Dr. D. K. Olukoya
Beloved, this week, we are looking at the first
part of a message entitled, “Abraham’s children in trouble.”
We shall be praying as we go on with the message.
Luke 13:11: “And behold there was a woman
which hath a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed
together; and could in no wise lift up herself.” This means
that a sickness could be engineered by a spirit and in such a case;
doctors are virtually helpless since their knowledge can only deal
with the physical and not the spiritual. Applying a physical
solution to a spiritual sickness will only worsen the situation, as
the physical medication will only act as a fertilizer to strengthen
the problem. This may also result in the victim acquiring a new
demon that may make him become a drug addict. If you have any
infirmity in your body, you have a wonderful opportunity to deal
with it, for God does not design infirmity for His children, because
He knows that they will not be able to serve Him with infirmity.
Although having the spirit of infirmity will not disqualify one from
getting to heaven, but it will ravage one’s body here on earth. You
cannot do much for the Lord with a sick body. Infirmity may be
ravaging your body whilst your spirit can make it to heaven.
Therefore pray a prayer of command like these:
1. I cast out every spirit of infirmity, in
the name of Jesus.
2. Every owner of infirmity, carry your load, in the name of
The woman in our text was tormented by the spirit
of infirmity for 18 years. Close your eyes and pray the following
prayer points:
1. Every longstanding infirmity, I destroy
your feet by fire, in the name of Jesus.
2. I refuse to live with any sickness, in the name of Jesus.
Doctors certainly have terminologies for all
sicknesses, including the spiritual ones. Luke 13: 12: “And
when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, woman
thou art loosed from thine infirmity.” Jesus could see the
rope with which she was bound hence he loosed her from it. Verse 13
– 16: “And he laid his hands on her: and immediately she was made
straight, and glorified God. And the ruler of the synagogue answered
with indignation, because that Jesus had healed on the sabbath day,
and said unto the people, There are six days in which men ought to
work: in them therefore come and be healed, and not on the sabbath
day. The Lord then answered him, and said, Thou hypocrite, doth not
each one of you on the sabbath loose his ox or his ass from the
stall, and lead him away to watering? And ought not this woman,
being a daughter of Abraham, whom satan hath bound, lo, these
eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day?”
Her adversaries were not bothered about her
plight but were more concerned with the breaking of their law. They
wanted people healed only from Monday to Friday but not on the
Sabbath day. These were enemies right inside the church! I pray that
those who are not happy with your progress shall be disgraced, in
Jesus’ name. Beloved, the interesting thing here is that though that
woman was a daughter of Abraham, she was in bondage by an invisible
rope. By great faith in God, her spiritual father, Abraham, was made
a source of blessings to the whole world and she, like many today,
must have appropriated the blessings to herself. In spite of this
she was still in bondage.
Abraham did not have access to the reference and
study Bibles as we have today. He had neither the computer Bible nor
any example to follow, yet he exercised a high level of faith that
even challenged God to make him a source of blessing to the whole
world. This is why people the world over tend to appropriate the
blessings of Abraham to themselves. But then, who are the children
of Abraham?
Galatians 3:6-16: “Even as Abraham believed God,
and it was accounted to him for righteousness. Know ye therefore
that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.
And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen
through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In
thee shall all nations be blessed. So then they which be of faith
are blessed with faithful Abraham. For as many as are of the works
of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every
one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book
of the law to do them. But that no man is justified by the law in
the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith.
And the law is not of faith: but, the man that doeth them shall live
in them. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being
made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that
hangeth on a tree: That the blessing of Abraham might come on the
Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of
the Spirit through faith. Brethren, I speak after the manner of men;
Though it be but a man’s covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man
disannulleth, or addeth thereto. Now to Abraham and his seed were
the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of
one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.” Verse 29: “And if ye
be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the
Those who are in the household of faith, who
belong to Christ, are the children of Abraham. Therefore if you do
not have the faith of Abraham you cannot claim to belong to Abraham.
And if you are Abraham’s seed, you will behave like him. God intends
all believers to become Abraham’s seeds and to inherit his
blessings. The woman in our text belonged to Abraham but she was in
bondage. The same thing is true for most believers today. Many
Abraham’s children are bound. Their situation could be likened to
the story of a gorilla that was put in a cage for years. The enemies
of the beast visited it and threw stones at it. Its friends came as
well to give it banana. It kept on living like this for long until a
white man came forward to buy it. His offer was accepted and he
brought it out of the cage and kept it in a good environment to
enjoy liberty. But to the amazement of the white man, the gorilla
could not appropriate its freedom because it was used to confinement
in the cage. A lot of people are like this.
A person under bondage cannot enjoy the blessings
of Abraham. The Bible tells us that the blessings of Abraham extend
to both our physical and material prosperities. If the spirit is
sick, the sickness would affect the physical and this explains why
the devil is first interested in ravaging the inside of a man.
Knowing full well that when the inside is polluted, every other
thing you set your hands to do will equally be affected. The
spiritual, physical and material matters are the three common areas
in which a person can be under bondage.
A person can be under the bondage of drug or
debt: bondage is bondage. There is no small bondage. But when you
operate in the faith of Abraham, people may tend to view you as
being fanatical, they may feel you are intolerant of others. But
when you begin to reap the blessings, they will begin to wonder how
it happened. A man once told the story of a colleague at his place
of work whom was a prayer addict. He said he always used his free
period to pray while others were either at the canteen or doing
something else. Then things started to happen: he was soon made a
supervisor. Later on, he became a manager. Eventually, he resigned
his appointment only to come with a big car to visit his former
colleagues. He was still praying all the while? But people often
call those who pray like this mad people. Those who operate in faith
are called mad people because faith is not logic. Whoever comes to
God with the expectation to receive from Him must first of all
forget whatever knowledge he has. What faith attempts to do may
sometimes be illogical, unreasonable and unscientific.
While I was studying abroad, we used to have
students’ Christian movement which met every Friday for fellowship.
We used to invite men of God to come and preach to us. One day, a
man was invited, though a white man his complexion showed he had
been terribly affected by the scorching sun. When he started to
minister he said: “Do you know that there is a particular witch that
goes about every church in this city to rain curses.” The white man
sitting by my side exclaimed: “This is outrageous.” But I admitted
within me that the man got the point, even though that was the first
time I heard a white man mention the subject of witchcraft. He then
asked us to pray a corporate prayer, which we were not used to
praying. As the prayer began, confusion ensued. The lady that led
the praise worship was the first person that was carried out. We
could see that the man carried the touch of power. This man told us
what happened in a rural area of India which was a very long
distance to a hospital. A snake bit one man and in the midst of the
perplexing situation a man surfaced from nowhere and issued a
command that the snake’s poison should come out, in the name of the
Lord. Instantly, the poison started to flow out. The man said even
though he had been a Christian for long, he was greatly challenged
by the faith of the Christian Indian.
Abraham was asked by God to sacrifice Isaac, his
son, who was his dearest treasure and future hope. He did not argue
with God for he knew that it was God who provided the son and could
provide another Isaac by resurrection. It was the same Abraham who
argued with God when He wanted to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. He did
not even tell Sarah or Isaac himself or his slaves about his
adventure with God. This would have been termed sheer madness by his
people. There is no such thing like bad news for a person moving in
faith. Bad news poses a challenge to our faith and as we move
forward in faith, we have the courage to challenge God with bigger
problems that come our ways. Many people pray against cancer but
have not succeeded in dealing with common headache. Many people are
praying that God should remove every obstacle on their ways, but
they forget that that would make them to be lazy and good for
nothing soldiers to God.
When I was in the junior school, I was always
beaten up by the grown-ups. As I kept complaining, somebody
encouraged me to try to fight back whenever they came to attack me.
One day, one grown-up challenged me and I dipped my fingers into his
eyes so that he could not see. Then I carried him and threw him on
the ground and took to my heels. From that day he kept a distance
from me. What did I do to deliver myself? I flexed my muscle and it
worked. This underscores the saying that the best method of defence
is to attack. God has not called His children to be harassed by the
The question now is, why are the children of
Abraham always in trouble?
1. Sin: Abraham’s children are wedded to
sin. And since Mr. Sin is the husband whilst the sinner is the wife,
an evil covenant is formed. Mr. Sin will continue to force the
sinner to commit sin regularly. As long as the wedding is in place,
trouble will continue to have a field day in the sinner’s life.
Sometime ago, I went to preach somewhere and a
boy of 16 was brought to me for prayers. His problem was that he was
addicted to prostitutes. He had stolen about forty thousand naira of
his mother to patronize prostitutes. He told me he was in a senior
secondary school and that he was born again. But here was a born
again Christian whose life had been damaged by the sin of
immorality. He was so devastated that all his private parts were
full of terrible sores. Nevertheless, he still maintained he could
not stop going to prostitutes. This is an example of a life married
to sin.
At times when you give some people prayer points
and tell them to keep away from anger if they want answers to the
prayers, they will say they cannot guarantee that. It is because
there is an evil marriage in place. If you remove the issue of sin
from the Bible, there will be no Bible, and there would not have
been the need for the Saviour to come to the world to sacrifice
Himself for mankind. You may attend a lot of Bible colleges, but if
sin is not dealt with in your life, all the knowledge you might have
required amounts to nothing. All your lecture topics would be mere
theories. That is why the Bible says that people will shun sound
teachings in the last days and would heap up for themselves teachers
with itching ears.
2. Ignorance: The second reason Abraham’s
children are in trouble is ignorance. Hosea 4:6: “My people are
destroyed for lack of knowledge.” This is not referring to satanic
people, but God’s own people. If Samson had known that the lap of
Delilah would spell doom for him, he would have fled. A person can
be so stupid in ignorance that God may find it difficult to help
him. I told a sister 13 years ago that she needed to go for
deliverance ministration. She told me she did not believe in
deliverance because her church was not preaching it. She said once
you believed and you were born again, you were automatically
delivered. To my surprise, she came calling after 13 years that she
needed deliverance. For those 13 years, she was suffering because of
Another lady was staying with her husband in
England. One day, she had a dream that a white lady came to strip
her of her wedding gown and ring. When she related the story to her
husband during breakfast the following morning, he dismissed it as a
figment of her imagination and as such nothing was done about it.
But before the week ran out, a white woman had already taken over
her home while she found herself back in Nigeria! Why? Ignorance. If
immediately she woke up from that dream, she prayed to reverse the
dream, what happened to her would have been averted. Even though she
was born again, she did not know how to deal with the dream, hence
there was nothing the Almighty could do in that situation. Even the
Bible says that some people are bent on exhibiting wilful ignorance.
I pray that God would have mercy on such people.
3. Breaking the laws of faith: This can
also lead Abraham’s children into bondage. When you break the laws
of faith, the promise of Abraham would not be fulfilled in your
life. What does it mean to break the laws of faith?
i. Faith must be rooted in the word of God
and not in your brain or what you think or feel or your personal
ii. Faith must be confessed with the mouth.
The Bible says, "If any of you shall say unto the mountain, be
thou removed and be cast into the sea and do not doubt in his
heart, but believe that what he had said shall come to pass, it
shall be so." In the beginning, before things began to happen,
the Bible says, "God said, Let there be light." God spoke and
things began to happen.
iii. Faith must be blind to opposing
circumstances. That is, your circumstances may look hostile and
unfavourable, but you should be blind to it.
iv. Faith must not be moved by sight. The
Bible says, “We walk by faith and not by sight.” Once you allow
what you are seeing to move you, faith jumps out of the window
of your life.
v. Faith must continuously give praises to
God. When a person is always full of praises and thanks to God,
his faith will be on top. Do not say, “Why should I praise Him
when He has not done anything for me.” A pastor once talked of a
believer who was always grateful unto God by giving
sacrificially unto God. This believer was operating a salt
business. One day, a great flood flushed his large stock of salt
away. When his pastor heard of this unfortunate incident, he was
afraid to visit him because he could hardly find words of the
Bible to console and encourage him. But as he summed up courage
to visit him, he found to his amazement, the man and members of
his family rejoicing. He said, “Pastor, don’t worry. God took
away my stock of salt to make room for a larger one.” So, when
the devil sees that people are always happy and rejoicing in a
particular family, he runs away. But if he finds otherwise, he
would pitch his tent with them.
vi. Faith does not make negative confessions.
Someone who moves by faith will not be confessing evil to
himself. He will not say, “Oh, this headache, or this asthma
will kill me.” No. You must speak good things to your life and
believe that all the problems are gone with Christ on the cross.
One way most of us pull down this country is through our
confessions. The other day, I was in a bank, I heard a woman
saying, “Oh, this country is finished,” simply because the bank
official complained of her signature being irregular. She forgot
that we are still living in this country, whether we like it or
not, and if it is good, we will enjoy it and if it is bad, it is
to our disadvantage. Why do we have to destroy the country with
our mouths? Uttering words like “bastard,” “that your foolish
dad will soon come,” “dunce,” “idiot,” etc, to your children,
will make them behave exactly like that.
vii. Faith does not entertain wrong thoughts.
Some people contemplate suicide as a means of escaping the
troubles of this world. A brother told me of a Christian who
committed suicide in Zimbabwe and people began to wonder how a
Christian could take his own life. But Zimbabwe is one of the
enclaves of white men whose peculiarity is to commit suicide. So
they told the Nigerian brother that the victim had gone to
heaven to enjoy the peace he could not find on earth. A person
who prays fervently for an accident-free journey and then begins
to think negatively of the journey, is not operating in faith.
viii. Hebrews 6:12: “That ye be not slothful
but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the
promise.” According to this passage, faith must be married to
patience . One of the greatest virtues that God gives to man is
patience. Many people want to run faster than their legs can
carry them. Some want to run 100 meters while they are still
crawling. You need to be patient to allow God to sort out your
life. You may say your application is being delayed. Well, it
may be that God wants to remove somebody for you in that company
or He may first of all want to close the mouth of the lions that
are sent there by the enemy to attack you. When you plant maize,
you don’t dig it up every morning to check how it is growing. If
you do that, the maize will not grow. You need to exercise
patience with it.
ix. Faith does not give up. If you are a
child of Abraham, you will not give up. I have witnessed many
impossible situations in my life, which the God of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob had turned around. This is the God that Elijah
called upon on Mount Carmel and He answered by fire.
x. Faith must be resistant to discouragement
and fear. That is why you must not have fearful and discouraged
friends, otherwise you have work to do. If your faith is subject
to discouragement and fear, it is not the Abraham-type of faith
but the faith of Thomas. Thomas said, “Except I move close to
him, see the hole of the nails in his hands and thrust my finger
through them, I will not believe.” And it was a shameful thing
for him when he saw Jesus, for Jesus declared to him that
blessed were those who did not see and yet believed. The faith
of Thomas is synonymous to that of modern-day doctors and
scientists who believe in observation and experiment.
xi. Faith must be released to operate.
Perhaps an illustration will serve to explain this: A woman in
the Bible decided within herself from home not to be distracted
by the crowd. She said, “If I can touch the helm of His garment,
I shall be made whole” She released her faith and received her
needed miracle without “permission.” But Jesus knew what she
did, because He was aware of the virtue that went out from Him.
xii. Faith is fed by the word of God, but
starved by word of the devil. The devil is the best preacher.
Therefore if you listen to him, the faith in you will be
starved. He will say, “There you are, those who are to minister
to you have left before you got there,” “Upon all your beauty,
you are still waiting and praying to get married. For how long
will you do that.” If you listen to him he will destroy you.
xiii. Faith never cries, grumbles or
complains. You should not become a modern-day Jeremiah.
xiv. Faith forgets past failures. You don’t
say because your prayer has not been answered, you will give up
you faith. No.
xv. Faith is quenched by living in any known
1 Every enemy of Abraham’s blessings in my
life, be bound, in Jesus’ name.
2. O Lord, magnetize angels of blessing to me, in the name of
3. Every spirit working against me in my household, be exposed
and disgraced, in Jesus’ name.