Dr. D. K. Olukoya
When you approach the bible as a Christian,
immediately we are divided into two groups. An unbeliever is working
in his own way doing his own things, walking according to the
dictates of his or her mind. But when somebody gives his life to
Jesus and you believe the word of God, even amongst those believers,
you can find two clear groups. It is those two clear groups we want
to address this morning; Eagle or Chicken. When you bring born again
children together, you call those two groups, Eagle or chicken. In
Isaiah Chapter 40:28-31- "Hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard
that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the
earth, fainteth not, neither is weary, there is no searching of his
understanding. He giveth power to the faint and to them that have no
might he increaseth strength . Even the youths shall faint and be
weary and the young men shall utterly fall. But they that wait upon
the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings
as eagles they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and
not faint. These are two birds; both represent two classes of
children. You may be a Pastor or bishop. Arch bishop, His eminent.
The Pre-eminence, Most Right Reverend, and be a chicken. They that
wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. It is those ones who
will mount up with wings as eagle, you are either the eagle
Christian or chicken Christian. When you look at both birds, they
may appear a little bit similar, but they are actually so different
from each other as day is different from night. Chickens have their
heads down, their peaks are always busy in the rubbish or something,
they scratch among the debris, and they scratch among the filthy, to
look for worms and for food. They search scrap; they look for bits
of foods and corn. If you look at the chicken, it is always working
hard because it knows that the time is short. Very soon it will be
dark. And they will pack the chicken again back into the cage for
the night. So she has to work hard to get sufficient meal in the
tummy before it is dark. That is the chicken.
But look at the other bird, the Eagle, the
appearance of the eagle bird may look strange, these actions too may
look very strange, you will see it not on the ground, the lowest it
will go to the ground is probably on the fence and it is with his
head lifted up to the skies. And its sharp eyes searching the cloud.
And it stretches forth its wings lazily. Nod as the wind blows, it
mounts up. And for those of you who have seen the eagle before it is
hatching, the sight is unique and magnificent, the way it spread its
wings, and it will go up. It is this structure of the eagle that has
been used to structure the airplane. It is obvious that it is
completely different from the first bird.
Meaning that two Christians can be reading the
same bible, coming to the same church, praying the same prayer
point, listening to the same sermon and one would move mountains for
Jesus; the other one would be scratching mountains. Make up your
mind which one you want. I read a story a long time ago that a
certain poultry farmer was working on the mountain one day and he
discovered an eagle's net right on top of the mountain. The eagle's
nest contained one egg. Immediately the man became curious and he
was thinking about the possibility of raising an eagle. Then the
idea struck him that he could raise the eagle in his poultry. So he
took the egg home and incubated it, under the hen. Soon the hen
hatched all her eggs, but the eagle could not hatch on time. It took
a longer time before the thing could hatch . and you know when you
see the chicks they look very beautiful, but the eaglet was blind,
naked, ugly and fragile there. Likewise we have people who have been
born and incubated by the wrong hen. The egg of the goodness has
been put under the wrong hen and therefore they cannot move there.
As time went on, this eaglet became strong and was going in and out
with the chicks. It was now imitating them, imitating their ways of
life, pecking stones, looking for worms, taking shelter under mother
hen, in times of danger and looking down like the chick is looking
down. From time to time the mother would look down to see how they
are performing.
So the eaglet was raised like the chicks, but it
does not look like one of them. Then on a certain day when the
farmer was observing the eaglet in his manner, all of a sudden
mother eagle appeared in the air, flying rather low, It could sight
the eaglet there among the chicks and mother eagle circled round the
yard. And gave a loud cry it was like the mother eagle was giving an
alarm to the eaglet, that you don’t belong to that place, you are in
the wrong place. With that loud cry, by the mother eagle, for the
first time something stirred in the blood of the eaglet and it
looked up to see somebody bigger than itself. Moving about in the
sky. Again, the cry came and then this eaglet began to try for the
first time. It began to try its wings, again the mother eagle came
crying for the third time and now the eaglet tried, struggled with
the wings a little bit and off it went with the mother and
disappeared. Here we are, the eagle who saw himself as a chicken, it
thought like a chicken, behaved like a chicken, then finally one
day, it got a cry, got tired of its present state. Beloved until you
get tired of your present spiritual state, you will remain there.
but the day you say no I don't want to be like this and you get mad
with the situation changes will begin. Some disagree with their
present state but they don't hate it yet. When you hate your present
situation, when you don’t like where you are, and you take it, then
you begin to move. Changes do not happen until you get mad with that
situation. But if you leave it as it is, well one day say, things
will be okay, we are many, many of us are the same in the situation
, so nothing to worry about, then you will remain where you are
spiritually . A Christian is like that eaglet that has found itself
where it does not belong. Stolen away by the devil, put under the
wrong hen, but now he hears the cry of the master, the cry of mother
eagle, which is the kind of cry I am giving to you this morning. You
don't belong to this your present level, you don't belong to that
place, and you should get mad with that situation. They that wait
upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with
wings as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, and they shall
walk and not faint. One man of God was sleeping one night and the
devil came to the room and was confusing the whole of the room,
scattering everything there. When the man of God opened his eyes,
and saw the devil, he said ha, Mr. devil pack all your load and
depart from her now in the name of Jesus. And the evil presence
lifted from the room, did leave. But after the devil had left, the
man now saw that the devil had removed his bed from one place and
put it in another place, it has taken away his chair, re arrange it
in another place, he was still angry. He said Mr. Devil come back
again and the evil presence came back He said when I left this house
in the morning my bed was in that corner, my chairs were in that
corner, put those thing back where you found them and the devil
re-arranged them to the proper position. And the man now said, you
devil, clear out from my presence. And the devil fled from him. That
is the Eagle Christian. They slap you on the chest, then you did not
know where you are again, and you said you were kidnapped, you are a
chicken. Somebody slaps your chest and said what is the property of
your parents at home, you said they have video, they said go and
bring everything and you did not know what you were doing again. And
you went and took everything, count it and give it to them. Later
your eyes cleared and you say that you are a child of God. Something
is wrong, seriously wrong.
Something is boasting against you that I will
deal with you, I will give you what you will carry for life. And he
issues certain curses and incantations and you discover that what he
has said is coming to pass in your life, then something is wrong.
You are a chicken and you must get away from that level. Many of us
are so afraid that even when the hared of Banana tree is moving to
fast at night, in the backyard, they will say listen the witches are
already here. They are already singing. You are a chicken.
I was sharing something somewhere. One man had
problems and he went everywhere looking for assistance . Eventually
after wasting money and time, and making so many sacrifices,
somebody said there was somewhere in the western part of this
country where the council of the high witches met. Any problem they
took there, they solved it. But there were procedures for him before
they could take him there. And he did all the procedures: White
goat, white this, killed this, killed that, took his bathe with walk
backward to some places all kinds of things . These are people who
are highly educated, not illiterates. So they took these men to the
council of witchcraft; male and female witches were there. And they
asked him , what could we do to help him. He said, he wanted to be
free from His problems. They said they were sorry, that they could
not help him. They said, the reason they could not help him was
because anytime they run into trouble, his grandmother usually
bailed them out. When they needed somebody to be untied, if the
person had been tied by another power, it was his grandmother that
helped them to untie them. Therefore, they could not help him. The
person in charge of your case was your grandmother. At that level,
the man now knew that he was in trouble. This man goes to church
even the person who took him there is a church member. Both of them
call themselves communicants. But they just come to the house of
God, they think everything they say is theory, they are chicken.
Many people who come to church, the devil does not respect them
because he can see that with a little bit of push here and there
they will comply with his instruction. Therefore make up your mind .
The mounting up process that we are talking about is important and
necessary for you to be conformed to the image of the Son of God and
for you to reign with him forever. You must destroy the idol
standing in the temple of your heart to enable you to mount up. If
all that you are pre-occupied with is I want to go to club, I want
to drink, I want to run around, I want to go to party. If that is
your main pre-occupation, then beloved you are just coming here, you
are still a chicken . You need to now grow higher, destroy the idols
in the temple of your heart. You must decide to pay whatever price
it will cost you to go up with God to the high places. There are
prophets and there are prophets. There are some prophets now, until
they have prayed for two hours, they can hear anything from the
Lord, there are some prophets now, until they go on dry fast, they
hear nothing. There are also some kindergarten prophets it is only
when they sleep, they are dreamers. The bible says in the last days
I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy. Your young men shall see visions, ;your
old men shall dream dreams. So it is vision to the young, dreams to
the old, but now it is the reverse; it is the old ones who are
seeing the visions, the young ones have become executive dreamers.
You must decide to pay the price. You must decide
what you want to belong to these two groups we are mentioning this
morning. The chicken too they are symbolic of some people. The only
time chickens were referred to in the bible, was when Jesus used
them as a type of strange people in Jerusalem who could not hear his
message. They could not heed his call. He called them like a
chicken. They travel about in crowds, they were earth bound. They
kept their eyes on the things of the world. they are scratching out,
their bare existence. They never lifted up their heads to see him
who is far above. The lecture handout that has been given to them,
they ate them. Then they are now searching greedily in the dustbin
and in the dust to fill their bellies with unclean materials. The
chicken will eat dead things, it will eat inseparable filth, such
people are bound on the right and the left by fences, and there are
many people like that in the house of God. But this is not what God
wants. The disciples of Jesus came to Jesus, and said can a man put
away his wife for every cause? Jesus said no, you cannot. They said,
but Moses told us to give them a certificate of divorce. He said
well that is because of the hardness of your heart. He said now,
once you worry, you marry, Peter recorded that one. Then they said
has many times shall I offend my brother and he will say sorry and I
will not retaliate. He volunteered an answer. He said Seven times?
Jesus said no, seventy times, seven times, four hundred and ninety,
somebody must offend you a day before you can retaliate. Even if you
are the most un-serious person on this earth and you have no work to
do with your life, it will be difficult for somebody to offend you
four hundred and ninety times a day . It is very difficult. So what
he is telling you is that you cannot retaliate. When Peter now heard
that one. He said Master, there shall be very few people in the
kingdom of God then. Jesus did not say yes or no, he said stand,
strive to enter by the narrow way. Because narrow is the way that
leads to life and few there be that find it. That means some people
will find there jewelers and the bleaching creams and the paints,
they will find the giant belt like wrestlers, they will find the
transparent dresses, but then they can not find the narrow way. Yet
they are in the way but they cannot find it. They have become
passengers, in their own father's house. I refuse to be a passenger
in my father's house, in the name of Jesus. That is the life of the
chicken. But this is not the nature of the eagle at all?
The eagle has inherited a nature that can not be
confined . a nature that cannot be put in captivity of the bound
yard fowl. It is not possible . that is not the nature of the eagle.
If you pray yourself into the eagle class, you don't need to go for
deliverance. To be happy and to fulfill his purpose ;in life and
eagle must be free to soon in the wide opened heavens. Although it
is lonely up there because there are not many who will dare to rise
to that height, but the eagle does not care. Once you begin to grow
in God, and his power begin to come upon your life, you may start to
become lonely because what is interesting to your friend is no
longer interesting to you. What is exciting them does not excite you
any more. It is not in the nature of eagle to be mingling with
multitude, it is not in his nature to mingle with the majority. But
you see the nature of the eagle is that it is free, it is not bound,
it is not caged. In Deuteronomy chapter 323 verse 11, it says As the
eagle stretch up her nest, fluttereth over the young, spreadest
abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings, so the
Lord alone did lead him and there was no strange God with him. He
made him to ride on the high places of the earth that he might eat
the increase of the field and he made him to suck honey out of the
rock and oil out of the flinty rock. When eagles have given birth to
their children, and they have hatched them out of the earth, they
build very beautiful nest and keep them there. And they want that
child to start behaving like an eagle. So one day the mother eagle
will just come and destroy the nest to persuade that eagleth to jump
out. And once this eaglet is falling down it is falling at fast
speed, and mother eagle will spread her wings underneath her and
will catch the small eaglet. It will return the eaglet back to the
nest, throw her down again, until this small eaglet start learning
to fly. It will try it over and over again. But if it were a chicken
there is nothing to worry about. If the eaglet was a chicken nothing
to worry about. It will be able to get food from the ground and
somebody would give him things to eat. Somebody will watch over him,
somebody will feed him, somebody will protect him. Not so for the
eagle. Either it learns to soar by itself or it will starve to
death, either it learns to fly high or it will become a prey to wild
beast. Mother eagle will test the eaglet to see that it can fly if
after several trials (this is the painful part) to make this young
eaglet fly, and the young eaglet refuses to fly, then one day, with
a wild scream of disappointment, it will leave the eaglet to drop on
the rock and die, that is it. It will go and hatch another egg. That
is the bottom line. Eagles are specially trained and God is training
many of us now. God has offered some people, the life of the eagle
since, but they refuse to move in that realm, they are rebelling
against the processing of God. God is processing them, they are
rebelling, they are protesting. They are complaining that God is
processing them. They don’t want to become the eagle saint. They
don’t like being placed in the furnace of fire because there is
rebellion in their hearts. When a chicken falls down, it never falls
a long way any way because it never rises to great heights. But when
an eagle falls, it falls a long way. So if you want to make your
rest in the heavens, there must be no rebellion in your heart. The
chicken guard is a confined place, it is like a cage. But if you put
an eagle in a cage, it will wither and die. It can only live where
it can find happiness in the freedom of the heavens. There is
unlimited revelation there, in its life, there is heavily gifts,
there is special deliverance's, but the life of the chicken is so
dull, they are scared, they go about, not really doing much.
Immediately there are some in the heaves, all the chicken will be
running away looking for cover. But when there are wild storms in
the heavenlies, the eagle looks up and flies above that storm.
A fellow was coming to church and he had forty
naira in his pocket, twenty naira in one pocket, twenty naira in
another pocket. The twenty naira in one pocket is for his feeding,
the other twenty naira is for the offering. But as he got down from
the bus, somebody faced him with a knife, and said I will kill you
now, bring out that money in your pocket. He brought out the twenty
naira in his right pocket and gave it to the thief. And the thief
ran away. And the brother was now going and said what kind of thing
is this. And as he was moving close to church, he said Jesus they
have stolen your offering. The one they did not steal is the one for
my food o. I hope you will understand. That is the chicken
Christian. The eyes of the eagle can behold a far off. The eagle is
noted for very great vision. It is the same thing with eagle saint.
Those, whose eyes are glued to the things of the eyes, they can not
see heavenly things. They need to try and break through into the
realm of the spirit. So one way you can know whether you are a
chicken or eagle in your spiritual vision. Ordinary prayer for job
specification many people do not know. God does not speak to you
about your life, Now, you say you want to marry now, it is now God
is speaking small things, he is not speaking to you. There are men
in the bible, who walked beyond the limitation of their time. The
bible says Enoch walked with God, and he was not for God took him.
Enoch was an eagle saint. Instead of Enoch to just settle down and
be satisfied with what is available in his generation, he said no, I
must reach for the skies; something must be better than what I have.
Enoch did not live in our kind of days; Enoch did not live when man
was walking with God. Adam had died a thousand years earlier. Adam
walked with God in the garden and the time that Enoch was with God
the earth was filled with violence.
Ungodliness of men was a stench to the nostrils of God. No churches,
any baptism of the Holy Ghost, no saviour had come to die for the
sin of man. There is no record that there is a bible for him to
read. There is nowhere, where they wrote that anybody ever became a
saint of God. But in the midst of all these, Enoch believed that he
would reach beyond that limitation and walked. The men who lived in
his time never believed that a person can escape death but the bible
says by faith Enoch believed that he could do it. And he did it. And
if you read your bible well, Enoch was the first prophet in the
bible He was the first person to say in the bible, thus says the
Lord. As far back as Genesis Enoch had prophesied that the Lord
Jesus would be coming back Noah too was an eagle Saint. He saw
judgement coming although the judgement never came till 120 years
time. He prepared for it others who lived in his time had no such
vision, they perished. Noah had never had Enoch's prophesy, he too
was born at a time when the wickedness of men was great and causing
God to regret that he had made man but he stood out. And said sorry,
I don't want to conform with this your weakness. I too want to move
ahead. Elisha was another Eagle saint. The man came from a very rich
home, his father was a judge. Elisha was like the kind of person who
lived in Victoria Island or Ikoyi and Elijah was in Mushin or
Ajegunle, although he occasionally went to the Victoria Island to
harass them there. But then this Elisha, the son of a rich man began
to pour water on the hands of Elijah; he humbled himself. Anything
he was asked to do, he was doing it. He was serving this man who
refused to have his bath for three and half years. He was following
the man. A day came Elijah was going away and Elisha was following
him. Read your bible well, Elisha did not receive any encouragement
from following Elijah. In fact several times, Elijah said sit down
here, I am going forward, he would say no, I am following you. Sit
here, no I am following you, he kept following the man. The sons of
the prophet, they called Elisha and said knowest not that your
master shall be taken away? He said I know but keep your peace. So
those ones could see that Elijah was going. But they had no portion
of them to receive his power. They are prophets too Elisha said I am
not sitting. If it were some of our unbroken brothers and sisters,
they would say you are a wicked man I have being following you,
nursing after you, serving you, now you want to go away, you don't
even bother to tell me. This is very bad, you are trying to
discourage me, okay if you say I should not follow you, go to places
He did not say that one. When Elijah saw that the man was an eagle
person, then he said what do you want me to do before I am taken
from your hands. The man said, I want a double portion of your
power. He was looking beyond the realm of Elijah. He said this man
is going now, he has only one portion, and I cannot survive with his
portion. I want double. Elijah said you have asked for a hard thing
because l that you are talking to, I have only 1 , and you say I
should give you two. (2) of what I have just 1. It is a hard thing.
But he said however if you are able to see me when I am being taken
away it shall be so. I am sure prior to that day, Elisha would have
stopped eating food. Because it is not with these physical eyes that
you are going to see chariots. And the bible said that the chariot
came and Elisha saw it and that was it. He received a double portion
of power. He became an eagle saint. Unfortunately Elisha died of a
broken heart because he had nobody to hand over to. The person that
should have taken a four portion was Gahazi. He only succeeded in
collecting leprosy. There are many leprosy Christians now in the
house of God. Everywhere the sons of the prophets went, when Elisha
had received double portion, they said you have become our Oga, we
will now bow down to you. But they had a similar opportunity. They
said well, we don't want to go that far. We are not that serious
yet. Some of our sisters still want to dress like the world, talk
like the world walk like them, wear their body lugs and terrible
skirts but at the same time they don't want the witches to eat them
up. So they will buy prayer rain and be praying that one.
Meanwhile they are misbehaving seriously some
where else. You need to become an eagle; the life of an eagle is up
there. If you are looking for friends down here, you are wasting
your time. They would drag you to hell fire. Those friends that you
are looking for and by the time that the trouble of your Jacob would
come, there is nobody who at one time or the other will not face the
problem; they call it the day of Jacob's trouble. The time that the
day of Jacob's trouble will come, your members of this club, that
club that you are roaming about with at night will not be able to
help you. No they will not be able to help. It is like that brother,
don't marry this person, you already have your wife. He said no, he
abused the man of God and went away and said I will marry this
person. He left his own wife and went and pick up this girl and
during childbirth the girl and the baby died. I did not see the man
again until one day I saw the man at one corner shaking his head
here. What happened? The new girl that he married, died and they
wanted to bury her. The family of the girl said no, that we don't
bury people like that here. First of all, pay the dowry of a corpse,
do the engagement. They collected everything from him, and said now
buy a wedding gown and you wear a suit and come. So he wore the suit
and went there and they wore wedding suit for the corpse and now
wanted to join him in wedlock with the corpse. He said I can not do
that one . they said it is our tradition. If we don’t wed you with
her we can not bury her. He ran away and he was seen one corner here
shaking his head. After he had abused the man of God and said well
you people are fanatics. If he was an eagle saint, he would have
seen well ahead. And know what to do. Another eagle saint was
Joseph, when Joseph was in Egypt, he told his brethren, he said I
know that the Lord will take you away from this place. But when you
leave carry my bones away from here. And when they were leaving
Egypt, Moses did not forget, Moses carried the bones in a coffin and
twelve men from each tribe, they took their turns in carrying the
strange Egyptian coffin through out their journey in the wilderness.
God will always reveal his secret to the eagle saint. Joseph could
see the future by the eye of the spirit. so truly those children of
God that were going in the wilderness, they should have been
comforted that one way or the other, they would get to the Promised
Land. Because Joseph had said carry my bones. And go and bury it in
the Promised Land. So no matter how anybody raged against them, no
matter how hard Pharaoh pursued them, it will do no good because
there is a coffin in their hand full of bones. And the eagle saint
had said it must be buried in the Red Sea. So it must get there
since the eagle saint had said it. Sometimes, we pray a single
prayer point and some will say well is that all did you see anything
I will say, I saw you I mean vision. Give me some psalms. All the
cries in Egypt, there was a coffin of bones to show them that there
will be deliverance one day. All the people complaining by the Red
Sea, telling Moses that they would perish here, they were carrying a
coffin filled with the bones of Joseph, and there was no need to
fear. Let all the rebels take up their stones and begin to throw the
stones, the bones of Joseph says they will fall. When they talked
about death and failure and discouragement, the bones of Joseph was
talking about life and victory. All the talk about going back to
Egypt, they would not go back. The bones of Joseph said they must go
on. He was an Eagle saint. The choice is yours, what do you want to
do in these end times when things are becoming rougher and rougher,
terrible things are happening, earthquake, flood, all kind of
things, witches seem to be gaining power and doing all kind of
things. During the annual anointing service, before the service
began 5 people were already confessing to witchcraft. Is that the
kind of generation you want to sit in and your eyes will not open?
Some people marry husband, they don't know the husband they marry.
Some marry wives they don’t know the wives, they have househelp they
don’t know who the house help is, they employ staff they don't know
who the staff is. All of a sudden, God just open their eyes and see
what is happening. A sister came to one of our meetings that was
held at MFM Ikeja branch, We really prayed that day about the fire
of God coming into our lives. She prayed with anger because she saw
her position. How can things be walking all over my body and I say I
have Holy Spirit. How can my husband go to work early in the morning
and then they say strange women has taken away half of his money.
She got mad and prayed with that madness. Little did she know that
the problem was under her roof; the house help. When she got home,
she was praying that Lord I thank you for taken me to this meeting.
And for bringing me back home. And all of a sudden God opened her
eyes and she saw a duplicate of the house help flying out of her
body. The thing went into the roof and disappeared, she said yea.
And called the house help who are you? She said you mean you don’t
know that I am a witch? why do you think the leg of your son is not
working? Who do you think is making your husband to give money to
strange women. This strange woman is one of our group. I thought you
know. She said I don’t know. The house help said, what kind of
rubbish prayers do you say you are praying? She said she felt
ashamed. (Pray with fire like this. Spirit of darkness, fly away
from my life in the name of Jesus.
The other time a medical doctor drag his daughter
here and the daughter was confessing to witch craft. The daddy was
telling me that he took her to a prayer meeting somewhere and when
they got back home, the girl said, Daddy, thank you for this prayer
meeting, you took us to. Because before we went to that prayer
meeting, we only had red birds, we did not have black birds, but
from that prayer meeting, we were able to collect them . the man was
scared . He was calling himself. Dr. Deacon. I said Oga remove this
Deacon from the front of your name quick, quick. We need to locate
our position and new position ourselves to be blessed. What do we do
now? How do we become an eagle saint? It is very simple, if you are
prepared to pay the price.
The first thing is submission.
Submit yourself completely to the Lord. Don't be the kind who
throws away the large earring to go and buy small, small ones
again. Don't keep saying, well, well, they are too strict in
this place. I want to go to a place that is liberal. That
liberality is license to hell fire. It is a license to bondage.
Some sisters now, when they get home, they go to work, they will
look like masquerades . By the time they are coming in the
evening again, they have taken away the Jezebelian attachment
and they will begin to sing Holy. Who are they deceiving,
themselves? I will not be surprised, if there are brothers
around, who have chains on their necks. I don't know what they
are doing with it. Putting a chain on their neck. They are not
submissive yet. The bible says submit yourself to God. When you
are completely submitted, then now you resist the devil, then it
shall flee. But if you do not submit and you say, devil I
resist, that one will say haven't you read the bible, that says
having in readiness to avenge all disobedience when your own
obedience is complete. When your own obedience is not complete
and you are binding and losing. It will say: okay, no problem.
Sometimes it is not necessary to talk, shut your mouth, when
there is nothing to say. Sometimes it is not necessary to even
receive a visitor when you know that each time this visitor
come, he draws you back. To the mud. You say this is my
boyfriend, this is my fiancée, but the kind of fiancée that you
have is that any time, the fellow comes around, your spiritual
life goes backward, then you should check what you are doing.
Humble yourself. There is nothing that you
have that you did not receive. It is God that gave it to you.
Don't be proud on anything. Humble yourself before the Lord.
Be hungry and thirsty for spiritual growth.
You will look at yourself and said certainly, I am not supposed
to be like this. Certainly I must have an improvement. Certainly
I must be an eagle Christian. This kind of life is not okay for
me. Certainly God must move me forward. You must hunger and
thirst for spiritual growth. The bible says blessed are those
that hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be
filled because they are hungry for it. And hunger and thirst,
they are not very good things. When somebody is really hungry,
he would not be able to know whether there is salt in the food
or not it is only when you are not hungry that you would say
there is no salt in this food. It is because somebody is not
thirsty that you would say, actually I don't drink from water in
the tap. I only drink bottled water, It is because he is not
thirsty yet. When he is thirsty, he will dire at that water. So
hunger and thirst, they are not very nice things. They are
things pushing you forward.
Pray until something happens to your
spiritual life. That is, until you receive a visitation, don't
leave where you are. Spend long time talking with the Lord.
Don't worry what it will cost you. Instead of sitting down to
begin to worry and begin to harass your brain unnecessarily and
begin to ask yourself strange questions, am I the only one, why
are they worrying me like this, I am the only child of my
parent, they should leave me alone. Instead of harassing
yourself with that kind of question, if it is business that is
bothering you. If you get on your knee, and you refuse to leave
that place, until you hear from heaven, something will happen.
But the thing is this; you can not force God to talk to you. You
have to wait there. He may decide to talk to you after the first
day, after the second day, after the third day, after the fourth
day after the seventh day, but he will definitely speak if you
stay there long enough. The trouble is that, many of us are
impatient when it comes to the things of God.
Lord search me today and make me whole in the name of Jesus.
I thank you for the favors I have received so far in the name of
your hand on your chest and pray like this: Every slavery in my
life, break in the name of Jesus.
those who want unexpected income to arise, pray like this in
faith; I claim unexpected income in the name of Jesus.
receive increase of prosperity in the name of Jesus.
weapon formed against my destiny shall prosper in the name of
quench every evil candle lighted against me in the name of
power pulling down my spiritual life die in the name of Jesus.
eyes open by fire in the name of Jesus.
Lord, whenever evil people are before me, expose them, in the
name of Jesus.
your hands on your stomach and pray like this.