question: “Art thou also one of this
man’s disciples?” We now continue with the characteristics
of a disciple:
6. Brokenness: This has to do with a lot of
spiritual warfare. The three major elements of warfare are:
1. Dealing with the devil and his
2. Taking control of your mind. Your mind
is the greatest battlefield. You must establish a solid
immigration control on the door of your mind, because if you
lose the battle of the mind then you lose every battle.
3. Crucifying the flesh. The big truth is
that satanic attacks cannot prosper against our lives if our
flesh refuses to co-operate with them, as it is written in
Colossians 3:5. If we daily mortify our flesh, the devil
will have no landing place in our lives. If you are living a
life that is dead to sin as the Scripture commands, you will
not surrender to satanic suggestion; you will not respond to
the temptations of the flesh because dead men do not respond
to temptations. Dead men do not commit fornication. Dead men
do not abuse people. Dead men are incapable of doing what
people who are alive are doing. This is where the power of
broken lives lies. When you live a life of brokenness, you
will not be threatened by temptations rather the power
behind the temptations will avoid you. But in a situation
where you are threatened by temptations all the time, it
means that you are not broken. A man may jump and shout at
the devil all day but if he allows one area of his life to
go unchecked or unguarded, he would be courting trouble. Big
sins will not get many Christians to hell fire because many
of them will not get involved in those ones; but the little
ones such as little stealing, little lies, little malice,
little prayer time, abusive words, critical spirit, etc.
will push people to hell fire. If there is an area of sin in
your life that you have not dealt with, the enemy will use
it as a door to attack you and all the prayers against him
will be to no avail. In such a case, the devil is not the
real enemy but your carnal mind and flesh, which are not
submitted to the Holy Spirit. Herein lies the trouble. This
is where God is having problems. God will not force you to
live the kind of life you want to live. It is a matter of
choice. That is why Joshua stood before the Israelites and
said, “I set before you this day, blessings and curses,
death and life. Now chose the one you want.” It is a matter
of choice.
A broken life can never be a raw material for
the devil. A broken life knows the secret of the law. It is
immune to satanic arrows. It will trample permanently on
serpents and scorpions. It is a terror to demonic forces. When a
broken life goes into a particular situation, demons walk out. A
broken life will move under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. It
will offer the devil no cooperation at all. It is dead to
worldly opinions. If you are broken you would not be bothered
about the comments of somebody in darkness on your dressing.
Somebody in darkness should not dictate to the person in light
how he should live his life. A broken life offers no protection
to the enemies.
Unbrokenness will do your spiritual life a
lot of harm. If you joke with brokenness it means that you are
not a disciple. The Lord only uses broken things. Peter was a
broken man. Anytime he made a mistake he agreed. The Bible says
that when he denied the Lord, he went out and wept bitterly.
When the Bible says that somebody wept bitterly, it must be a
serious matter. Peter was carrying the power of God about
because he was a broken man. “Art thou also that man’s
disciple?” If you are truly His disciple, you would be broken.
That thing inside you that makes you very annoyed wants to make
you a child of the devil. It has to go. That thing that makes
you to tell lies is turning you into a child of the devil who
started lying from the beginning. There is no truth in him at
all. “Art thou also that man’s disciple?” If you are, you are a
correct representative of the body of Christ. If you are not,
you are one of those whom the Lord is complaining about that
they are moving behind schedule. You are also one of those
blocking the prayers of the saints. You must move forward and
become a disciple.
If you can still be annoyed easily and you
can fight, you do not belong to God yet. You belong to the
devil. God cannot manage you. God cannot manage a person who
gives in to fornication, adultery, alcoholism or who has an
unforgiving spirit. He says that if you want to be hot, you
should be hot, if you want to be cold, you should be cold. You
cannot sit on the fence. Those who sit on the spiritual fence
are fired from the two ends. God will fire them and the devil
will fire them.
7. True discipleship: This is found in John
13:34-35 which says, “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye
love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one
another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if
you have love one to another.” Recently, the Lord showed me a
vision which bothered me; Different groups of people were
preparing to go to heaven. The first group was praying
seriously. The second group was reading their Bibles with full
concentration. The third group was just singing praises and
waving their hands unto the Lord and was in the attitude of
worship. The fourth group was making hot Bible confessions. All
of them were heading towards a beautiful mansion. But when it
remained a little for them to get there, there was a diversion
and the signboard said “hell fire.” I thought they would
continue on the way to the beautiful mansion but they did not.
Instead they took the diversion. I said, “O Lord, what is wrong?
What is happening?” Then He said, “I traded with them and I
lost. They were practicing these things but they were bankrupt
in love.” When the vision cleared, I was worried because I saw
these people praying, reading the Bible, praising God,
confessing the word of the Lord and were heading towards a
beautiful mansion and then diverted into hell.
When I was a young Christian, we had one
evangelist who subjected his counselees to seven days dry fast
and they would be struggling to pray, but he would go home and
feed himself well before coming for the prayers. He was bankrupt
in love. The Corinthians in the Bible had a wrong view of true
Christianity. They thought it was just prophetic knowledge, the
ability to speak in tongues, or miraculous power. But they
ignored the key point of discipleship which is love.
If you do not enjoy good relationship with
anybody, you need prayers. If you have no friend, you are a
loner and you lock yourself up, there is problem. Some people
are like that and when you tell them to change, they would say
no that they do not want trouble. The question I normally ask
them is “If we all lock ourselves up like that, would there be
The Bible tells us that God is love. His own
love is unconditional, impartial, ever-lasting, infinite and
perfect. Love is never wasted. The love that expects positive
reactions or results is not true love. Love that expects
something in return is not the true love that the Lord wants His
disciple to have. Love never makes any demand. Love only gives,
it does not stop giving because others do not reciprocate. The
perfect lover would devote himself to others. Jesus did that. He
gave Himself to us but what did He get from us? We crucified
Him. The most outstanding thing that our Lord Jesus did was to
love the unlovable but many of us are quick to write off anyone
who offends us even if he really does not know what he does. We
retaliate at the slightest offence.
If you are going to fight, fight for the
relationship and not against it. Fight to improve not to
destroy. Fight for reconciliation and not for separation. Fight
to preserve the relationship and not to destroy it. Fight to win
your wife and not to lose her. Fight to win your husband and not
to lose him. Fight to save your marriage and not to break it.
Fight to solve the problem and not to salvage your self- pride.
So, if you are going to fight, fight to win. Do not fight to
A loving person would control all his
unloving attitudes with his will power. You can be saved without
spiritual gifts. You can make heaven without receiving the gift
of words of knowledge or words of prophecy but you cannot be
saved without love. All the tools and talents that are not
motivated by love are a waste of time. That is why the whole of
the Bible is bound up by one word - Love. Love your God and love
your neighbour. Love sums up the whole Christianity and it is
the distinguishing mark of a true Christian. Without love,
spiritual gifts are useless. Take away love from the earth and
what you have is a graveyard. The problem we have in the house
of God today is that there are a lot of Christians who do not
love one another. There is a lot of malice and unforgiving
spirit towards one another. Those who have such attitudes are
not the disciples of Christ. They may be coming to the church
but they are not true disciples. They may be doing all sorts of
activities but they are not true disciples. So, examine yourself
now. Is there anybody you do not greet? Is there anybody that
you do not feel happy hearing his voice? Then you are not a
disciple. You need to sit down and readjust. It is amazing to
know that sometimes some husbands and wives come to church but
they do not talk to one another. They come to the church and do
not sit together. Something is wrong with such couples. They are
bankrupt in love and that is a serious situation. I know many
people who can speak in tongues and can call fire prayer points
but they do not have one atom of love. There are wicked husbands
who beat up their wives even though they come to church. The
Bible says, “By this shall all men know that you are my
disciples when you love one another.”
When love is presented before you, you can
chose what to do. You can decide to love yourself. You can love
your God and your neighbour. The Bible tells us that the man who
loves his brother dwells in light but if he hates his brother,
he is in darkness. So, there are only two kinds of love. Either
you love yourself or you love others and your God. When you
concentrate all your attention on yourself, then you are a
selfish person and do not have the kind of love we are talking
about. Selfish love can be described as poison that a person
absorbs everyday. It would demote a person from being a true
Are you the kind of person that is still
fighting with people? How long will you stay in that kind of
school? While others are collecting power and are moving
forward, you are still busy wasting time with unforgiving spirit
and unloving attitudes. Examine your heart now. It is important
that you sort out this before the Lord.
Love of self is a love that drinks water while
his neighbour is dying of thirst. Love of self is the love that has
200 shirts, 200 skirts and blouses and somebody else is wearing one
shirt or skirt everyday and the former is not ready to give. Love of
self is the love that keeps the best to himself when there are
things to be shared. He keeps the best place for himself. Those who
use papers, Bibles, etc to reserve seats in the church for people
who are still having their bath at home, while some people are
standing outside, lack love in their hearts. Love of self satisfies
himself alone. Love of self makes a person to boast about himself
and is dead to the words of others. Love of self makes a person to
make a choice and force it on others. Love of self leads to
self-pity. Those who do so intentionally do not want others to ask
them for help. Love of self advertises his own ideas and despises
those of others. Love of self simply put, is selfish. In fact, the
greatest of human suffering is caused by love of self. The Bible
says, “Love God and love thy neighbours as thyself, then you fulfill
the whole of the commandments, then you are recognized as a disciple
Love of self has destroyed so many things in the
house of God. A lot of people want to push themselves forward,
forgetting the admonition of Jesus that when we come to a place we
should stay at the back and then we can be invited to the front.
If you want to be a true disciple of Jesus His
love must be in your heart, that love that is in your heart will
flow out to others.
When you see a person who has knowledge of all
mysteries, has the faith to move mountains, and has memorized the
whole Bible, you could say he is a great man. But according to the
Bible, he is nothing if he has no love. A man could be distributing
money to beggars every week. But the Bible says it profits such a
person nothing if he lacks love. We find all these in 1 Corinthians
The first character of true love is patience.
Love suffers long. The original word from which the word “suffers”
is derived means to hold off one’s anger. That is, when somebody
irritates you, love makes you to hold on your anger and seek a
peaceful resolution without bitterness. In moment of animosity when
people fight with you, love will show affection. The one who loves
would patiently wait for the improvement of others. He does not
complain always.
This is one area where the enemies are cheating
believers. We do a lot of good praying and other things but there is
no love. A lot of people are losing their blessings as a result of
this deficiency. When you look at the way some Christians act you
wonder if they had ever read the Bible. It is because there is no
love. Love copes with suffering. Love endures pains, sorrows and
anger. Love endures the selfish and critical nature of others. Love
that is patient is not judgmental. It does not rush to criticize
people on assumptions or expectations. Love that is patient does not
retaliate. Love that is patient does not promptly punish. It
exhibits self-restraint in the face of provocations.
Patience does not surrender to circumstances or
succumb under trial. So, to be patient is to be long- tempered and
not short-tempered. Patience is putting up with bad treatment. You
calmly handle or receive injury from others without losing your
temper. You are not upset or angry or revengeful. When you are
inconvenienced or when they take advantage of you, the love in you
would enable you to endure.
Patience is to refuse to pay evil with evil. It
is to turn the right cheek when you are struck on the left. There
are some men who can keep malice for three weeks and there are some
women who can keep malice for one month. They will not talk to you
and do not expect you to talk to them. True love is long suffering
and does not retaliate.
In my former place of work, I knew a man who
often got angry with people. He used to boil anytime he was angry.
His body would be shaking. He did not care whether you were a man or
woman. One day, out of anger, he hit a married woman so much that
she broke down and cried. But the man noticed that I was always calm
and always tried to calm him down. One day, he called me and said,
“How come that when I am angry with everyone you are always very
calm?” I explained to him that he had a problem, that the problem
was that the love of Christ was not in his heart and that if he
continued that way, he would eventually kill himself.
True love is patient and endures long. It is
never tired of waiting and waits without murmuring. It never gives
up and it is able to suffer. Beating your wife does not show love.
Saying, “I am tired of your nagging so I am leaving and I will not
eat your food” is not love. And the wife that says, “Well, I too
will refuse to cook” does not have love. So, patience is the most
outstanding quality of love. Love that is able to turn to hatred
overnight is not love at all. True love would go through fire,
sorrow and trouble. It endures suffering. Impatience is evidence
that there is no love. True love would learn to wait. There are many
people who are difficult to live with but when you are patient, you
are able to live with them. True love does not owe money and refuse
or hesitate to pay. It does not steal other people’s money. It shows
concern for others.
I want you to examine the quality of love in your
heart. Ask yourself: “Am I truly a disciple? Can I call myself a
disciple of Christ? Is His love in my heart? Do I really love others
as I love myself? If Jesus comes now and begins to examine my heart
what would He find? Will He find any hatred against anybody in my
heart? If He is able to find it, then I am not a true disciple. Talk
to the Lord and ask Him to forgive you for areas you have exhibited
unbroken spirit. And the Lord will help you as you do so, in Jesus'
1. Oh Lord, break every idol present in my
heart, in Jesus’ name.
2. I refuse to cooperate with the spirit of death and hell, in
the name of Jesus.
3. Every rebellion in my heart, die, in the name of Jesus.
4. My head will not be prayer proof, in Jesus’ name.
5. Every viper in the tabernacle of my life, die, in the name of
6. Every viper surrounding my destiny, die, in Jesus’ name.
7. Every enemy spreading evil mats for my sake, die with the
mats, in Jesus’ name.
8. Any evil image representing me in the dark world, fall down
and scatter, in the name of Jesus.
9. O God, arise and reign in every department of my life, in the
name of Jesus.